Fresh off the net, here we go for the big finale!
Captain Hammer gets more than just penny with the homeless shelter, he gets his dedication and statue "I want to be an example, you know, for children and stuff" really prophetic stuff there captain! So would your fans be known as hammerettes? I love the fact that they collect everything hammer related including his dry cleaning bill (4 sweaters). Penny is waiting in the dry cleaning with 2 yogurts and she is not waiting for hammer. I think that she is conflicted due to the fact that she sees him as the jerk he is but at the same time he was able to provide the thing she needed to make this world a better place. (he might sleep with the same girl twice is this guy a jerk or what?) The Bad Doctor is planning his revenge on the corporate tool! he has converted his stun ray into a death ray! A hero is not one who does something for the glory, he does it because it is right! Hammer is an arrogant self centered man. "I hate the homeless (pause) ness problem that plagues the city" priceless!
Did he just compare the homeless to a dog? He just told the world he slept with his girlfriend, I'm sure she will appreciate it! (it's not enough to bash in heads, you have to bash in minds!) He has the whole city eating out of his hand but it seems that Penny has seen what this jerk is really is and has walked out on him in the middle of his self centered speech! YES go DOCTOR! and you got the Laugh right! (those vocal lessons really pay off!) Harris is phenomenal in this scene, he got the freeze ray working now it is time to put us all out of our misery.
Whoa I didn't see that coming, WHAT A TWIST! not only has the true colour of hammer has been shown to the world. A sniveling and conniving little weasel. The evil league of evil is finally shown and even though Dr. Horrible got everything he wanted he lost everything he needed!
If you get a chance check out the names of the members of the evil league of evil. (fake thomas jefferson!)
A superb series that continued to build and build to a shocking conclusion you have one day to see it in it's entirety before it is gone. So go and see it at
and when it comes out buy this little gem on DVD!
Oh Joss. Maintaining the tradition of giving us what we need, instead of what we giving his main character what he wants and not what he needs. That makes sense - I swear.
Ok I promised to comment after the last act.
********** SPOILER ALERT**********
(For the few people who haven't caught it BUY IT ON DVD - and don't read ahead it's too good to spoil)
Ok here goes:
Firstly I’m highly impressed and thankful to everyone who saw an advanced screening and reported on it for not spoiling ANYTHING about this show. Not the jokes, not the sarcasm and definitely not the ending.
Secondly I have spent the last day or so reading over the 700+ posts on the whedonesque page (every true whedonite should be following that web page) so a lot of what I say here is not only my views but things that I agreed with and picked up from the various fans there (it’ll take a week to figure out who gave me which bit so I’ll stick to a general acknowledgement)
After watching Act 1&2 incessantly for 2-4days I was so caught up in the fun and frivolity of it all I refused to see the darker side rising in Billy.
I think part of the reason I am so gutted is that I was so hoping Billy would get what he wanted, to get penny, to get into ELE, to instill social reform and to show up Captain Hammer for what he really is (by the way given what his Hammer actually stood for does that make him captain d**k??). I, like Billy wanted these things for him so I’d forgotten that everything has a price.
I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN – nothing with joss’ hand in it ever has a happy ending!! And despite years of seeing this happen I was still unprepared. Damn you Whedon, must you always crush me like this?? And he warned us “There's no happy ending So they say Not for me anyway”
Few points to note here (some are a little contradictory but stick with me).
1. EVERYTHING has a price that must be paid, and mostly it’s in the fine print and people don’t realize it until it’s too late. I see it all the time at work a person invests all their effort and time into becoming a surgeon or a physician and keeps telling themselves that it’s for the greater good of their family cause then they’ll be able to support them better. Only by the time they’ve reached their goal they’ve lost the one thing they were doing this for. And they like Billy do become quite numb, the actually become horrible people to be around and completely give themselves over to the one thing that they know works now (their career). Except now the career isn’t a joyous thing, it has no greater purpose, it now rules them.
2. MURDER changes a person, something inside them breaks in order to be able to do that (I know Billy didn’t actually murder anyone as per such, I think he crosses the line when he sets about to kill ). This for me was a definite recall to Harry Potter and why Dumbledore made Severus Snape kill him rather then have one of the students go down that dark path. Allowing evil to control us traps who we really are. Sin ultimately destroys us and then wears our face.
3. GUILT and GRIEF are huge catalysts. Unless dealt with appropriately they will lead to someone shutting down emotionally, to loose hope in your capacity for good will place you in a situation where evil is your only option. They are also great catalysts for redemption – severus snape in Harry Potters redemption was as a result of a loved one’s death. (kind of sad that Joss didn’t take that route)
4. Loved the last shots of Dr Horrible – the costume change to BLOOD red and black signifying the loss of innocence. The last shot of him blogging in his normal clothes. i.e. before he was mainly Billy and the evil in him was just a small part which showed intermittently. Now he is Dr Horrible and Billy with all his human emotion now shows up only intermittently
5. Loved the ongoing joss theme that there is no such thing as a truly evil person, tat a person becomes such through a series of choices or lack thereof “so you think……and we all have choice?”
Most gut wrenching moments – penny sitting at the Laundromat waiting for Billy with frozen yogurt (do you reckon things would have gone differently had he showed up?)
Penny dying still thinking Dr Hammer was a hero (I honestly don’t get that, given a few seconds before that she was ready to leave the auditorium.)
This line “Here lies everything, The world I wanted at my feet” NPH’s expression with penny at his feet OUCH.
Anyways and absolutely amazing work of art, the acting, the music, the script, the themes. This was Joss at his best! And that’s why we love him folks (there’s something wrong with the fact that knowing how he hurts us we keep coming back for more)
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