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Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Buffy Challenge Post 7: Season 2: Ep 3 - 4

Principal sourpuss is trying to work out who is the worst student at school, Sheila who stabbed a teacher or Buffy who only set the school on fire saving the world!
Thankyou Willow for pointing out that when someone on a tv show states that "nothing bad will happen" means that definatlly something bad will happen.
We have a new bad guy on the scene, finally a vampire with a british accent! Welcome Spike and his girl Drusilla. Man that little kid still creeps me out! Now if vampires are ment to be the undead how come they bleed? I guess it's ok if it is for character development reasons.
What is Willows obsession with Scooby Doo? (I do think her teacher looks cute though!)
I like Spike's strategy of know your enemy before you attack. He is popping up everywhere and making a real impact early. So much for Sheila appearing for a reoccurring role in this show.
I don't care how many vampires you have slayed, you will not survive after your Mum has had a chat with the principal from HELL! If only the last one wasn't eaten. The problem with this guy is that he thinks he is never wrong, and people who think they are never wrong always are! (what he said to Buffy's mum was very unprofessional!)
Nice work Mum! way to swing that Ax! It only took 13 episodes for her to find out and it is good to see that she supports her Daugherty as all good mothers should. Is it me or does Snyder know more than he is letting on? It seems that his little exchange with the police seemed really suss.
YES! The Creepy kid is gone! I think I'm going to like Spike as the main antagonist from this point! A Strong hero needs a strong villain, Batman has the Joker, Superman has Lex Luthor and now it seems Buffy has Spike to deal with!
Nice episode with some really interesting questions brought up about some of the existing characters (Snyder and Angel come into mind both now seem to have more of a purpose in this show).
Do like the introduction of a credible villain.
Let's begin the exchange student program. Why don't students ever listen when they are on excursion, if the museum guide said the plate is cursed then leave it alone!
Won't Xander ever let the idea that going out with Buffy will never happen? Willow has a real talent of walking in at the wrong time. Ampada looks great for someone who has been dead for 500 years, and it does not surprise me that Buffy relates to her seeing that they are both the only ones of their type.
Hey it's Seth Green, the creator of Robot Chicken!!!!! Cool!
I really feel for Willow, Xander has been acting like a real tool this whole season. Oh and Willow's costume is awesome!!!! Eskimo's RULE!
It is really interesting to see a villain that you really feel for and was not really a villain per say but a true victim of circumstance as Ampada was in this really only trying to survive. I enjoyed also the pacing of this episode it flowed very well as Giles and Buffy had to work out the mystery that surrounded the mummy and there was a real sense of feeling behind the characters and the choices that needed to be made. A different type of episode than what I have seen so far.


Anonymous said...

hey at least these fared pretty well (the next two aren't so great)

Just like to point out i LOVE spike (he actually is my fav character on the show)
actually Oz might be a strong contender his lines and delivery were priceless (as you'll see in future episodes)

anways......i think for me these 2 episodes (along with most of buffy) are about the importance of family and friends. They are what sets buffy apart from previous slayers that spike has killed "a slayer with family and friends that wasn't in the brochure" they are also what grounded her emotionally so that she could sacrifice herself for the wellbeing of others (i.e buffy and the master as opposed to the mummy chick)
"Xander: Yeah, but you did. You gave up your life.
Buffy: I had you to bring me back."

i like the fact that the mummy episode begins to show the complexities of evil how it's not always black and white i.e vampire = no soul= bad
but also about circumstances and difficult decisions. this girl had to die for no reason and against her will, the harder decision is always the right one i.e acceptance of your circumstances (to stay dead) the easier fun descion which hurts others and is ultimatley self serving.

this is a theme that is repeated often in episodes to come (i.e "lie to me" and the whole arc with faith in season 3)

anyways that's my bit for now
till the next 2

Anonymous said...

buffy's mother hasn't actually found anything out yet....all she has realised is her daughter is strong and resorceful and thinks of others.......at no point did she say she believes in vampires or slayers.

oh and i've never seen robot chicken. is it good??

Mr. Sidhom said...

I really did like Spike, he had a real depth in his character and it seems that he was just what the doctor needed for this show. A credible threat. There was a strong sense of family in the last two episodes and it showed.

I really enjoyed the Mummy ep as it showed that the threat had a tragic past and this made it more difficult for them to deal with (also the whole columbo vibe was cool!)

Robot Chicken is wonderful, but very politically incorrect! It is a matter of taste. (some of their religious skits push the boundries too much, but they are few and far between.)