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Monday, July 14, 2008

Buffy Challenge Post 11: Season 2: Episodes 11 - 12

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Buffy has answered to the conversation that Xander and Willow were having exactly how I would of answered, Who are the Captain and Teneal? All seems calm in Sunnydale since the events of the last episodes and naively Xander thinks that Spike and his girl have been dealt with. I think he is in for a little surprise concerning that one!

Little hint Mum, when your daughter in her free time runs around killing monsters it's a good Idea to let her know that your back from vacation early! I was wondering why the episode is called Ted! I assume that there is more to Buffy's mum's new guy than the whole, daughter of a single mother hates her mum's new boyfriend instantaneously!

Well Ted is played by the Late great John Ritter, a fine actor in his day so I guess the only issue here will be a script one from his regards

What better way to take out your frustrations than by smacking a vampire over the head with a garbage can lid!!!!

Oh wow, 3 1/4 inch disks! those were the days, and Xander just doesn't get it you can't just replace a father figure, He can be a little thick at times. Good thing that Angel is already dead as I'm sure he would of killed himself if he had to listen to Buffy go on about Ted anymore. I know I would!

Ted is acting too much like Buffy's dad here, not a good thing! "RIGHT IS RIGHT AND WRONG IS WRONG!" I know the feeling that Buffy is going through where she sees the real problem with a person while everyone sees the act that they portrait. This can drive a person insane!!!!

John Ritter is playing this role to a tee, and I wonder how long Buffy will let him call her "little lady" before Ted gets a round house kick to the head? and the answer to that question is 2!

BUFFY KILLED TED? IN FRONT OF HER MOTHER? I didn't see that coming. Of course news travels fast and everyone at school knows what happened (didn't know high school students read the paper.) At this point I am fearing that Ted is a Robot............. well I'll find out in 10 minutes or so. (another DC reference "She's like a Superman" DC 5 Marvel 3) It looks like the secret ingredient in Teds cookies was not LOVE. (and of course Willow will be the one to figure it out!) and low and behold that was stated by Willow AFTER I typed this sentence! (Promise!!!)

Thankfully this is not Giles the vampire slayer! nice shot Jenny. I can't wait for them to explain this one (Doctor my Girlfriend here shot me with a crossbow, but it's OK she was aiming for a vampire.)

I knew it!!!!! he was a robot, I'm almost disappointed that I picked this. Thankfully Ritter is superb in this role. (episode saver). The plot was so ridiculous that they had to have Xander explain it to us in 30 seconds.


4/10 (Just for the fine job in the acting department, everything else was stupid!)

Bad Eggs

Shopping with Mum, will the horrors in Buffy's life ever end? She just can't get a break can she? Speaking of Horrors do we really have to see Cordelia and Xander making out? and it seems to me that Xander agrees with me when I said that Cordelia would be great if she kept her mouth shut! Sex ed class and everyone is given an egg to take care of. Now we have to sit through watching Buffy and Angel making out, is it me or were the writers had only one thing on their mind when they wrote this episode?

Don't you hate it when the school hand out demon eggs? and vampire cowboys, I'm in for a long episode I think! Nice work with the egg project Xander, and Cordelia using the word closet as code for ...... um closet. More making out from Buffy and Angel and then the baby talk. Who brought in the writers of the bold and the beautiful in for this episode?

I've found one good thing in this episode, the cut away scene where Buffy's mum was grounding her at night then moved into her continuing the scene in the car the next morning.

Where have I seen this story thread before? Of course STARRO the Conqueror:

Brave_bold_28Starro (a.k.a. Starro the Conqueror) is a fictional supervillain who appears in stories published by DC Comics. Starro, who comes from an alien race known as the Star Conquerors, is a starfish-like creature who first appeared in The Brave and the Bold #28 in 1960, which was also the first appearance of the Justice League of America. (taken from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starro) Starro would attach itself to the back of it's victim and take control of them. To do the bidding of the Leading Star fish.

What a waste of an interesting villains if this episode was just about the Vampire Cowboys it would of been an interesting story, they could of really expanded on their back story and made it a threat that could of been a short little arch. MORE MAKING OUT? didn't the grotesque creature under the school make us sick enough?

one word for this episode UGH!

3/10 (missed the boat, why take a corny story plot from a 1960's comic and ignore the possibility of Vampire Cowboys?)

1 comment:

April_fool82 said...

ok i liked this episode!!! thought the acting was great and the dialouge as per always funny. and hey emotional depth!

anyways i googled Captain and Tenille....they were a husband and wife musical group with a few pop hits in the 70's

Ok this episode has a few points.
first and most glaringly obvious is the whole "new step dad rejection thing" valid in it's own right. God divorce is so devestating, the lack of a strong male role model for a girl is nothing short of catastrophic.
ANYWAYS....given how much abuse is caused by the "new partner" mum brings home i thought this was a valid point. So much rape goes unreported becuase the girl is too afraid that no-one will believe her or that she somehow will be blamed (exactly the 2 things buffy's mother did)

I liked the fact that buffy had to start to deal with killing an "innocent civilian" the support from her family and friends is amazing given she just killed somone (would have loved for this to be expanded more, cause we'll get a contrast senario in season 3)

here we see the difference between acting out of love for others and acting out of anger (bet buffy wishes she could take back what she said to kendra)

i thought it was a good episode.....

as for Bad Eggs.............there is nothing that will justify that monstrosity of an episode (oh well win some loose some) Usually marti Noxon and david greenwalt do soooo much better

there's no depth here, no charachter development (except the increasing hormonal activity between buffy and angel, which i guess is needed for what happens next)

"BUFFY: Angel, when I look into the future, a-a... all I see is you! All I want is you.
ANGEL: I know the feeling."

this quote isn;t actually just bold and the beautiful writing, it's actually the truth, Angel's life is centered around buffy cause he sees his redemption for his past monstrosities in her, in helping and protecting her. (This will be properly explained in the future). Hence he can't envision a futre without her cause he hasn't figured out how to seek his own redemption. Besides i like the sappy relationship they have going it's so true of first loves!

ooooooo the next two episodes begin my favourite chunck of the whole buffyverse (through till the end of season 3)