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Friday, July 04, 2008

Buffy Challenge Post 3: Season 1: Ep 7 - 8


Finally some vampires that are not that easy to kill. But I'm a little confused they look more like werewolves than vampires, maybe they are the result of a mixed marriage or something, kind of like how in the Munsters the father is a Frankenstein, the mother is a Vampire and they have werewolf for a kid.

More words of wisdom "guys will do anything to impress a girl!" like fend off 3 vampire warriors and get slashed in the ribs! (oldest trick in the book Guys! I think that's how my dad got the attention of mum all those years ago!). Now I know that Joss is a big comic book fan and comic book reference 3 (this one from Spider-man "with power comes responsibilities!")

Now why does a library that has no students go into it need a sign saying it's closed for the day?


......would of been the reaction I would of had if it wasn't spoiled by someone who will remain nameless! - you know who you are! (also it is mentioned on every buffy review that is out there so I don't think it was THAT big of a secret). I am happy that the annoying vampire from the first episode is gone, man she bugged me! Strong emotional episode without being overly sappy. The action was good also.


I Robot, You Jane

If Giles was horrorfied in 1997 that "More E-Mail was sent than regular mail last year" He would have a heart attack today. I forgot how it felt to use a com-pu-tor to communicate for the very first time. Also the irony of me blogging while watching a television show integrating the "Internet" for the first time!

Comic book reference 4 "her spider-sense in tingling!"

I have to agree with Giles when he rightfully predicts that people can be completely manipulated technology and where human interaction can become obsolete. (Yes I know I'm using Technology to write this!) This is clearly a homage to 2001: a space odyssey with DAVE and the voice used on the computer, which is not a bad thing per say as that film is a classic.

Just when I was thinking this episode is going to be as good as the pack, out comes the killer robot suit! The last 15 minutes of this episode is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever watched! They dropped the ball in act 3, WHAT WERE THEY ON WHEN THEY WROTE THE ENDING TO THIS EPISODE? and to highlight it they remind the viewer about the wacky ideas that have been seen so far. From a promising start with a strong theme degenerated into a really bad B-grade sci-fi film. FOR SHAME!

3/10 (for getting my hopes up!)


Anonymous said...

*spoiler alert*

both things you hated return

the vampire (also known as darla) returns in angel (she's got a much deeper character then)

and the robot returns later one (much better in those episodes though)

i'm enjoying the reveiws.....you're obviously enjoying at least SOME episodes and relatng well to Joss' inner geek (along with all his writers)

Anonymous said...

oh and the vams look changes in season 2 - it looks a lot better (joss mentions why/how in one of his commentaries)

Anonymous said...
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Mr. Sidhom said...


2001: A space odyssey is a film that was made in 1968 by Stanley Kubrick

details here: