Well, well, well the pressure is mounting here at the challenge. After a season 2 hangover and reflection, it's time to move on with my life and season 3.
Is it me or is the dvd's getting fancier every season?
Welcome to Willow the Vampire slayer, with all the attitude and none of the skills! Nice throw Oz, and a good slayer needs to have a good pun. So Willow, Xander and Oz are not up to the job, where is Buffy you ask? This show is called Buffy right? well she's where all good hero's go after their spirit has been broken, the beach with her main squeeze Angel, no that was a dream. She is really at some sleazy hotel in some dark depressing city.
A new title sequence for season three, cool! Wait Cordelia has been added as a regular, not cool. Also even though Angel is "DEAD!" he is still in the main titles so I guess he is not dead, oh and Oz has been given the big call up, good for him!
Another unused spin-off title "Buffy the waitress!" She is loving her job it seems, being hit on by over sized truckers and watching to young kids in love, just what the you need after killing your one true love! Willow looks like she has the slayer motto down, "Don't get killed!" Is it me or is the library busy?
Do we really have to sit though another season of Xander and Cordelia being all mussy towards each other? And so continues with Buffy the depressed slayer walking through the world looking at the darker side of life. (I know how that feels!).
That's where I saw her before? So that is what happen to the girl who was into the Vampire worshiping. Good to see a return of an old character, (I think she is going to die!) That was very heroic of Buffy, Stupid but heroic. Why didn't she run away to a normal town? Old Xander and Willow are now moping around wishing Buffy was here? So Giles is still on the quest to find Buffy for her mum who has squarely putting the blame on Giles.
Now that was strange, Ricky is missing and found dead by Buffy only he is really old! (didn't that weird guy said something about this town makes you grow quicker?) Buffy is playing detective at the blood bank and letting out her anger. I think it's whom not who? I could be wrong, Xander and Cordelia are still going on while on the other side of the country Lily is in trouble with the cult family home, which leads Buffy to the rescue and the huge revile is........ another bad piece of make up! So we find ourselves in a slow time reality where the 24 hour period in our time is 100 years there. Man this is tacky! Buffy single handedly takes out the whole army, I have to say that Buffy does a horrible impression of Gandhi. (Just can't figure out why?)
The final scene returns the status back to quo, with Buffy returning back home to her mother who is happy to see her! (Nice touch as I don't think this show works with Buffy out of Sunnydale!)
This is a really hard one to rate as it started out well but degrades to the silliness that sometimes plagues the show. Some nice moments but as a season opener, it is a MEH! at best! (a late note, the only good thing to come out of this episode is the heroic pan down of buffy that is now in the opening credits!)
Dead Man's Party
It's good to be home! no matter how many bitter memories that it may bring? Alright, mum is hanging up scary masks (that can't be a good thing?) Buffy's mum has accepted the fact that her daughter likes to spend her free time killing vampires even offered to make her a sandwich! So buffy is back with the gang! (BTW 'Nighthawk' is a cool code name!)
If Xander was a superhero his power would be "really annoying comments" Oz conveniently clears up a point of contention by letting Buffy and the audience know that she is no longer wanted for murder! (why we will never know!)
As if Snyder was going to let Buffy back? He is such a Jerk! "Hotdog on a stick is hiring!" please, is that the best he can come up with? and what is it with him and the Mayor?
Ugly masks with glowing red eyes are never a good thing! and was that a vampire cat? Great another Buffy misses Angel Dream with the fuzzy camera lenses! Is it me or did I just watch 5 minutes of the group discussing what the dinner party will be like? So the intimate dinner party became a full blown frat party! Won't mum be thrilled?
It seems mum couldn't care less! and it looks like Buffy is going to try the whole running away thing again! So it wasn't a Vampire cat but a Zombie Cat!!! As always giles finds out at the last minute! Next week on Fox "When strangers answer your phone!" While Buffy and Willow are having a heart to heart, Giles is being attacked by Zombies!
It seems dealing with Zombies was not in the slayer hand book. So the annoying friend becomes the Zombie demon and a shovel to the head causes the zombies to disappear. So Giles stands up finally to Snyder! and Willow is dangerously delving into witchcraft it keeps to the whole Ms. Calendar influence.
This was an O.K episode but the biggest flaw was the way they tried to force down the whole we're angry with each other because of everything that happen. also I HATE ZOMBIES! and all Zombie related material. once again another Meh from me? there needs to be a move on in this season as the first two episodes were sort of uninspiring to say the least!
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