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Monday, July 14, 2008

Buffy Challenge Post 12: Season 2: Episodes 13 - 14

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Here we go the first of the two MUST SEE episodes from this season, hope it lives up to the hype April.

Buffy's nightmares are getting worse, and nothing is worse than dreaming about a loved one being harmed. especially if it is at the hands of someone who has attempted to kill them in the past. Dreams are a powerful thing in my opinion it is the subconscious projecting the most powerful emotions at the time and it always intrigues me why we remember some dreams vividly and others are forgotten as soon as we awake.

If Vampires are the undead, can they feel love? The scene with Buffy and Willow is wonderful as it shows how they are able to support each other through their conversation. WILLOW HAS A DATE!!!!! Cool (I love the line "I said Date!" giggling away.) I knew I shouldn't of eaten before watching Xander and Cordelia discuss their "relationship"

Xander has become an annoying character this season which is a shame as I feel his development has gone backwards from the first season. Poor Spike stuck in that wheelchair, I know how that feels. Dreams do come true! which is not always a good thing.

Isn't there any character on this show that doesn't have a hidden agenda or dark back story? Jenny is not what she seems. You should never trust a "techno-pagan" Interesting change in clothes for Jenny once the reveal has happen, darker look for a darker personality.

What a way to crash your own party. and it seems now Oz knows the secret. Also it seems that Jenny's plan is starting to work separate the target away from the group, and oh boy is Drusilla one scary vampire, she makes the Master from season 1 look like the entertainment at a kids birthday party.

Buffy and Angel are jumped and lose the box, the vampires are getting better at fighting I think.

At least Willow is calling it like the audience see's it with the line "What can only Xander make dumb jokes?" Unfortunately the answer is yes.

Does Drusilla know how to throw a party or what? and it seems that the special effects budget has been boosted by this point. (wish I could say the same for the make up department. The Judge looks corny) By the skin of their teeth do Buffy and Angel escape back to Angels hide out. The worst thing that a villain can do to the hero is to break them down not physically but mentally. It seems that this is what they are slowly doing to Buffy. Finally Buffy and Angel ...... UM ........ confess their love for each other. (what do you think I was going to type?) A nice cliffhanger that I didn't see coming I was so engrossed in the story that I hadn't realized that the episode had ran out of time.

So straight into...................................


Spike is wheeling around contemplating the situation and being a little impatient also, Something is wrong with Angel after he ...... UM ...... confessed his love. And it seems he is off the sauce and back onto the meat, nice touch with the smoke coming out of his mouth after the big bite.

You know there are things going wrong when Cordilea is the voice of reason and not wanting to run in guns a blazing. Is it me or is addidas a sponsor of this show? second product placement with Willow wearing a different addidas backpack (first with the old logo, then with the new logo!)

Angel is BACK! on the dark side. and I'm shocked the bad guys want to destroy the world. (When will there be an original evil plan?) Is Cordilea jealous of Buffy? and poor Willow, what is worst than seeing the boy you always loved kissing a person that you thought they despised. (You'd rather be with someone you hate than be with me.) What a hard line to hear, hard and well deserved.

What ever has got into Angel has really pushed a shift into his character that has made Buffy feel violated by the man she loves. Jenny or should I say YANNA has continued with the theme of betrayal in this episode and it looks like Willow will figure this out soon enough.

The breaking down of the heart of Buffy continues, It is the most vulnerable area of even the strongest person. So the truth comes out, Jenny spills the beans and I can't help but wonder what Giles is thinking at this moment (I personally would be shattered as I felt that Jenny brought out a human side to him that had not been seen, but this revelation would make it difficult to trust another woman again.)

Nice call back to Halloween, and props to OZ for not taking advantage of a vulnerable Willow! Well done Giles for sticking with Buffy!

As a Guy I have to say "ROCKET LAUNCHERS ARE COOL!" bye bye Judge we hardly knew thee. Nothing makes a fight scene better than one in the rain! or sprinklers. (FYI men really do fall that way when hit in the groin.) Giles speech to Buffy is a really fantastic, even when they are looking for it people do not need guilt, they need support and respect and I think that Buffy has earned both of those things.

These two episodes seem to be a real turning point in this series. It changed the face of the show and will go a long way to stopping this series from becoming stale. Great direction, Great acting, Great Script and the through line for me is one of the different levels of betrayal and how the appropriate way to deal with it.

9.5/10 (definitely the best 2 parter I've seen so far!)


Anonymous said...

Those were terrific episodes!


April_fool82 said...

grrrr i typed a 3 page comment.........then it all disappeared..........

Mr. Sidhom said...


April_fool82 said...

Ok first off I just want to point out how insanely jealous I am that you’re getting to watch Buffy for the first time. It so much more new and exciting the first time

Secondly I LOVE the name April, maybe I should explain why in my blog sometime

Thirdly in answer to your question (this will just be my answer as it is much disagreed upon in the forums) Angel, even though he is undead can feel love, because he has a soul. Other vampires cannot truly feel love but may have feelings along the lines of desire/lust/possession/affection/jealousy which for some people pretty much defines love.

Ok onto the episodes.

“Willow: (to the monkey) L'hippo a pique' ses pantalons. Translation: The hippo stole his pants.” Great recall to oz’s comments in what’s my line

this line buggs me “what if Drusilla is alive? We never saw her body” YOU WOULDN’T SEE A BODY, YOU’D SEE DUST!!!!

I love Willow’s innocence to all things guy related from the constant “wow” when having a discussion with Buffy to “I said date” she’s so sweet.
I adore the friendship between Buffy and willow reminds me so much what my girlfriends mean to me. The freedom in being able to be totally open with friends and know they’ll understand is invaluable.

Ok I officially can’t stand jenny calender. I can’t abide hypocrisy and for her to give Giles such a hard time over something he did soooo long ago when she obviously isn’t giving him the whole truth is atrocious. Still I can’t help but think that things would be so much simpler in the world today if people were just OPEN with what they know and what they’re trying to achieve, it would save everyone a lot of heartache.

How cools is oz finding out vampires exist “actually that explains a lot’

For everyone who knows me they know why I got my claddagh ring. For those that don’t this episode is why.

Love angel stepping up to the plate and taking responsibility for the situation even at the cost of sacrificing what he sees as his redpemtion (buffy) not to mention giving up his first love. (yes I know he’s like 200 but he’s never LOVED anyone before). And he’s willing to sacrifice himself for her. Take me instead *sigh* they don’t make them like that anymore………most people are so self absorbed these days that the slightest wound to their ego is enough let alone actual self sacrifice

Ahhh after their increasingly heating relationship Buffy and angel finally………*clears throat*……..join?? LOL……..they finally consummate their relationship.

And lo and behold you give yourself over to someone heart and soul (and in this case body) and they turn (poor Buffy in her case literally).

“No. The pain is gone.” The pain of having a soul, of the constant remorse over past deeds is all gone……..Gosh imagine never having to learn from any of your mistakes that would make for hell huh?
Love how Buffy has inspired such love in her friends that they think of her before their own safety…….I think Cordy is learning the hard way that she hasn’t inspired that level of devotion from anyone. My dear, such relationships involve a giving of one’s SELF, otherwise you end up with what you and Xander have a hollow mockery of a relationship.

Poor Will, the feeling of being passed up by someone you hold in such high regard and love, for something or someone you define as worthless or below you is devastating. It really doesn’t help her self confidence issues. Xander to pass up a chance at a real relationship for whatever monstrosity he has with Cordy is the biggest fool ever.

The next scene is devastating……my heart breaks for Buffy, to look into the eyes of the person you love and see them devoid and hollow of the depth of emotions that you relied on to be there. To feel like you’ve lost someone who’s supposedly standing in front of you. That level of feeling betrayed and rejected and disposed of. OUCH! No wonder she ended up curled up in the foetal position bawling.

How true is that speech about vengeance?? It really is a living presence (demonic presence actually) it does command and kill (it makes those serving it their slave) nothing is worse then that feeling of wanting revenge it eats away at a person. Truly it doesn’t follow justice or reason it seeks just to inflict suffering and misery both on those it commands and those on whom it is inflicted.

“To kill this girl... you have to love her.” So true of every girl I;ve known, nothing is more devastating then having someone you love crush you.

Kudos to Oz here “See, in my fantasy when I'm kissing *you*, you're kissing *me*. It's okay. I can wait.” Now there’s a guy who understands relationships! Definitely deserving of Willow

Love Buffy calling the judge “the smurf” come on it’s what we were all thinking!

Buffy is going to pay for that moment of weakness in sparing angelus. Girls let that be a warning to you, trying to hang on to someone that is no longer there will only make life exceedingly difficult in the long run!

Love the Buffy Giles exchange and how he only offered understanding, compassion, support, not guilt which would have destroyed her at this point (all fathers out there take notes!!)
There’s also something really poignant about the exchange with her mother
She says “I got older” meaning I’ve lost my inccocence my implicit trust in the world, I’m becoming an adult as the world defines it (jaded, hard)
Her mother replies “you look the same to me” - meaning that at that moment it really is up to buffy how she deals with the situation, she can choose not to be jaded, not to loose her trust in humanity not to become hard. I think it’s an important lesson (I mean the truest human who ever walked the earth “Christ” was hurt and betrayed so many times yet he still managed to remain soft and weep and love humanity). This topic of remaining human and not becoming hard is dealt with quite well in season 5 I think

Anyways I could go on forever about these two episodes suffice to say:

Angelus - much better character then angel had been so far
Spike and Dru – Deliciously creepy and wicked
Oz – one word COOL
Script and directing (hey it’s joss can we except anything less then perfection??)

Till the next to eps (unfortunately the coming two are not so great) but I’m looking forward to “passion” after those 2

Mr. Sidhom said...

WOW!!! That was really well written!