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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Buffy Challenge Post 19: Season 3: Episodes 5 - 6

10 copy


Were back, I hope the shock of me giving a 10 to the previous episode is not too much for your fleeting hearts! I know I couldn't sleep, thinking to myself "What have I done?" but the score is there now for all eternity (well at least until I get kicked off blogger) Naturally after such an action packed intense episode......... I'm ready to be disappointed.

Oh poor Buff sitting around with her friends but truly alone! Buses are cheap! And I'm sure it would be a real head turner rocking up to the formal. Ok, she must be really exited about the dance as we had to sit through the whole "o.k only if you want to routine....." Please!

Cue creepy castle, and moping Angel with his soul back! Still not thinking straight but at least he now has a shirt to go with the pants he found. Buffy is now delivering take away blood. Great idea tell your ex vampire boyfriend who your new fellow is. Great timing Buffy as Mr. Hope has just dashed yours! The old looking through the binoculars camera angle trick, that can't be good news. So that is where the Janitor from Scrubs got his van from.

Is it me or does Buffy get stalked frequently in this show? Oh the monkey cracks me up in the opening sequence every time! We finally get to see the Mayor and he is everything that we have been hoping for. I hate it when mayonnaise gets stuck under the finger nail, and the music means that the mayor must be EVIL! (Love Willow's picture!) Buffy and Faith are getting all "sweaty!" according to Xander, what they really doing is serious training.

New teacher at school who doesn't know who Buffy is, doesn't she read the school newsletter? So Buffy finally has told Cordelia what I've been wanting to say to her since season 1! "Think of someone else for 30 seconds" You lay down the challenge and Buffy steps up! Cowboy Vampires are back! and some weird looking dinosaur guy. How was I not informed about Slayerfest '98? and all the subsequent slayerfests since?

Willow and Xander sharing a friendly chat while getting changed for the formal, getting too friendly guys, not a good Idea seeing your both seeing someone. That was awkward. Buffy has her strategic plan for her run for Queen, but Cordelia has other plans as she has taken Buffy's crew! Xander I can understand, but Willow???? Your comment that Cordelia needs it so much more, WRONG!!!!!! Cordelia needs humility not glory. (props to the line "we're almost friends") (superman reference in the song DC 7 Marvel 4) Dinosaur Guy has a cool weapon thing happening!

Buffy is doing some heavy campaigning! but Cordelia is one step ahead. Willow should be shot! or at least feel really guilty! Guilt works well! Cordelia buying votes like all real good politicians! CAT FIGHT! Didn't Xander and Willow learn from the last time they were in the bedroom alone together? THIS IS WRONG! OZ doesn't deserve this! Cordelia on the other hand I couldn't care less. Beware of evil limo drivers! (I wonder if they got the happy burger kid stains out of the chair?)

The offical opening of Slayerfest was a little boring. Dramatic but boring. Great work sticking up for your friend Faith! (I do like the black lipstick BTW!) PLEASE SHOOT CORDELIA BUFFY! Spatulas are deadly! and so is Cordelia with a gun, not in a good way. Bye Bye Dinosaur!

Told you Spatulas are deadly! I can't believe that worked! (I guess I would be scared by Cordelia also) The old bug in the corsage trick, gets them every time!  Nice way to take out the Germans! Mr. Trick, working with the Mayor by force? I don't trust him!

And the homecoming queen is ............... neither Buffy or Cordelia but a tie for the other two chicks! they both lost the losers!

So the moral of the story is never try......... I mean sometimes frivolous things that are just there to build your ego are just that!

Not a terrible episode by any stretch of the imagination but not brilliant either. Not liking the new conflict that has been introduced (which seemed to be introduced in a forced manner BTW I guess Joss got all those letters from the fans who wanted to see Xander and Buffy Kiss from last season and wanted to screw with their minds!)


Band Candy

Which apparently is not the name of a Will Ferriel movie I haven't seen, but It could be in the future? who knows with Will?

Nothing better than pop quizzes in the cemetery at night with the librarian. That takes me back to my school days. Study break, didn't know pencils work as stakes (guess they are made of wood!) Trick and the Mayor as the big baddies this season? they lack the flair and piazzas of Spike and Dursilla there's that monkey again! (the only reason I don't skip the opening!) The old chocolate drive! raising money for frivolous causes. As usual you end up selling them all to family who don't want it. The chocolate must be cursed, why else would it be in the title, Tie Chi Angel! (with his shirt off for the ladies! I hope this doesn't become a regular theme in this show! I can just see the network notes to Whedon now, "We need to see more of Angel!") Did I mention that I really don't like sappy Angel?

BUSTED!!! hey do you think Giles and Mum would hook up? Isn't that the costume guy from last season? To clear things up there is no rule that says if a teacher is 10 minutes late you can leave. This is getting ridiculous! Xander and Willow are getting to close to each other this will end in disaster! So the chocolate makes people act as children and act without any responsibility. (not that original!)

Ok 18 minutes in and I've figured out the twist in this episode it's going to be a long one! I do like juvenile Synder! "Foxy ladies indeed!" It is true no one knows the real words to "Louie,  Louie!" Giles is so Bad Ass! just like Burt Reynolds! (I hope Buffy didn't see Giles and her Mum hooking up!) Took Buffy 30 minutes to figure it out but the candy is cursed and turned everyone into kids, spoke too soon about Buffy seeing Giles and her mum!

"I'm your Watcher and you listen to what I tell you so SODD OFF!" Maybe the wisest phrase ever spoken by Giles in this show! Smooth move Synds! This is not what I expected it all this to go so dark! won't some one please think of the children! I really don't want to watch this, it is really sickening they could of come up with a better treat and reason for the whole chocolate thing. They have moved to early CGI for the first time, kind of works but still I have a real issue with the whole reason this episode happened.

Why would anyone want to kiss rocks indeed Willow! Well it was fun when it lasted but Synder is back to his nasty self! also Giles is back to his stuffy English best, love the awkwardness between Giles and Mum at the end! Indeed!

This was meant to be the comic relief episode of the season but the whole thing with the babies has left a sick taste in my mouth. I do enjoy however when Actors break out of characters and Special mention to Synder, Giles and Buffy's mum for fine turns as immature teens! But I go back to the whole point of the episode the offering of the babies and even thinking about it makes me sick!


hope to see all the Challengers soon! Until next edition!

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