Never Kill a Boy on the First Date
Save the world or go on a date? well the choice is obvious isn't it! apparently even teenage superheroes go all googlie eyed over a boy, right in the middle of an ancient evil prophecy that is about to take place, talk about bad timing. On that note it's good to see that students are using the library at school other than gathering around to talk to the librarian about how to kill vampires. (And a little hint ladies, never ask a guy what to wear when going on a date . . . . WITH ANOTHER GUY!), Is it me or did I catch 2 superman references? One word for the ending, HUH? I know I'm 5 episodes in but if you keep cliffhanging the show like this then there will be a backlog of unanswered questions.
A little too much "days of our lives." in this one and is it me or are vampires really easy to kill? no matter how big and ugly they are!
The Pack
Beware of Hyenas with yellow glowing eyes! I love the speach by the principle "The problem with kid these days..........(insert complaint 1)." and you need to follow with "When I was your age ..... (insert something they have that you didn't but would of liked to have!) Works everytime I use it at least 0nce a month at school. I've gotta use this line also "Your gonna have so much detention, your grand kids will be staying after school!" - That is good writing! All kidding aside, I am digging this episode, the acting by the "possesed" teens is fantastic, and the direction is the best I've seen so far. Is it me or did Joss Whedon not have good memories at school as it seems that every second episode a teacher gets killed! Great episode, great writing with a nice twist that I should of seen coming. (maybe I'm not the detective I thought I was!).9/10
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