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Sunday, July 13, 2008

Buffy Challenge Post 9: Season 2 Episodes 7 - 8

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Lie to me

And we're back with another installment of the Buffy challenge, we open up this episode with a child welfare case waiting to happen! Who forgets about their kid in the middle of the night and if he was able to run home why was he hanging around the park?

Did Angel have a little fling with Spikes girl? Man she is CREE-PY! Which leads to the "Old read more into what is happening from afar trick!" As if Buffy didn't have enough to worry about. Early contender for line of the episode.... Giles is worried about his date and where he is going so he asks "What am I going to wear?" Which was quickly replied by Jenny with a statement that I'm sure has gone through the minds of everyone who has watched this show to this point, "Do you OWN anything else?"

History according to Cordelia what could be worse? It seems even Buffy suffers from "FOOT IN MOUTH" disease, giving her friend has returned and she gives us a little bit too much information! (Right, like you didn't know what a certain  Devinyls  song was about, way to get out of that one!) Another guy for Xander to sulk over Buffy about. I think I've said this in every episode "GET OVER IT MAN DON'T YOU HAVE ANY SELF RESPECT?" Jealousy can be a nasty thing!

Angel must of attended the Batman school of disappearing mid sentence without people knowing. That was cool.

As always there is something more than meets the eye here with Ford knowing what Buffy does in her spare time. The Golden rule when it comes to people who use the words "trust me" Don't. Willow is two things, 1 the voice of reason and 2 a terrible liar.  It is the subtitle comedic timing that keeps me watching this show. (Why was the Giles anf Jenny at the Monster trucks date off camera, I could watched that for the whole episode!). Great friend Ford is, Man Spike is COOL! "I've known you for two minutes and I can't stand you, I don't really feature you living forever! Can I eat him now Luv?"

Buffy loves Angel ..... great, I don't care! So Angel was once a Bad vampire, who would of thought? Nice camera work in this episode, Whedon has a good eye for direction. What a nice little plot twist, didn't see that one coming. This episode brings up some great depictions of different cults and how the naive, lonely and weak in faith can be easily manipulated in finding their way to the "easy solution" to their problems.

Well you got what you wanted Ford, and how did that work out for you?

For a Vampire heavy episode I really enjoyed this one! It had a strong plot, a nice little twist and some really clever moments thrown in. It was a really good social commentary on facing our own mortality.


The Dark Age

I could be wrong but Giles must be really dedicated to his job as librarian at the school for someone to be looking for him this late at night. (or he doesn't have a home and is secretly living at the school)

Oh, boy not a minute in and we have our first tacky looking monster that must be a new record at this early stage in the shows life. I totally agree with Giles music does have notes and what Buffy was listening to is anything but music! The opening setup should get me interested in what is to follow, but if anything that 3 minute opening of this episode has done nothing for me. The girls are playing "anywhere but here" well lets play along (I'm not watching this poor excuse for an opening for an episode and I wish it is Wednesday and I'm watching THE DARK KNIGHT!!!!!!!) Giles is a Sexy Fuddy Duddy??? is there such a thing?

There are police in Sunnydale? (ignoring the useless scene with Cordelia that was forced in there! GRRRRRRR~) Really wise, trust the vampire that only lives off blood packets to return them to the hospital. Great miss quotes in history from Xander "When are we ever going to need computers in the future?" The return of the wacky costume guy! They are really trying to force a complication in this episode by getting Eyghon into Jenny. Note to post production if a female character jumps through a window, use a female stunt double! (no matter how dark the shot is you still can tell!) So Giles was the one who brought the demon Eyghon to life in his youth, an incredible high he called it, bet he wished he did drugs like all the other youth of the time! (never thought I would ever type such a sentence, KIDS, DON'T DO DRUGS!!!!)

I love it when Willow takes charge, they should do this more often. She also is the solution to the problem, clever way to fix the mess this episode is.

That is 45 minutes of my life I'm not getting back. What a boring episode that made no sense with plot holes you could drive a truck through and the only purpose it served was to take Jenny off the board for a while.

2/10 (If it wasn't for Willow's strong character development, this would of been a 1) Now I know I probably missed the point of this one so let me know.

I really hope there is a bit more consistency in the next few episodes.


April_fool82 said...

*spolier alert* spike, dru, angel all have an interesting history (which will come to light in future episodes) *end not-quite a spoiler*

Although i'll excuse buffy for jumping to conclusions this time, i mean she's 16 and all, but seriously this becomes a pattern for her which ultimatly grates a little.....i mean she could just confront the guy!

LOL I love sweet innocent willow taking about a full 5-10 min to realise what the divinyls song was about (so what i was like in highschool).

anyways in all seriousness i loved the take on why people act the way they do, that there isn;t really such a thing as an outright EVIL person everyone has their underlying issues that somethimes lead them to the wrong path.

Not sure if this episode meant it, but it definately touched on the issue of euthanasia for me
"Ford: I look good, don't I? Well, let me tell you something: (angry) I've got maybe six months left, and by then what they bury won't even *look* like me. It'll be bald and shriveled and it'll smell bad. No, I'm not going out that way."
I could almost follow that up with "i want to go with my dignity" and have the pro-euthanasia argument.
Facing your own mortality is devastating if this life is all there is (i dunno how joss is still an atheist)
ultimately (like inca mummy girl) the easier decision is self serving and the right decision is self sacrificing (a lot of grey clouds a persons judgment in making decisions though and i love that the show isn't black and white)

"The good guys are always stalwart and true, the bad guys are
easily distinguished by their pointy horns or black hats, and, uh, we always defeat them and save the day. No one ever dies, and everybody lives happily ever after."

For an atheist joss has got heaven down perfectly. I love the fact that one day we'll be able to see evil in it's true form and be able to distinguish it, hence be able to defeat it. At the moment evil is sometimes to hard to distinguish.

OK i agree that "the dark age is not a great episode, but come one a 2???? it desreved at least a 5

I really don't like how overly FORWARD jenny calender is with Giles, somone needs to the teach her the finer points of flirtation.

i like the reminder that past evils don't just go away, there has to be a real confrontation and wrestling with the problem, and some level of recompence.

I like the message, to teenagers that the older generation has a lot to offer, that wisdom they have gained from their past is valuable because it often came at a terrible personal cost.

I gotta say that Giles has been living with a great deal of guilt till now (i admire him for not breaking) Another reason i love our church having confession, the freedom in being able to discuss a wrong doing and know you are released form it is irriplacable (hence my HUGE dislike for the catholic take on confession, like that it's something that's meant to remind you how terrible you are, when in fact it;s something that re-inforces your being glorious, a child of the most high)

i think this episode had the right ingredients to be great - just really poorly excuted.

oh and i think that jenny calender has no right to be so uptight about what happened given she's......well you'll see

gosh, sorry this post is so long.

Mr. Sidhom said...

Wow, I didn't see it from the Euthanasia point of view I took it from the young wanting to stay young forever. I agree also about the good and evil is not definitive in any sense and that even the worst person in history finds justification in their own actions. and you highlighted it well with the line about how the "bad guys" are defined! I had no Idea that Joss is a practicing Atheist (Yes I know that is an Oxymoron!) It seems to me that he diligently researches his concepts.

It is always good to see a different perspective on things. The in depth comments are wonderful. But I call them as I see it and Dark Age was horrendous in my humble and uninitiated buffy opinion.