Where I'm at.....

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Buffy Challenge Post 6: Season 2 Episodes 1 - 2

Well here we go for the second season of the Buffy Challenge and right off the Bat have they put some work into the season 2 DVD or what!!! I haven't started the episode yet and I'm impressed by the menu animation. (I can be easily amused I guess at times by the most mundane things!)

let the show begin!

SEASON 2: Buffy the Vampire Slayer!

When She Was Bad

So we begin with the "Last season on ......" with Giles doing the honors (I wonder if the actors get a bonus for their voice being used for the previously line?) We see that Angel is a Vampire in love with a slayer, the little kid being the anointed one, The Master killing Buffy only to have Buffy resuscitated and eventually kill the Master! (and they say Harry Potter is not plagiarized? for Shame J.K!) and we open up with Xander and Willow playing "Name this movie"

Isn't it convenient that there were no monsters over the summers and stuff. Just when Willow and Xander are about to kiss (finally) out comes the vampire and the return of Buffy! It seems that Buffy didn't have that much fun over the summer. I really wish this show was called "Buffy the snobby bratty girl slayer!" Oh I feel for you Cordelia, your parents are monsters for taking you to Tuscany, how could they?

Does anybody other than Giles uses the Library to read? Nice training montage.

How do you make a creepy looking kid look creepier? Why dress him in black of course! And is it me or does Buffy need to see a therapist? being killed can be a little traumatic I guess and is she on edge or what!

Now I'm confused, if vampires are afraid of the cross, how can they stand in a graveyard covered in them with no problems?

Now I know there is something wrong with Buffy when Cordelia is the one handing out life advice and she is making sense too? NOW THAT IS SCARY!!!!!

Why is Xander acting stupid? and Willow is the brave voice of reason? They are really playing with the character traits here shaking things up early in this season. (Not a bad thing per say).

HUH? when did fire kill vampires? I know about the silver bullet, the stake, the garlic and the cross and holy water. But fire? I thought that only stopped martians. (see Final Crisis! R.I.P J'onn J'onzz AKA Martian Manhunter )

Well by the end the statuesque has returned and all is well, until next episode at least!

An interesting way to kick off the season considering they were left with little to nothing to springboard off from the end of season 1.

Not a bad episode, a little annoying in some places.


Some Assembly Required

What a way to start an episode with the whole episode with the where are we in our relationship talk between Buffy and Angel, and is there a dress code for vampire slaying? miniskirts and high heals works wonders in a fight against the undead.

"I don't think anyone should have to do anything educational in school if they don't want to." How did they know the unofficial student motto from my school?

Bring on the Zombies, a field trip to the graveyard, last time I checked wasn't it illegal and immoral to dig up graves? I could be wrong maybe the laws are different in Sunnydale in 1998.

How many more episodes do we have to see the whole Xander Vs Angel hostilities towards each other because of their jealousy of each other this season? It takes away a real focus and strength of the characters. And so far Xander has been too whiny and annoying the last two episodes.

Now the theme of this episode is too much on the horror side for my liking, I do not like the horror genre and nothing is scarier than watching Giles attempt to ask out
Jenny on a date, like a blind squirrel looking for a nut eventually he got one.

Cordelia pronouncing to Buffy that she needs to go because she is the Apex, now that is clever in the context of the plot! As much as I dislike this character even she doesn't deserve decapitation ...... only to be brought back to life. Come On!

What was Angel's purpose in this episode? Other than to build the relationship story line?

This episode was too creepy for my liking and I kind of have a sick feeling in my stomach after watching it. (Something about putting together pieces of dead girls to make a mate for your dead but Frankenstein like older brother, leaves a bad taste in my mouth.)

Giles getting a date was the saving grace in this one.



Anonymous said...

ok i promised i'd comment in season 2 so here goes.....

you're totally missing the point!!!
the first episode is how about how not dealing with unresolved issues and shutting out the people in your life who care and are in a position to help puts you (and sometimes them) in danger, mbaybe not physically but then Surely you've noticed the WHOLE show is a metaphor for life....

As fot episode 2 i'l agree it's not one of the stronger ones but i liked giles trying to get a date!!

looks like it's going to be a long 12 episodes till innocence and surpise

oh BTW silver bullets are for werewolves.....
in buffyverse and most other places vampires are killed by decapitation, fire,extended direct sulight, and wooden stake....crosses and holy water burn, not kill usually (unless ingested) that's the LORE....

Mr. Sidhom said...

I guess I did miss that point, I was taken aback a little by the change in character traits in the first episode. I like your perspective better than(she needs to see a therapist)

Also, thanks for clearing up how to kill a vampire for me, I really didn't know about the fire thing and now I do that scene where Buffy kills 2 in the one hit was SWEET!