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Monday, July 28, 2008

Buffy Challenge Post 18: Season 3: Episodes 3 - 4

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Faith, hope & trick.

After a fairly lackluster start to this season lets continue with the challenge!

Oh Willow, why do you have to continue to stall with the long monologue just get moving already it's not a big deal being a senior. I can really feel for Buffy watching my friends all coupled up, it's a good thing that her friends are wise enough to know this would be an issue and do their best not to rub it in! (I wish some of my friends were that kind!) Willow what are we ever going to do with you and your uncanny ability to say something with nothing but your sweet innocence in mind only to realize that you just put your foot in your mouth again! (I do love watching her shocked reaction after she figures out what she has just said!) It seems that Oz likes it also!

Scott Hope? a little obvious isn't it? Yay we're going to Happy Burger, in a limo! (cheap skate ordering a medium diet coke!) Enter Evil dark villain who wants to kill the slayer, would you like human with your drink? (not sure if that will catch on as a selling point.) So the Buffy rouges gallery builds up a little more. Do we really have to sit through another "I miss Angel" dream sequence? She is just eating herself alive by living with the guilt of choosing the world over the one she loves!

Synder is forced to reinstate Buffy, and Mum articulates her response well. (BTW are there any other faculty members other than Giles? who haven't been killed off yet?) Giles is not overly happy that Willow is delving into witch craft, neither am I to be honest. (But April has informed me that it is something that I need to get use to!) I'm not sure that Willow should be forcing the issue with Buffy by pushing her to date again. (We are treated to a wonderful dance routine by "Slut-a-rama and disco Dave" Disco Dave reminds me of the vampire who was dressed badly in the very first episode! (see I am paying attention) So we are welcoming a new character who goes by the name of Slut-a-rama, no that's not right, it's Faith. Who seems to be able to handle her self quite well in the vampire killing gig!

So faith is the replacement for Kendra and of course Xander is googlie eyed over the new girl. A watchers retreat why couldn't that be a spin off series? If Giles is cute, then I'd hate to see the other watchers. Could the slayer the limo monster was talking about be Faith not Buffy? Oh Faith is cool! I like her! Giles is trying to get the real story of the end of last series and Buffy is not letting the full story. Willow really needs to learn how to think before she talks.

Cue evil music, and the villain has a real reason for revenge! Thank God I don't deliver pizza anymore! Faith is so chirpy! Even Mum likes her, no wonder Buffy is upset! The Slayer pride parade waving those stakes down the streets chanting pro slaying and anti-vamps slogans. Ladies please? can't we just get along? "FAITH - GET THE TABLES!"  It seems the new girl has anger management issues! Oh Giles digressing again about the old days when he was invited to watcher camp.

I wouldn't be surprised if Leprechauns pop up as a villain in this show. Little early to give jewelry don't you think Scotty? especially rings that they have an emotional attachment to. Revenge is a nasty tool for motivation. It consumes you to the point that you do not know what your actions involves to the point where fear takes over. It seems that faith had better overcome that fear really quickly or something bad will happen to Buffy. (Did I just see her ram the stake into that kokistos guy twice? do vampires wear stake proof vests? if not they should!)

Good work Faith, way to go, overcoming your fear with a big stake! This leaves Buffy to finally open up to the two most important people in her life Willow and Giles to reveal what really happen at the end of season 2.

Next step for Buffy, try to save face with Scott and move on with her life. ( I still think that he is too over eager giving her a ring before they even went on a date. He is one lucky guy that Buffy has gone back to ask if the offer is still on the table.) A final goodbye from Buffy to Angel and now she can move on with her life.............

...........if only it was that simple as surprise surprise, 3 episodes in Angel is back! (and I really saw more than I wanted to see!)

What a really good episode, addition of the cast was great with Faith, Also Buffy finally being able to accept that she needs to move on and they didn't drag on the inevitable return of Angel (one more of those mushy dream sequences and I would of been really upset!)

9/10 (Great Character development and what I will consider the real start of the season as the last two episodes were really just old conflict resolution.)

(unoffically 8/10 because it loses 1 for the gratuitous male nudity!)

Beauty & the Beasts

It's a full moon does that mean we get the Oz as a werewolf episode for the season? at least they have spent a little more on makeup this year. Yes which half indeed Willow? and can you really count on Xander? there is something that makes me think not, it could be the whole sleeping on the Job that makes me doubt him?

Faith, are all men beasts? I guess I can't answer that one objectively can I? It seems to be a point of contention with the ladies in this show. A kid gets eaten by a werewolf and thanks to Xander's inability to follow a simple task though has put a reasonable doubt in everyone's mind. Ah, a guidance councilor smoking in his office? now I seen everything! He is giving some good advice though. (yeah he is going to die!) An interesting point that he brings up about letting love (human love) become your master. It can consume a person to the point that it controls you and you lose focus. Love can be a double edged sword.

Poor Oz, he has every right to want to feel alone. His friends are trying to help but they just keep making the situation worse. Buffy is on patrol and guess who she runs into? (at least Angel was able to find some pants! but where did he find the pants?) How did Willow, Xander and Cordelia manage to get into the local morgue? Nice right cross by Faith. Oh the old library index card system how I miss thee! Ching Ching (Mr. Dounuts! even an explanation on how they were made! So that is how they paid for the extra make up for Oz!)

Man I love Jelly (Jello for our american friends!) I'd have Jelly for lunch every day if I could. Scott you need new friends! The reality of the situation sets in as Angel has found a way to return to this dimension after hundreds of years of torment but he has become an animal.

What is the story with Debbie and Pete? Buffy opens up to the dead councilor (told ya so!) Whedon's revenge on his schooling continues! Jeckle and Hyde has entered the Buffyverse! (with a dash of the incredible hulk, DC 6 Marvel 4) Oz has been vindicated and could we see Werewolf vs Hyde? Oh I hope so! (my money is on werewolf!) Thanks for stating the obvious Faith! Some quick detective work sees them figure out what is going on! Could we now see Werewolf vs Hyde vs Vampire now that Angel has escaped?

Werewolf vs Hyde is awesome and Giles gets a trank in the butt for good measure! I really hope Pete gets it, you never ever hit a woman! Poor Debbie, she didn't deserve this! Well I didn't get my 3 way fight, But I am glad that Angel killed Hyde saving Buffy and it is all we needed to return to the sappy Angel again. A quick exposition for those who couldn't follow on. Scott is in morning for his dead friend and brings up a valid point that you never do really know what a person is going through, no matter how much you think you know them!

Another Great Episode! lots of action and a strong story with a really great meaning behind it. Love can become consuming and deadly if it is the wrong type of love. But True Love can set you free as it did to Angel.

(I am sooooooo tempted to give this one a 10 as it is one episode I really did enjoy. I am finding a real hard time picking up any faults in it! although I could of done without the "lets tell Cordelia what happen because she wasn't around" routine to fill in the blanks and for the people who just didn't get it!) Ok Rejoice all ye who are following the challenge for we offically have after 18 posts and 37 episodes our first ......


(I just know I'm gonna cop it for this one!)

1 comment:

April_fool82 said...

Ok I was told to at least comment on beauty and the beasts seeing as I’ve fallen so far behind. So I’ll do that then hopefully find the time to do the rest at some point

All men are beasts, Buffy. – I’m not sure about this statement……I’ll agree that all men have the potential to BE beasts……given the right circumstances and wrong choices……but I don’t think it’s limited to men, I think all people have the potential to be horrible, I think men are just less subtle and scheming then women (HUGE generalization I know). I think that is why that have Oz as a werewolf, to show that even the most placid, laid back cool guy has that ability for violence in them how the choose to respond to it varies vastly and is ultimately what disguises a man from a beast (in some people the lines are very blurred). Contrast Oz with Pete.

Any person -- grownup, shrink, pope -- any person who claims to be *totally* sane is either lying or not very bright. I mean, everyone has problems. Everybody has demons, right? – I like this quote……I like even more the fact that church calls the Holy Spirit Counselor and Comforter, both these are needed desperately by a world going mad.

Look, lots of people lose themselves in love. It's, it's no shame. They write songs about it. The hitch is, you can't stay lost. Sooner or later, you... you have to get back to yourself. If you can't... Well, love becomes your master, and you're just its dog. – I actually really dislike this quote……well more the use of the word love in it…real love provides clarity, guidance, direction, it frees not enslaves……at no point does it become your master by force (although I agree to hierarchy and love often leads……but never by force). I agree to the quote but wonder if love should be changed to affection or romance?? (I find it interesting that I don’t like this quote but actually really like something similar spike says in a later episode)

Ok this episode has too much (somewhat contradictory) issues, starting with Pete, he started taking all those potions because of insecurity (heaven help any girl who gets involved with an insecure guy before he’s had a chance to work out his issues). He was afraid she would leave him (not sure if this was a reasonable jealousy i.e. did Debbie do something in the past to precipitate this, or was it just an extension of his feelings of inadequacy)

Whilst no woman ever deserves to be abused, I think Debbie’s major problem was in being unable to TRULY help Pete, the longer she kept blaming things on her self, and refusing to see that by taking the blame he deserves she was actually not allowing him to grow, to develop into a real man, responsible for his own actions and accountable to himself and others for them. She actually allows him to regress into the animal he became by not having the strength to leave, to MAKE him sort himself out. Having said that, she was probably broken herself as Buffy quite rightly pointed out.

I love that fact that angel’s first word is Buffy, *sigh*. Like I’ve stated numerous times, she is his redeemer. I love that!! I know the bible’s English translation states that woman was created as man’s “helpmate” and everyone seems to have an opinion as to what this means. The Hebrew word itself is used 7 times, always about God, always in relation to him coming through to help when no-one else can it is more accurately translated “lifesaver” for all women out there……this is what it means to be someone’s wife! This is the difference between what Buffy has done for angel and what Debbie did to Pete. The difference in being a woman of strength and valor and the effect that has on one’s partner is irreplaceable.

Ok that’s this one (I’ll get around to the other 3 soon I promise

P.S - i've totally given up on your marking system whilst a great episode i doubt it brought up more issues then other ones, or that it was particularly much better. I'm glad you gave SOMETHING a 10 though (hopefully a few more will follow)