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Monday, July 21, 2008

Buffy Challenge Post 15: Season 2: Episode 19 - 20

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I only have eyes for you

Cue the lights and the band, here we go with another installment of the Buffy challenge! and to begin with . . . . .  AH not another sappy love song and Buffy moping!

UM if the dance is the Girls ask the boys then you can't ask the girl if she would ask you to the dance, that defeats the purpose. Also I wonder how long Buffy's self imposed "Never Dating" policy will last? Where does Willow get those wonderful Jumpers?

"Love can be nice!" If only!

Ok there is a guy who can't take rejection! "You just went OJ on your girlfriend!" I thought that guy didn't do it? Now principle Snyder is using the time honored tradition at schools of a presumption of guilt before being proven innocent! As they say in Transformers, There is more than meets the eye with that bloke! Is Willow getting paid for teaching the class? Oh Poor Giles, lost the love of his life and is trying to grasp at any memory.

"HELLO McFLY", it seems we're back to the 50's in Buffy's mind, and Welcome to Sunnydale High where SOMETHING WEIRD IS GOING ON! I can see the flyers and adds now, where do I enroll my little brother? Today the big bad is a poltergeist. Am I watching Buffy or Days of our lives? sometimes I can't tell with the dialog, Crazy Janitor and again with the mystery disappearing gun. What is it with killing teachers on this show? I heard the education system was bad in america but I never thought it was this dangerous.

Is it me or is Angel making a move on Spike's girl?

"you should never cower from authority, except in this instance where I'm clearly right and you are clearly wrong!" Love it! (I think I may have to borrow that line!) Really, Dog spit is cleaner than humans? I didn't know that. Once again Buffy is running on emotions not logic, a dangerous thing.

How dare they! How could they make the girls do all the work, Cordilea you never cease to amaze with how self centered you are.

How does Snyder know about the Hellmouth? and what does "you said you can handle it" mean? Meanwhile the gang is facing their own personal nightmares and that means the horror of "DRY SKIN CONDITION" for Cordilea. Buffy's power level is one point of contention for me, one episode she is kicking down doors with ease and in another instance she struggles to open the peanut butter jar. (alright maybe not to that extreme) Forgiveness is needed and is an act of compassion but Buffy is projecting her own anger and pain, this is clouding her Judgment.

HUH? HOLY ROLE REVERSAL BATMAN! Was this her plan from the start? That is brilliant, only one problem, there is no one to break the spell and the final act of this play does not end well for Buffy. Good thing you can't kill a Vampire with a gun (werewolf maybe, vampire no!) An interesting way of making things right for the poltergeist I see the correlation between the two. Angel feels dirty because he felt love, oh and enough with the wheelchair jokes, Mate! they will come back to haunt you! AHH how I wanted to kick my Wheel chair away in the same fashion!

Great Episode that puts a nice twist on the whole ghost story. Wonderful acting from Buffy and Angel in the possession scene!


Go Fish

(and the name of the only card game I'm good at!)

Beach party! (doesn't anyone ever study at this school?) Willow I'm not sure they give a pennant for the school with the highest mortality rate! Why can't school kids play nice? Dunk the dork is not a nice game to play (especially for the dork!) Good thing I decided to have a late midnight snack while watching this episode! nothing helps food go down than seeing the remains of someone who had his insides sucked out! (the skin is where the fat is!)

Great way leading from the front Snyder, the kid's good at sport so lets pass him! Doesn't need to do the work just needs to swim better! Also doing a great job intimidating a student that should not be teaching a class to begin with! WHO IS RUNNING THE EDUCATION SYSTEM? Snyder has a habit of popping up at the wrong time. It's ok for the guy to attempt to RAPE a female student as long as he swims well! Now I'm not one to revel in the misfortunes of others but that guy had it coming to him!

This is where the show struggles a little. If they didn't reveal the bad sea monster costume the drama (and my interest) would be stronger. Oh Cordilea you are a master at busing the male ego! Willow the bad cop! didn't get the result she wanted but she got a result! (ewww is right!) Worst job at following someone ever Buffy! Here comes Angel to get members to join the "I HATE BUFFY CLUB!" but didn't like the taste Big tough swimmer needs little old Buffy to walk him home! Is it me or are all the girls going Ga Ga of Xander in bathers? who would of thought?

And here is the point where it loses me and just gets silly, morphing fish teens please. Kids DON'T DO STEROIDS! you might become a horrible fish monster. The Steam room, of course and who would of thought that the gym coach was evil? The direct approach where the bad guy tells all, then tries to kill you, that has never been done before in the history of television. I just had a thought, why does the library have a holding cell? and why hasn't anyone noticed? Also I have a strange feeling that this episode was as uncomfortable to film for the actors as it is for me to watch. As all creators of evil, they are destroyed by their own creation.

UGH what a pointless episode. It seems to be a pattern now, one good followed by one mediocre. It was decent for the first half right up to the point the bad costumes showed up.



April_fool82 said...

I’d actually forgotten how much I enjoyed “I only have eyes for you till I read the transcript”. Again your scoring system leaves me baffled 8.5?? when passion only got 8?? hmmmm
Ok I so have to a bit on “love according to willow” – “love can be nice” “love makes you do the wacky”

“See, uh, many times the spirit is plagued by all manner of worldly troubles. Being dead, it has no way to, uh, to make its peace. So it, it lashes out, growing ever more confused, ever more angry.” Another great example of what hell is about! For people who haven’t read the great divorce by C.S Lewis, his basic premise is that people in hell become more and more self absorbed, he gives an image of napoleon pacing around a small room blaming everyone for his demise, ever more confused and angry (check the book out!!)

Just to answer your question, angelus sired Dru, hence he feels a certain possession of her, kind of an incestuous love thing. I don’t think he truly felt spike was worthy of her (given all the effort he went to, to make her mad then evil). I think he should watch his step though; hell hath no fury (like a lover scorned)

“Giles: Yes, well, I, uh, I appreciate your thoughts on the matter, I, in fact I... well, I *encourage* you to, to always, uh, challenge me, uh, when you feel it's appropriate. You should never be cowed by authority. Except, of course, in this instance, when I am clearly right and you are clearly wrong.” – I’m always surprised by the number of parents I meet who think they are allowing their kids to develop their own minds only to find that they are doing something along these lines

“Giles: To forgive is an act of compassion, Buffy. It's, it's not done because people deserve it. It's done because they need it.” – I love this quote…….all Christians will have to agree that none of us deserve forgiveness, Christ grants it out of his compassion cause we so desperately need it

“No. James destroyed the one person he loved the most in a moment of blind passion. And that's not something you forgive. No matter why he did what he did. And no matter if he knows now that it was wrong and selfish and stupid, it is just something he's gonna have to live with.” – ouch anyone wanting to know what not feeling forgiven feels like???

Ok I love how the ghost identified with Buffy being unable to forgive herself for killing angel. And how Grace, being the older one who should have known better identifies with angel and how this possession finally gave her the much needed resolution enabling her for the coming episodes.
Ok go fish was pretty crummy – but hey funny and again with scoring this wasn’t much better then killed by death and that only got a 3…hmmmm

“Jonathon: No. Why don't you mind your own business? I can handle this without your help.” – Gosh Buffy you should have learnt the guy code when you annoyed xander by saving him a beating!

LOL @ willows “I’ll crack him like an egg” – classic

I loved cordy’s little spewl to not-quite-xander is she finally developing a shred of humanity??

Ok there’s even less for me to comment on here then in killed by death.

I think they were going for one dramatic and one either comedic or action just to lighten the series but I know it hasn’t been turning out that way (hey over all you’re not hating the season though)

Oooooo next 2 are my favorite episodes in all of Buffy (followed by my favorite season) can’t wait!!

Mr. Sidhom said...

No pressure then Huh April? As for my scoring I call them how I see them, and I still think passion had it's faults with how annoying Xander was and the whole bit where the audience is treated like we didn't understand what happened.

As for the fish boy one, other than the goofy costumes it had an o.k story line much better than the killed by death episode. That was just boring.