A quick note here about the challenges last entry concerning Band Candy, I really did enjoy the episode right up to the part where the babies were involved. At that point it didn't matter how great the acting is but I felt physically ill! Hence the 3/10 if the "offering" was something else, say Cordelia, it would of got atleast an 8.
Enough of me trying to justify myself, on with the show!
I wonder if I will learn something about the characters in this one?
Down at the Bronze and Oz's band is kicking it! This is awkward, Xander and Willow will have lots of explaining to do! Now I couldn't care less about Cordelia but poor OZ doesn't deserve this! Is Buffy dating something? I mean someone? A night out with faith is always fun. Nothing better than chilling with your best friend killing vamps and apparently being assested by Faiths new watcher, and I might say she is a looker! (yes I know that was extremely lame!)
Why am I not surprised that a free spirit like Faith wants nothing to do with a new watcher? How can Giles not have the books she needed? Giles too American! Ha! So a big bad demon is on his way and killing him is the way to go. She is abrasive indeed Giles and NO BUFFY WE CAN'T KILL HER!
More Angel shirtless and going the Tai Chi moves on Buffy, smooth, but Buffy still remembers the last time things got too hot and heavy. Oh Angel looks really disturbed when hearing the name of the demon that is coming. Giles is not in a good mood, under high pressure and as usual Xander doesn't help. Now that was close, Willow is not in her right mind she needs to make a decision and not lead Oz on like this.
Buffy and Faith are having a heart to heart, see here is the thing I like about Faith, she is so tactful with her words, and she really enjoys her extra curricular activities. Too bad that didn't go as according to plan. The cat is out of the bag and Xander has just discovered the one thing Buffy didn't want him to know (a revelation if you will!) Angel and Buffy have hooked up again.
Nice timing Xander, just when Giles was sticking up for Buffy he finds out the shocking truth about Angel. It looks like intervention time! Cordelia is worried about her self, surprise, surprise. Whoa easy there Xander, I know your upset but that was uncalled for! Good to see that even though Willow is confused with her love life at least she is the voice of reason. That must be hard on Giles considering Angel killed his love. Can a watcher quit?
Willows guilt is starting to show. At least she is not being hypocritical about Buffy's little secret. Faith is upset that she was left out of the loop but she has given an angry Xander a reason to unleash his frustrations.
Are you flirting with Ms. Post, Mr. Giles? I don't think she is interested though, I don't know maybe it was the statue to the head? I really need to learn not to get too attached to any new character in this show. Willow is a little too happy that Buffy cut off the head of the demon and she gets a souvenir. Faith is really impulsive that is not always a good thing. Are we going to see a showdown between Faith and Buffy?
Post is EVIL! great timing for Faith to walk in as Angel was about to stop her. (reminds me of Star Wars Episode III and the fall of Anakin Skywalker) and here we go Faith Vs Buffy (CAT FIGHT, CAT FIGHT!) Post has manipulated one more person and showed her true colors. Can't take off the glove then remove the arm! Angel has redeemed himself by saving Willow. It takes real courage to face up to your friends when things are going wrong. I don't blame Faith for feeling unloved and lonely her lack of trust has just deepen.
Solid episode with a nice twist. Little confused about the whole demon thing though.
Lover's Walk
Is it me or is it the smart ones are never satisfied with their scores on tests! Willow is wallowing (Simpsons reference "Cletus the slackjawed yokel! nice) and why is Xander and Willow together by themselves? So Buffy slayed the SAT's!
His driving still leaves a lot to be desired! never the less I'm glad he is back, no matter how bad his Frank Sinatra impersonation is? Is Spike drunk? I didn't know vampires could get drunk? What is classier than bowling? That is so cute, a pez witch for the little witch. Another spin off idea shot down? "Camping with Giles" Is Buffy's days slaying numbered? Willow since when was bowling sexy? I wonder how many mothers would suggest that their daughter needs to be around keg parties and boys?
Spike has really hit rock bottom. Wow only $15.80 for an anti-love spell ingredients. I wonder how much it would cost today with inflation. Angel gives the right advice to Buffy. Spike kidnaps Willow and an unconscious Xander then forces her to do a love potion. But the real torture was the tale of woe about how Dru left him. He is right though there is nothing worse a man can hear from a woman he loves than the words "LETS JUST BE FRIENDS!" Now he is tormenting Buffy's mum with the story.
Mum's confused, I'm confused, were all confused. (I can't believe they got away with the line "if you and your little p**f here wanna tag along.....") Memories of long lost loves can be triggered by the strangest things. Why are all moping vampires so annoying. (Although Spike is entertaining when he mopes around) His take on love is interesting though. Is Love more blood than brains? I know love has a mugging affect on people's judgment. Including Xander and Willow getting caught by Oz and Cordelia. Now I know I joke about Cordelia and how annoying she is but having her impaled after seeing her boyfriend making out with her best friend, that is harsh.
Is it me or are we seeing Buffy, Angel and Spike fighting on the same team? Cool double staking! Nice. Weight of numbers however do win out and they are cornered. The Vampires are getting tougher with every season it seems. Never call a man soft, it never ends out well! Love is a funny thing Spike.
Just when I thought I had my hopes up an was about to write a glowing obituary for Cordelia and how this show will never be the same with the queen of self centeredness, they pan away from the funeral to Buffy and Willow talking about how she is going to be fine. Willow you should feel bad! Oz didn't deserve what you did to him! As for Xander, if he thinks flowers will win Cordelia back he ha another thing coming as it was his selfishness that nearly got her killed. This episode ends with nothing but broken hearts for all the characters! this will change the dynamics for the better I think!
Great ending with a happy Spike driving down the freeway, big change from the start.
Big episode in the context of things! Really enjoyed this one immensely
1 comment:
Ok not much to say about revelations. It wasn’t a bad episode, and furthered the knowledge of “divide and conquer.” Buffy’s strength ultimately lies in her friends and family, split them apart, and havoc ensues.
Still hate the fact that Xander still acts irrationally and callously and needs to grow up!!
Still hate the willow/xander thing (it’s too contrived) and totally out of character for willow.
Also a good development of faiths mindset, unable to trust anyone makes her quite isolated and lonely, quite vulnerable to any new person who shows a possibility of providing her with a level of stability, a safe haven, someone to confide in etc.
Faith: *I'm* on my side, and that's enough.
Buffy: Not always.
I remember when I first watched this I thought Buffy meant it’s not always enough to count on your own strength. On re-watch though (thanks to future events). I think she also means that we’re not always on our own side, we do things to harm ourselves (knowingly and unknowingly) and often we need our friends to point out our self destructive tendencies.
Ok lovers walk!
I actually really love this episode, actually I love one quote from it but hey that’s all it takes for me sometimes
Can I just say I wanna go bowling where willow does………I mean sexy?? I must be doing it all wrong then, LOL
LOL I loved mopey spike, he was hilarious. Oh and notice the difference between love (angel able to tell Buffy to leave, even if it means loosing her, for her own happiness) and lust/possession/desire (spike an his twisted relationship with dru)
Ooooo one of my fave quotes”
“You're *not* friends. You'll never be friends. You'll be in love till it kills you both. You'll fight, and you'll shag, and you'll hate each other till it makes you quiver, but you'll never be friends. Love isn't brains, children, it's blood...blood screaming inside you to work its will. *I* may be love's bitch, but at least *I'm* man enough to admit it.”
Ok……I should attempt and intelligent interpretation of this passage (damn my setting precedence!!) I don’t think it’s possible to go backwards in relationships….friendships grow, some may even turn into love, but never the other way round, love may be corrupted to degenerate but it turns into something bitter like hate…..never friendship. I agree with spikes analysis. I don’t think you ever forget the highs of a first love. I think people spend their whole lives trying to re-capture the rapture associated with a first love…and some often mistake that for still being in love with that person. ANYWAYS, I agree love isn’t brains. Love never follows any logic, I mean when God himself willingly dies on behalf of people who don’t love him and never will love him, it’s not logical, it’s love, to quote from John elder edge “love complicates God’s life as it does ours.”
“*I* may be love's bitch, but at least *I'm* man enough to admit it.” – This was the quote I mentioned in an earlier comment when I made a comparison between it and something I disagreed with. The reason I agreed to this statement an not the other one, is that it hinted at the strength required to follow love it is always more of a man that is able to respond the Loves commands and requirements as they require a huge amount of self sacrifice. It also implies (in spikes unique phrasing) that he willingly submits to Loves leadership not that he is controlled by it unwillingly.
Love angel not lying to Buffy by saying he doesn’t love her, although I don’t like him backtracking on his earlier ability to let her go.
Anyways, that’s all for this episode, I actually really like it.
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