(quick notes folks, the order of episodes is a little different on the season 4 dvd so I watched the 1st and 3rd episode before I knew that I missed episode 2, So I've put episode 2 in and we have a super sized challenge this post. Other than wondering when Buffy and Willow became room mates I didn't really notice as there was no real major threads that ran through the 3 episodes.)
So after about a month and a bit we are moving on to the 4th season of the adventures of Buffy and friends. We move from season 3 which was April's favorite season to Season 4 which is her least favorite season. I as always kind of have a theory of why this may be so. The way I see it was that seasons 1 - 3 told a huge three part arch, introducing the characters in the first season, breaking them down mentally in the second and redeeming them by the end of the third. So it seems that the story almost starts again in season 4 and it may as well be a new show all together. The setting is different which brings new challenges as they are in a different stage of their lives. Also the ending of season 3 was so definitive it almost feels like they would have to reboot the show from here. It will be interesting to see if I agree with April or not on the merits of season 4. I've got a feeling that as per usual she will go mad trying to figure out the complexities of my scoring system.
Well that is enough babbling from me lets move on with the first episode entitled:
The Freshman
Oh Willow has a new spunky hair cut! I like it! Introduction to the modern novel, sounds like a great read. How do you get to be renowned? Images of pop culture sounds like a subject I'd like to do. Willow doesn't want to be caught unawares which means yep, she is about to be caught unaware. In the simpsons there is a theory that Homer get dumber every season, I think the opposite can be said here as it seems the vampires are getting smarter every season.
We start again with Buffy attending first day of College. I'd never understand how the American tertiary system works. Oh Willow once again you are the walking embodiment of the "That's what she said..." Joke. If your description of knowledge was said by any other character I don't think they could of aired it on national television. Hey Oz is still here and it seems that jello shots are the drink of the day.
Giles has lost his job, I guess that blowing up your library is not something you should put on your resume. Buffy drops books on this seasons love interest. Everyone's gotta brain, but not everyone seems to use it. Buffy runs into her room mate she seems nice and over stimulated. (yeah she is evil, come on anyone who owns a celine dion poster has to be evil!) I think I'm gonna count how many teachers they are going kill in this season. What a way to humiliate a student in front of everyone on her first day.
It seems this is the classic story of the big fish in the pond being placed in the ocean. So geology 101 is what the football players study. Mr. pointy is Buffy's security blanket, hah! This show wouldn't be about a Vampire Slayer if there were no vampires, now would there? You can't find good lackeys anymore. Giles you hound dog! Old people are not allowed to have a private life. So this season's villain is named "Sunday" and I didn't know that vampires could get stoned. (Failed spinoff show: Monster Sarcasm Rally) It seems that Sunday is not your average Vampire as she gave Buffy a bit of a beating. Ok I'm a little confused, did Celine Dion fan chick get abducted? or are they pre empting Buffy's downfall?
Hey it's Xander, we can't have Buffy without "Mr. Point out the obvious." So Xander's life has sucked over the summer. (Marvel reference "Avengers Assemble" DC 14 Marvel 5) Oh Xander with the Star Wars quote, just not right but close! That is the thing Buffy is the same hero but fighting in a bigger world! "W.W.B.D" What would buffy do? not sure it would sell. So it was Buffy they were preempting her disappearance. Oh no never steal a Slayers diary. Sunday is looking like the cat who stole the cream when Buffy fell in. Not the umbrella! Stoner Vamp is gone. And Sunday didn't last long. So much for her being the big villain of the season, nice timing Giles, What is with the comando squad at the end of the episode?
Now as a season opener, this was the best one I've seen so far. It reestablished Buffy's role and shook things up nicely. Some really funny lines and a nice vamp kill at the end. Would of liked to see the Vampire frat house last longer though.
Living Conditions
At the dorm! The music reminds me of my IT class who have a thing for listening to crappy 80's music, including Cher! Man her roomie is so annoying, counting every drop of milk. I would be worried about milk theft at uni as well! All those kids running around getting off on milk. Buffy is having a winging to Willow about her room mate. And out comes our first corny looking demon for the season. (No real improvement from last season I see.)
Out comes annoying Kathy! She is a different type of annoying the won't shut up about every little thing type of annoying. (or a DVD commentary person) AH MAN SUBTITLES, why couldn't they talk english like all the other demons. "Motor bike and Scooter Magazine" still waiting for mine to come in the mail. Another spin off that didn't get off the ground, "Buffy the Old Cat lady" Kathy is a little snoop isn't she? and she has stumbled into Buffy's bag of goodies. Oh I think this guy is going to watch more than her back. Beware of random adorableness.
Xander has nothing better to do it seems so he is hoping for some vampire action. HOW DARE KATHY SPILL SAUCE ON THE SLAYERS SWEATER! She labels her eggs? Chewing gum the scourge of teachers everywhere! Why can't Buffy have normal dreams? Oh and Kathy is one to talk about making noises in her sleep. Kathy is just everywhere. toodles? I have an issue with people who leaves saying toodles. Hey I got a High Distinction in Napping 101. Giles looks worried that is never a good sign. Can't type reading subtitles. Oh and fellows I wouldn't be standing that close to the fire with all that plastic on your face.
Parker is a Mimbo! CAT FIGHT CAT FIGHT (in a verbal sense!) Buffy is spoiled? This can't be good! Share time is not really going to well for the two of them. Oz is a great guy, will do anything for Willow. (who seems to have issues of her own with the sleeping arrangements. More commandos! Oz is right again, no one does deserve mime! That bench had it coming to it! Wow, what a great way to highlight the annoyance of others! Even I'm sick of this song now! More freaky nightmares. Now Kathy is bitching to Willow who seems to be put into a corner. She is moving into Buffy's life. I TOLD YOU KATHY WAS EVIL!!!!!!! THE CELINE DION POSTER!!!! IT ALL MAKES SENSE!!!!!
Buffy has lost it! and the only way to stop it is to tie her up. Willow why are you trying to reason with someone who is clearly unstable. It seems that Oz and Xander failed rope tying at school. CAT FIGHT CAT FIGHT! Surprise Surprise Kathy is evil. I called it when I first saw it. Not Buffy's favorite sweater. Good thing Buffy has friends watching her back. Bye Bye Kathy, and Willow moves in. Wonder if "Dingoes ate my baby" will ever play a gig in Darwin?
What a fun episode, the whole dream sequence parts were a little too far in the horror side of things. But it was well directed and other than the dodgy make up the story was great!
The Harsh Light of Day
Back at the Bronz, you'd think they would of found a new hang out by now. Also if they are that close to the Bronz why are they boarding at college? Willow? Lusty wrong feelings? that is not the sweet innocent girl we knew from the first season. Well Harmony the really really annoying chick from high school is back and she has taken a bite out of Willow. Will we now see the return of Willvamp? I hope so!
Nope, Thankfully Oz was there to save the day. Well Buffy's hobbies, um I don't know. See today the dark and brooding guys I guess are called the EMO guy. Do we have to live for today or is there a reason to live for not tomorrow. This Parker guy is smooth, I should take notes! The Alphabet what a crazy system. Anya is back with a new look and the same bad attitude. It seems that Anya is not waiting for things to happen seeing she is a 1000 year old demon stuck in teenagers body. I am going to enjoy this character the potential is endless!
He has a new focus and a new plan, and a new pain in the butt girlfriend (Bring back Drusilla!). Does anyone at an American university study? Ever? So much for not letting anyone know that your here Spike. Dru left spike for a fungus demon! Poor Spike! Anya does scrub up nicely for a 1000 year old chick! Um ok that is taking things really fast (not that I think Xander is protesting!).
So Spike is looking for the Gem of Amara, which I wouldn't know what that was for if it wasn't someone who happen to SPOIL it for me only yesterday!!! I'm to blame at the end of the day. Parker is a History Buff, which I think is cool! He is a bit of a smooth talker also. Is it me or is there really a lot of hankey pankey in this episode? Buffy's post Angel bow. Anya's plan hasn't seemed to work out how she thought it would. Well Spike I love syphilis more than a person like Harmony. Typical females bragging about their conquests. Spike has seemingly found what he has been looking for as Buffy mopes around the phone waiting for Parker to call. Spike has found the gem which seems to make him impervious to all vampire weakness!
How dare Giles have a tv? what could he be thinking? Parker is an jerk who used the sob story to get into Buffy's pants. What a jerk. Not only has he totally taken Buffy's dignity but he also made her apologies? People like that really really annoy me!!!!!! Just when Buffy is at her lowest emotional depths who happens to show up in the middle of the day? none other than the last person she would expect in Spike! I can see the adds now, "The Gem of Amara, the official sponsor of me killing you!" PLEASE KILL HARMONY NOW!!! I'm sure James Masters is finally enjoying shooting a scene in this show in daylight. Buffy gets the ring off Spike and decides to pass it on to Angel who is in his own show now. It is a hard reality that Buffy is facing, she has now slept with two guys and both of them turned on her. (although Angel was not his fault) Parker is just a predatory monster who thinks it's ok to play with peoples emotions. (He is a poop head Willow I agree!) Good thing Willow is there to be the voice of reason. What would Buffy be without her?
Interesting ending showing the three women who made a choice to sleep with someone for 3 different reasons all feeling the same emotions. (Other than Harmony who I could not care one iota about it was really moving.)
Another solid episode! I like the whole ring idea that makes a vampire truly immortal. Anya is a really interesting character who I hope develops more in this season (she was the focus of 2 of the 10/10 episodes from last season) and it is good to see Spike back!
8/10 - So far so good, however last season started with two mediocre episodes so that has me a little scared for the next 19 episodes to come!
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