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Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Buffy Challenge Post 22: Season 3: Episodes 11 - and what I mistakenly thought was episode 12 but isn't

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Ginger Bread

Lets get straight into this one shall we, a different start for this one, Mum thought she would hang out with Buffy while she slays and like all good mothers she has to give a running commentary on everything that is happening. I've got a feeling that Joyce should of stayed at home. "Won't somebody please think of the children!!!" and the teachers as they seem to be the real victims of this show. Dead kids with weird occult signs on their hands is never a good sign.

Is everything going to be ok Buffy? How are we going to solve the mystery of the dead kids in the park? As horrendous as this crime is I have to agree with Giles with on this one, you can't take this personal. Oh, Buffy's birthday is coming up, what to get the girl who kills vampires for a hobby? What is scarier than vampires and ghouls? Mum showing up unannounced at school that is what.

Mum has been busy and called all of Sunnydale to a protest of sort. Oh things are still awkward between Joyce and Giles. Is it me or does Willow's mother know NOTHING about her daughter. Mayor McSleaze is playing the crowd perfectly. Joyce is becoming a vigilante in her own right and is willing to tackle the evil head on! Did I mention that I hate the whole Willow is a witch thing? especially seeing that the symbol is on the rug that they are practicing their witchcraft. Get over it Xander, no one cares that you feel guilty about the whole Willow thing.

Buffy sees the symbol in Willow's notes and alarm bells ring while Synder pronounces this as "A Great day for Principles everywhere!" while the cops are cleaning out everyone's lockers at school, so that is what they mean by the saying "Witch hunt" as they arrest Amy and Willow is panicking as she is next to go. They're hitting the library hard and it seems Giles is ready to hit Synder hard. Couldn't the Mothers Opposed to the Occult come up with a better name? MOO indeed.

Willow is grounded for being a witch. There is a real difference between Buffy's relationship with her mum and the lack of one Willow has with her. So Joyce is the leader of MOO, good for her. Why are all the kids on this show so creepy? Buffy finds a shoulder to cry on in the form of Angel, it must be hard when your main purpose in life is being threatened by your mother. Angel gives some great advice to Buffy telling her that she needs to continue the good fight! The thing is Good always has to win, where as Evil only has to win once.

Some nice detective work there Buffy these kids are not just your normal run of the mill kids. It seems this has happen before. Me too Xander I'm spinning on the whole fairytales are real thing also. Willow is in serious trouble as it seems that the kids are demons who thrive on human predacious. I was just about to ask the same question as Cordelia, how many times has Giles been knocked out?

Never get a real witch angry as Amy shows her power, and turns herself into a rat and runs off! I wonder where they got those authentic looking stakes? If the whole popular girl act doesn't work for you, you could become a fireman instead. Uh the demon looks tacky but nice kill Buffy. It seems that Willow hasn't yet mastered the spell to change Amy back. Oh well I guess the wheel thingies will just have to do.

Not a bad episode, nice look at how mass hysteria over a different type of person can be disasterous. Also a good little mystery in the show with a nice tight ending. Crummy demon costume spoils it though.


Special Features

What an odd name for an episode..........

wait it is the special features on disk 3 of the 3rd season.

I think I'll leave it as a one shot for this post. Just so the balance doesn't get thrown out of whack.

Will have the next two up soon, PINKY SWEAR I PROMISE!

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