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Thursday, August 07, 2008

Buffy Challenge Post 23: Season 3: Episodes 12 - 13

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After the debacle of the challenge last night I feel it is only right to make it up with ....... Another Challenge entry.

Why can't a slayer and a cursed vampire train without any sexual tension? Now there finishing each others sentences. Angel is still hung up on Buffy, and Buffy is still letting him know that she is not going to fall in that trap again. So it's Buffy's birthday, and her gift from Giles is studying crystals, It seems that they read the script wrong as Buffy is ment to stake the vampire not the other way around. (I think it has something to do with the aura around her). The old put the stake in position and let the vampire fall on it and kill himself trick. I wonder if Vampire dust is easy to get out of your clothes?

Buffy seems to be in some bad shape vampire wise. Oh, Willow threw up on Woodstock, that is classical! So Xander really an Ice show is a show on ice? I would of never thought. So Dad breaks Buffy's heart and the trip to the Ice show is off. This episodes villain, evil brick layers? It makes sense that Buffy would like Giles to go instead as he is the closest thing to a father figure she has. Buffy looks like she is out of it big time and needles are never good what is going on? What is going on with Giles, if that really is Giles?

So Amy is still a rat and Willow is keeping her as a pet, that is hilarious. Buffy is losing her slayerness? (is slayerness a word? spell checker doesn't think so?) So there is a ritual for slayers have turned 18 and it does not look like fun at all. (DC comics reference Kryptonite talk between Xander and Oz, for your information Oz is correct, Red changes Superman's DNA, Gold Removes him of his powers. for more on different kryptonite check out Action Comics Annual 10, DC 8 Marvel 4 GO DC!) I better get back to the episode as I could be distracted by talk of kryptonite. It seems the Straight Jacket vampire has got loose.

So we find out the fate of Mr. Pointy, he was bronzed in the memory for Kendra. Angel reveals the first time he saw Buffy (it was a little creepy then and even so now with him explaining it.) So I've gathered that you should never keep a vampire for a pet as they have a tendency to bite you and turn you into a vampire. Didn't know there were red necks in Sunnydale. Without her powers it seems that Buffy even runs like a girl! Giles to the rescue in his rust bucket or the Gilesmobile. Giles is the one who has done this to Buffy? how can she trust him ever again? "if the world doesn't end, I'm going to need a note." I'll make sure that excuse is never used.

What a crappy birthday Buffy is having, Dad skips his annual trip to the Ice Show, she gets drugged and betrayed by the one man she trusts, which causes her to lose her power and now her mum has been kidnapped by a psycho vampire who ate his mother. This is intense, dark and down right scary until the vampire opened his mouth. Still this is showing the real strength of the character as she is a real hero by going into a situation with a monster without her physical strength but it shows her inner strength. I always wanted to go down a laundry shoot. it looks like so much fun. (maybe not when chased by a psychotic vampire.) That is a great way to defeat the problem, not by sheer strength by using her wit. Brilliant way of killing the vampire.

WHAT? GILES JUST GOT FIRED? That sucks! The council are wrong and I agree that Buffy is fighting the war while they are sitting back and waging one. At least he still has his librarian job to fall back on.

I have really mixed feeling about this episode, kind of slow but the last 10 minutes was intriguing loved the original vampire kill, and also the show of inner strength by Buffy was wonderful. (well done to Sarah Michelle Gellar on a fine job acting in this episode.) The ending was surprising to say the least but I would of liked Giles not to be fired and the tension of him being her watcher and Buffy not fully trusting him. We will see where this leads us.


This leads us to.........

The Zeppo

It must be a dream sequence as there is way too much smoke for it to be real. I hate the look of the demons in this show. No not a dream sequence, just a spell from Willow. Hey Faith is back! So Giles is still aloud to hang out with the kids. Xander leave the Slaying to the real strength of the show, the women. (Another DC comics reference!!!!! Xander pretending to be Jimmy Olsen! DC 10 Marvel 4, OK NOW I AM OFFICALLY A FAN OF THIS SHOW!) Why am I not surprised that Giles has no Idea what Xander is talking about. (Nothing better than a good Jimmy Olsen Joke BTW!) I've got a feeling this show will be about the emasculation of Xander. Someone seems to have  anger management problems. Now Xander is coping it. (Another Jimmy Olsen reference! DC 11!) He is the Jimmy Olsen of the group, Superman's pal, but for those who know Jimmy has had his share of misadventure with powers. I still think his power is annoying comments! I've lost count how many demons ultimate goal is to end the world. It's a full moon time already? I thought the full moon only come once every season.

I've got to say that the werewolf costume looks better every time it pops up. So Xander is looking for a Thing, the problem is it is not 1957. It seems to have the right effect on the ladies though. (yeah she must be evil!) Oh boy, lesson one kids, what not to do when you are already on the bad side of the school bully. That's right, hit his car with yours. First sign you not the watcher anymore, they don't leave you any jelly donuts. Xander what are you getting your self into? I know if I was dead for 8 months the first thing I would want to do when rasied is to catch up with my Chuck Norris fix in Walker Texas Ranger.

Whoa Willy is really messed up, this can't be good. I'm not sure where this episode is going. Xander is finding the whole car thing is not as good as it seems, Man Undead Jocks are so annoying. Yeah Xander are you too good to be dead? or do you have a problem with dead people? I am so losing the plot here, what is going on? Faith is one tough cookie! and she is making the moves on Xander! This episode is making no sense what so ever! Typical female! loves em and leaves em. We are not pieces of meat that you can use for your pleasure and then throw away, men have feelings also, I hate it when we are objectified for our bodies. Now this doesn't makes sense the guy is already dead, why would it really hurt to be dragged by a car?

Xander is trying to stop the bomb, while Giles is dealing with the funny looking snake demon from the end of the first season. (Another lesson learnt folks, an ax is for chopping.) Xander it's not the best idea to disarm a bomb with an Ax. WAY TO XANDER!!!! nice way to turn your fear around use it to your advantage. This Episode reminds me of my favorite episode of Justice League Unlimited, called "The greatest story never told" where my favourite hero Booster Gold saves the day without any recognition!

Well that was a fun episode, made little to no sense but fun!


Until next time......

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