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Sunday, August 24, 2008

Buffy Challenge Post 31: Season 4: Episodes 8 - 9

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It wouldn't be the challenge without a little controversy in my scoring system. But by now everyone should know that my scores are just that, my scores! Anyone has the right to disagree with it.

Lets move on shall we? Now you'd think that people living in Sunnydale would know that it's not a great Idea to go for a nightly stroll in the park alone? Doesn't anyone watch the news or read a paper in this town?

Oh it's ok, it's just a vampire. is it me or was that Angel stalking Buffy again? He can be really creepy when he wants to be. Anya you have so much to learn about being tactful. Willow is channeling her left wing wackiness. Anya is disappointed that Xander is not doing all the work, Oh boy is she one rowdy 1200 year old teenager who doesn't have control of her hormones! I better mention the plot point here, Xander finds a hidden town under the dig spot.

I am going to find it hard to relate to this episode as being Australian I don't celebrate thanksgiving. Willow doesn't like Anya? I wonder why? Spike is making his way back after his narrow escape from the last episode. The town underneath brings forth a spirit who kills the first teacher this season, slacking off on the teacher massacre this season as the first one gets it in episode 8.

Oh Angel is back hanging out with Giles. Looking out for Buffy, he is still creeping me out with the whole stalking Buffy thing. Spike is suffering from his Vampiric Impotence still. I don't get it either Willow, the whole leaving for her own good thing. Interesting that Angel hasn't got time to plug his own show. Spike is having no luck right now. The native American spirit claims to be vengeance for his people and how do we avenge his people? "Still trying not to refer you as bloody colonials" - Great line!

Is it me or are we seeing the first Willow and Giles fight. Is it stealing if your taking back your own stuff? Xander is looking really ill, it seems that he has been infected by the illness that his people were given. Too much argument and just when I thought that Buffy was going to end this bickering she wants to make pie. Vengeance is a dangerous thing and when hatred consumes a person it is really difficult to get out of the cycle.

Spike steals the show again! Giles is upset that when he suggested the plan of attack there was a fight, but as soon as Spike explains it makes sense. Why does everyone think that Angel is Evil again? The Native American spirit is attacking like crazy with the arrows, Spike's been hit three times and even Buffy has taken an arrow into the arm. Make that 4 arrows for Spike. Well it's hard to kill something that is already dead! She finds out that their own weapons are the key to victory. (I can't believe they used a real bear in the show. Although it only highlighted the costume shots!) Angel slinks back into the darkness.

XANDER YOU AND YOUR BIG MOUTH!!!!! (Like the subtle oops at the end.)

Another Ok episode, Thank goodness for Spike as he is keeping this show together single handedly. (Also I do enjoy Anya when she is on the scene!)

5/10 - This episode was neither here or there, they tried to get some sort of moral dilemma debate about the plight of indigenous people and their rights but all that achieved was a long annoying shouting match of a scene.

Something Blue

Willow is not over Oz, seeing that his picture is everywhere. Life in an american college dorm is something I'd never understand. So Riley is a Lesbian, if that means he likes girls then I can see that. Riley is comparing Buffy to an exam? I can see him falling for the girl who is a mystery to him, girls who are a mystery can be a double edged sword. I disagree with Buffy here real love and passion doesn't go hand in hand with pain and fighting, real love is there it extinguish the pain and stop the fighting. She is so messed up in her definition of a true relationship, this to my opinion is due to her heartbreak of her previous relationships. But as I read today in an excellent book "The Sacred Romance" (check it out!) One of the most devious lies that Satan tries to convince us is that NOTHING WILL EVER CHANGE! This is a dangerous line of thinking as we do not grow as a person if we believe we're going to be stuck in the same pattern of hurt and disappointment.

Anyway, Spike is still chained up and it seems that Giles is ready to take him and Buffy out, however the dynamic of the two is wonderful! Willow sees the last remains of Oz ripped away and she has finally relised that Oz is gone for good. What torture are they putting spike through, depriving him of "Passions" that is just cruel. especially when Timmy is stuck down the well!

Riley and Buffy are about to go on their first date, but poor Willow is really feeling the pain of her loss. What does she do? Willow goes wild! (man I thought I danced badly!) She has started to spiral out of control and is turning to alcohol to numb the pain. Sometimes I wish the pain can go away by just saying so. Amy the rat makes a cameo! I really don't like the fact that Willow has turned to the dark arts and in her state of mind that is more dangerous than alcohol.

Giles is not only a wonderful father figure for Buffy but for all the characters including Willow and his concern is really touching. How does Willow react? she accidentally blinds Giles! (that would be his worst nightmare if he can't see and read!) Spike gets away. There is no such thing as a good witch. Oh, she had Amy back to normal for a second only to rat her again. It seems that Willow's spell has worked.

That is just hilarious! Spike and Buffy are now engaged. Oh they make such a cute couple. Oh I'm laughing so hard from this scene that I've totally neglected to type anything. Oh no, the worst thing a guy can hear from a girl he likes is "I hope we can just be friends" Why oh why do all all demons look cheap and crappy in this show? Xander has put 2 and 2 together and figured out that it was Willow who has made things the way they are. Anya has also relised that Willow has been abducted by the same Giant smurf that took her all those years ago.

What a time to break the spell, with Buffy and Spike in mid lip lock! Nice little touch in the background with Anya embracing Xander. Very clever putting Willow in a "Speak no evil" tee shirt. Nice save by Buffy on the Riley part, and he ends it with a smooth line!

Well what an entertaining episode, very funny but those dam demon costumes still look really bad!!!!!!


Well I really enjoyed that last one, I do like it when they take the main characters and shake things up a bit! Oh and will Amy ever be cured of her problem of being a rat? I don't think so! But not a bad days work for the actress getting paid for ten seconds on screen.

See you next time for Hush.

1 comment:

April_fool82 said...

Vengeance is never sated, buffy. Hatred is a cycle.

Another episode on vengeance – much the same comments here apply as in season 2

I think Angel did the right thing by leaving, I mean if you truly love someone you should be able to let them go if their presence is making their life miserable, if you recognise that a future with you would deprive them of real happiness, even if it is at a cost to your own emotion (for further progression of this theme see the connecting angel episode - I will remember you)

Other then that, I liked this episode- simple light hearted and just fun, with the whole gang interacting well, plus Buffy cooking reminds me of my own experiences, very stressful, scattered, but all turns out well

I find it interesting that spike turns to Buffy of all people for help…..

Ok something blue:
But I can't help thinking — isn't that where the fire comes from? Can a nice, safe relationship be that intense? *sigh* I wish I knew the answer to that. I can soooooooo relate to this line…..and no it’s not about passion being associated with fighting, buffy and angel didn’t fight, he didn’t cause her pain or hurt her, they both really loved each other……but it couldn’t be, I think the hoping against hope that there was some even little glimmer of possibility gave the relationship an edge, like knowing that it all might end allowed them to experience the relationship to the fullest……..almost like someone who knows they are going to die feels experiences everything more keenly…….can a “nice” (god I hate that word) relationship provide that intensity?? I doubt it……….but I think it takes a conscious effort to realise that a normal relationship provides something else a relieve from constant stress, fear and the tears………..

Sooo feel for will here………poor think heartache takes a while to get over……and it’s hell till you do

As for the rest of the ep…….hugely hilarious……..love this eps……..definatley one of my faves.

Till hush……….and amazing episode which you will probably hate