Where I'm at.....

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Buffy Challenge Post 19: Season 3: Episodes 5 - 6

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Were back, I hope the shock of me giving a 10 to the previous episode is not too much for your fleeting hearts! I know I couldn't sleep, thinking to myself "What have I done?" but the score is there now for all eternity (well at least until I get kicked off blogger) Naturally after such an action packed intense episode......... I'm ready to be disappointed.

Oh poor Buff sitting around with her friends but truly alone! Buses are cheap! And I'm sure it would be a real head turner rocking up to the formal. Ok, she must be really exited about the dance as we had to sit through the whole "o.k only if you want to routine....." Please!

Cue creepy castle, and moping Angel with his soul back! Still not thinking straight but at least he now has a shirt to go with the pants he found. Buffy is now delivering take away blood. Great idea tell your ex vampire boyfriend who your new fellow is. Great timing Buffy as Mr. Hope has just dashed yours! The old looking through the binoculars camera angle trick, that can't be good news. So that is where the Janitor from Scrubs got his van from.

Is it me or does Buffy get stalked frequently in this show? Oh the monkey cracks me up in the opening sequence every time! We finally get to see the Mayor and he is everything that we have been hoping for. I hate it when mayonnaise gets stuck under the finger nail, and the music means that the mayor must be EVIL! (Love Willow's picture!) Buffy and Faith are getting all "sweaty!" according to Xander, what they really doing is serious training.

New teacher at school who doesn't know who Buffy is, doesn't she read the school newsletter? So Buffy finally has told Cordelia what I've been wanting to say to her since season 1! "Think of someone else for 30 seconds" You lay down the challenge and Buffy steps up! Cowboy Vampires are back! and some weird looking dinosaur guy. How was I not informed about Slayerfest '98? and all the subsequent slayerfests since?

Willow and Xander sharing a friendly chat while getting changed for the formal, getting too friendly guys, not a good Idea seeing your both seeing someone. That was awkward. Buffy has her strategic plan for her run for Queen, but Cordelia has other plans as she has taken Buffy's crew! Xander I can understand, but Willow???? Your comment that Cordelia needs it so much more, WRONG!!!!!! Cordelia needs humility not glory. (props to the line "we're almost friends") (superman reference in the song DC 7 Marvel 4) Dinosaur Guy has a cool weapon thing happening!

Buffy is doing some heavy campaigning! but Cordelia is one step ahead. Willow should be shot! or at least feel really guilty! Guilt works well! Cordelia buying votes like all real good politicians! CAT FIGHT! Didn't Xander and Willow learn from the last time they were in the bedroom alone together? THIS IS WRONG! OZ doesn't deserve this! Cordelia on the other hand I couldn't care less. Beware of evil limo drivers! (I wonder if they got the happy burger kid stains out of the chair?)

The offical opening of Slayerfest was a little boring. Dramatic but boring. Great work sticking up for your friend Faith! (I do like the black lipstick BTW!) PLEASE SHOOT CORDELIA BUFFY! Spatulas are deadly! and so is Cordelia with a gun, not in a good way. Bye Bye Dinosaur!

Told you Spatulas are deadly! I can't believe that worked! (I guess I would be scared by Cordelia also) The old bug in the corsage trick, gets them every time!  Nice way to take out the Germans! Mr. Trick, working with the Mayor by force? I don't trust him!

And the homecoming queen is ............... neither Buffy or Cordelia but a tie for the other two chicks! they both lost the losers!

So the moral of the story is never try......... I mean sometimes frivolous things that are just there to build your ego are just that!

Not a terrible episode by any stretch of the imagination but not brilliant either. Not liking the new conflict that has been introduced (which seemed to be introduced in a forced manner BTW I guess Joss got all those letters from the fans who wanted to see Xander and Buffy Kiss from last season and wanted to screw with their minds!)


Band Candy

Which apparently is not the name of a Will Ferriel movie I haven't seen, but It could be in the future? who knows with Will?

Nothing better than pop quizzes in the cemetery at night with the librarian. That takes me back to my school days. Study break, didn't know pencils work as stakes (guess they are made of wood!) Trick and the Mayor as the big baddies this season? they lack the flair and piazzas of Spike and Dursilla there's that monkey again! (the only reason I don't skip the opening!) The old chocolate drive! raising money for frivolous causes. As usual you end up selling them all to family who don't want it. The chocolate must be cursed, why else would it be in the title, Tie Chi Angel! (with his shirt off for the ladies! I hope this doesn't become a regular theme in this show! I can just see the network notes to Whedon now, "We need to see more of Angel!") Did I mention that I really don't like sappy Angel?

BUSTED!!! hey do you think Giles and Mum would hook up? Isn't that the costume guy from last season? To clear things up there is no rule that says if a teacher is 10 minutes late you can leave. This is getting ridiculous! Xander and Willow are getting to close to each other this will end in disaster! So the chocolate makes people act as children and act without any responsibility. (not that original!)

Ok 18 minutes in and I've figured out the twist in this episode it's going to be a long one! I do like juvenile Synder! "Foxy ladies indeed!" It is true no one knows the real words to "Louie,  Louie!" Giles is so Bad Ass! just like Burt Reynolds! (I hope Buffy didn't see Giles and her Mum hooking up!) Took Buffy 30 minutes to figure it out but the candy is cursed and turned everyone into kids, spoke too soon about Buffy seeing Giles and her mum!

"I'm your Watcher and you listen to what I tell you so SODD OFF!" Maybe the wisest phrase ever spoken by Giles in this show! Smooth move Synds! This is not what I expected it all this to go so dark! won't some one please think of the children! I really don't want to watch this, it is really sickening they could of come up with a better treat and reason for the whole chocolate thing. They have moved to early CGI for the first time, kind of works but still I have a real issue with the whole reason this episode happened.

Why would anyone want to kiss rocks indeed Willow! Well it was fun when it lasted but Synder is back to his nasty self! also Giles is back to his stuffy English best, love the awkwardness between Giles and Mum at the end! Indeed!

This was meant to be the comic relief episode of the season but the whole thing with the babies has left a sick taste in my mouth. I do enjoy however when Actors break out of characters and Special mention to Synder, Giles and Buffy's mum for fine turns as immature teens! But I go back to the whole point of the episode the offering of the babies and even thinking about it makes me sick!


hope to see all the Challengers soon! Until next edition!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Buffy Challenge Post 18: Season 3: Episodes 3 - 4

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Faith, hope & trick.

After a fairly lackluster start to this season lets continue with the challenge!

Oh Willow, why do you have to continue to stall with the long monologue just get moving already it's not a big deal being a senior. I can really feel for Buffy watching my friends all coupled up, it's a good thing that her friends are wise enough to know this would be an issue and do their best not to rub it in! (I wish some of my friends were that kind!) Willow what are we ever going to do with you and your uncanny ability to say something with nothing but your sweet innocence in mind only to realize that you just put your foot in your mouth again! (I do love watching her shocked reaction after she figures out what she has just said!) It seems that Oz likes it also!

Scott Hope? a little obvious isn't it? Yay we're going to Happy Burger, in a limo! (cheap skate ordering a medium diet coke!) Enter Evil dark villain who wants to kill the slayer, would you like human with your drink? (not sure if that will catch on as a selling point.) So the Buffy rouges gallery builds up a little more. Do we really have to sit through another "I miss Angel" dream sequence? She is just eating herself alive by living with the guilt of choosing the world over the one she loves!

Synder is forced to reinstate Buffy, and Mum articulates her response well. (BTW are there any other faculty members other than Giles? who haven't been killed off yet?) Giles is not overly happy that Willow is delving into witch craft, neither am I to be honest. (But April has informed me that it is something that I need to get use to!) I'm not sure that Willow should be forcing the issue with Buffy by pushing her to date again. (We are treated to a wonderful dance routine by "Slut-a-rama and disco Dave" Disco Dave reminds me of the vampire who was dressed badly in the very first episode! (see I am paying attention) So we are welcoming a new character who goes by the name of Slut-a-rama, no that's not right, it's Faith. Who seems to be able to handle her self quite well in the vampire killing gig!

So faith is the replacement for Kendra and of course Xander is googlie eyed over the new girl. A watchers retreat why couldn't that be a spin off series? If Giles is cute, then I'd hate to see the other watchers. Could the slayer the limo monster was talking about be Faith not Buffy? Oh Faith is cool! I like her! Giles is trying to get the real story of the end of last series and Buffy is not letting the full story. Willow really needs to learn how to think before she talks.

Cue evil music, and the villain has a real reason for revenge! Thank God I don't deliver pizza anymore! Faith is so chirpy! Even Mum likes her, no wonder Buffy is upset! The Slayer pride parade waving those stakes down the streets chanting pro slaying and anti-vamps slogans. Ladies please? can't we just get along? "FAITH - GET THE TABLES!"  It seems the new girl has anger management issues! Oh Giles digressing again about the old days when he was invited to watcher camp.

I wouldn't be surprised if Leprechauns pop up as a villain in this show. Little early to give jewelry don't you think Scotty? especially rings that they have an emotional attachment to. Revenge is a nasty tool for motivation. It consumes you to the point that you do not know what your actions involves to the point where fear takes over. It seems that faith had better overcome that fear really quickly or something bad will happen to Buffy. (Did I just see her ram the stake into that kokistos guy twice? do vampires wear stake proof vests? if not they should!)

Good work Faith, way to go, overcoming your fear with a big stake! This leaves Buffy to finally open up to the two most important people in her life Willow and Giles to reveal what really happen at the end of season 2.

Next step for Buffy, try to save face with Scott and move on with her life. ( I still think that he is too over eager giving her a ring before they even went on a date. He is one lucky guy that Buffy has gone back to ask if the offer is still on the table.) A final goodbye from Buffy to Angel and now she can move on with her life.............

...........if only it was that simple as surprise surprise, 3 episodes in Angel is back! (and I really saw more than I wanted to see!)

What a really good episode, addition of the cast was great with Faith, Also Buffy finally being able to accept that she needs to move on and they didn't drag on the inevitable return of Angel (one more of those mushy dream sequences and I would of been really upset!)

9/10 (Great Character development and what I will consider the real start of the season as the last two episodes were really just old conflict resolution.)

(unoffically 8/10 because it loses 1 for the gratuitous male nudity!)

Beauty & the Beasts

It's a full moon does that mean we get the Oz as a werewolf episode for the season? at least they have spent a little more on makeup this year. Yes which half indeed Willow? and can you really count on Xander? there is something that makes me think not, it could be the whole sleeping on the Job that makes me doubt him?

Faith, are all men beasts? I guess I can't answer that one objectively can I? It seems to be a point of contention with the ladies in this show. A kid gets eaten by a werewolf and thanks to Xander's inability to follow a simple task though has put a reasonable doubt in everyone's mind. Ah, a guidance councilor smoking in his office? now I seen everything! He is giving some good advice though. (yeah he is going to die!) An interesting point that he brings up about letting love (human love) become your master. It can consume a person to the point that it controls you and you lose focus. Love can be a double edged sword.

Poor Oz, he has every right to want to feel alone. His friends are trying to help but they just keep making the situation worse. Buffy is on patrol and guess who she runs into? (at least Angel was able to find some pants! but where did he find the pants?) How did Willow, Xander and Cordelia manage to get into the local morgue? Nice right cross by Faith. Oh the old library index card system how I miss thee! Ching Ching (Mr. Dounuts! even an explanation on how they were made! So that is how they paid for the extra make up for Oz!)

Man I love Jelly (Jello for our american friends!) I'd have Jelly for lunch every day if I could. Scott you need new friends! The reality of the situation sets in as Angel has found a way to return to this dimension after hundreds of years of torment but he has become an animal.

What is the story with Debbie and Pete? Buffy opens up to the dead councilor (told ya so!) Whedon's revenge on his schooling continues! Jeckle and Hyde has entered the Buffyverse! (with a dash of the incredible hulk, DC 6 Marvel 4) Oz has been vindicated and could we see Werewolf vs Hyde? Oh I hope so! (my money is on werewolf!) Thanks for stating the obvious Faith! Some quick detective work sees them figure out what is going on! Could we now see Werewolf vs Hyde vs Vampire now that Angel has escaped?

Werewolf vs Hyde is awesome and Giles gets a trank in the butt for good measure! I really hope Pete gets it, you never ever hit a woman! Poor Debbie, she didn't deserve this! Well I didn't get my 3 way fight, But I am glad that Angel killed Hyde saving Buffy and it is all we needed to return to the sappy Angel again. A quick exposition for those who couldn't follow on. Scott is in morning for his dead friend and brings up a valid point that you never do really know what a person is going through, no matter how much you think you know them!

Another Great Episode! lots of action and a strong story with a really great meaning behind it. Love can become consuming and deadly if it is the wrong type of love. But True Love can set you free as it did to Angel.

(I am sooooooo tempted to give this one a 10 as it is one episode I really did enjoy. I am finding a real hard time picking up any faults in it! although I could of done without the "lets tell Cordelia what happen because she wasn't around" routine to fill in the blanks and for the people who just didn't get it!) Ok Rejoice all ye who are following the challenge for we offically have after 18 posts and 37 episodes our first ......


(I just know I'm gonna cop it for this one!)

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Buffy Challenge: Post 17: Season 3: Episodes 1 - 2

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Well, well, well the pressure is mounting here at the challenge. After a season 2 hangover and reflection, it's time to move on with my life and season 3.

Is it me or is the dvd's getting fancier every season?

Welcome to Willow the Vampire slayer, with all the attitude and none of the skills! Nice throw Oz, and a good slayer needs to have a good pun. So Willow, Xander and Oz are not up to the job, where is Buffy you ask? This show is called Buffy right? well she's where all good hero's go after their spirit has been broken, the beach with her main squeeze Angel, no that was a dream. She is really at some sleazy hotel in some dark depressing city.

A new title sequence for season three, cool! Wait Cordelia has been added as a regular, not cool. Also even though Angel is "DEAD!" he is still in the main titles so I guess he is not dead, oh and Oz has been given the big call up, good for him!

Another unused spin-off title "Buffy the waitress!" She is loving her job it seems, being hit on by over sized truckers and watching to young kids in love, just what the you need after killing your one true love! Willow looks like she has the slayer motto down, "Don't get killed!" Is it me or is the library busy?

Do we really have to sit though another season of Xander and Cordelia being all mussy towards each other? And so continues with Buffy the depressed slayer walking through the world looking at the darker side of life. (I know how that feels!).

That's where I saw her before? So that is what happen to the girl who was into the Vampire worshiping. Good to see a return of an old character, (I think she is going to die!) That was very heroic of Buffy, Stupid but heroic. Why didn't she run away to a normal town? Old Xander and Willow are now moping around wishing Buffy was here? So Giles is still on the quest to find Buffy for her mum who has squarely putting the blame on Giles.

Now that was strange, Ricky is missing and found dead by Buffy only he is really old! (didn't that weird guy said something about this town makes you grow quicker?) Buffy is playing detective at the blood bank and letting out her anger. I think it's whom not who? I could be wrong, Xander and Cordelia are still going on while on the other side of the country Lily is in trouble with the cult family home, which leads Buffy to the rescue and the huge revile is........ another bad piece of make up! So we find ourselves in a slow time reality where the 24 hour period in our time is 100 years there. Man this is tacky! Buffy single handedly takes out the whole army, I have to say that Buffy does a horrible impression of Gandhi. (Just can't figure out why?)

The final scene returns the status back to quo, with Buffy returning back home to her mother who is happy to see her! (Nice touch as I don't think this show works with Buffy out of Sunnydale!)

This is a really hard one to rate as it started out well but degrades to the silliness that sometimes plagues the show. Some nice moments but as a season opener, it is a MEH! at best! (a late note, the only good thing to come out of this episode is the heroic pan down of buffy that is now in the opening credits!)


Dead Man's Party

It's good to be home! no matter how many bitter memories that it may bring? Alright, mum is hanging up scary masks (that can't be a good thing?) Buffy's mum has accepted the fact that her daughter likes to spend her free time killing vampires even offered to make her a sandwich! So buffy is back with the gang! (BTW 'Nighthawk' is a cool code name!)

If Xander was a superhero his power would be "really annoying comments" Oz conveniently clears up a point of contention by letting Buffy and the audience know that she is no longer wanted for murder! (why we will never know!)

As if Snyder was going to let Buffy back? He is such a Jerk! "Hotdog on a stick is hiring!" please, is that the best he can come up with? and what is it with him and the Mayor? 

Ugly masks with glowing red eyes are never a good thing! and was that a vampire cat? Great another Buffy misses Angel Dream with the fuzzy camera lenses! Is it me or did I just watch 5 minutes of the group discussing what the dinner party will be like? So the intimate dinner party became a full blown frat party! Won't mum be thrilled?

It seems mum couldn't care less! and it looks like Buffy is going to try the whole running away thing again! So it wasn't a Vampire cat but a Zombie Cat!!! As always giles finds out at the last minute! Next week on Fox "When strangers answer your phone!" While Buffy and Willow are having a heart to heart, Giles is being attacked by Zombies!

It seems dealing with Zombies was not in the slayer hand book. So the annoying friend becomes the Zombie demon and a shovel to the head causes the zombies to disappear. So Giles stands up finally to Snyder! and Willow is dangerously delving into witchcraft it keeps to the whole Ms. Calendar influence.

This was an O.K episode but the biggest flaw was the way they tried to force down the whole we're angry with each other because of everything that happen. also I HATE ZOMBIES! and all Zombie related material. once again another Meh from me? there needs to be a move on in this season as the first two episodes were sort of uninspiring to say the least!


Friday, July 25, 2008

Buffy Challenge: Special #1: Observations from the Dome!


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Welcome to a mid-season special edition of the Buffy Challenge.

As you may or may not know I am a proud and paid up member of the St. Kilda Australian Rules Football Club, and while discussing the blog with a friend at the game, an observation was made that required some further investigation..........

Does life imitate art? Is there more to Joss Whedon's vision of a world with vampires than we care to admit. It is clear that he has taken a unique look for the blood suckers in their vampiric form.

Well the observation is made about the Captain of the Saints, the very talented Nick Riewoldt. An excellent player who at times performs at a supernatural level that excites the football loving public. You may be asking where am I going with this? Well it has been brought to my attention that Nick Riewoldt may or may not be a VAMPIRE! here is the evidence and you decide:


Spike from Buffy and Nick Riewoldt:






here are more photos for your consideration:









And Finally:

james-marsters-2   Nick_dark246xWIM







There is the evidence, if Nick is a Vampire it would explain his freakish ability! Also why his best games are at night!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Buffy Challenge Post 16: Season 2: Episodes 21 - 22


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With great trepidation and fear, I am about to view and comment on the season 2 finale it's a 2 parter so as always they will be reviewed together! So settle back, relax and join me for the next installment of the challenge. (This might just get ugly!)

Becoming Part 1 + 2

As I nervously hit the play button on the DVD player, I see my life flash before my eyes (I really need to get a life!)

Galway, 1753 and it looks like we are starting with story time with Uncle Angel! On his introduction when we do look back on life there are moments that make you who you are, you don't know it at the time but on reflection your decisions in life at that point will define you forever. (so try to make good decisions! not fast ones!)

Doesn't Angel look Spiffy in Pantaloons? I think it's about time they make a fashion comeback! We get the 1753 version of the pick up line "So what's a girl like you doing in a place like this?" I knew it was an old line but never imagined it to be THAT old! This does not look good! Never trust anyone who promises to show you the world! So Angel became a Vampire because he was drunk and he tried to pick up a chick who was way out of his league!

Good to see that Buffy is reasonably dressed for slaying a far cry and improvement from the heels and mini skirt in the first episode of this season. I wonder, did angel keep up with the hair styling of each generation he lived through? if so I would kill to see Angel with an Afro or a Mullet! Once again he is doing the whole stalking bit! Xander are you really going to protect Buffy or just get in the way.

I have to say I do enjoy the Bad Angel SOOOOOOOOOOO much more than the goofy moping good Angel who had no point in the show what so ever other than bicker with Xander for Buffy's attention.

Archeology can be extremely interesting or extremely boring I wonder which one this will be? So the big block with the marking is old, must be one of those lame archeologist jokes I keep hearing about. It has Giles interest, what a shock they didn't realize it was not solid.

Now presenting Xander with fish finger pantomime, (didn't his mother teach him never to play with his food?) Here comes Principal no fun! (Willow didn't hear about the chair shortage, from anyone else you would of thought they were being a smart alec.....)

London, 1860, and we see the most evil of vampires praying in church asking for confession. (BTW Angel does keep up with the fashion!) Angel makes a terrible priest! Back to today and Drusilla had a bad meal. I thought Spike was Joking about the whole paper thing, that is good writing.

Willow is starting to sound like a real teacher! while Buffy is acting like a real student,"it's too hard, it doesn't make sense." Great line from Willow, "try or don't waste my time!" Oh how relevant that is today at school! Students do everything but try sometimes and it is so frustrating. The out clause for the whole Angel problem, a nice call back from a previous episode, finally a dangling thread that will be played out!

Rumanian Woods, 1898, and our little journey through history continues, some real tension with the music and it seems this is the point where Angel receives his soul from the gypsy's. What is worse than death? an eternity of anguish that is what. So they have found a way to bring Angel back to his boring self, no surprise that Xander is not a fan. That was cold Xander, even for you!

Buffy is placed in an awkward position, does she kill the man she loves because he is truly evil or curse him with a soul knowing she can never physically be with him? What to do? What to do? Hey it's the return of one of my favorite new characters this season, welcome back Kendra.

I think it is cool the way Spike states the obvious. So Angel's evil plan has been revealed, release the Demon that will destroy the world! (is it me or are all evil plans result in either destruction of the world or concurring the world! Good to see that the Orb has more than one use as Giles sees the value of the thing by using it as a paperweight!

Spike is playing things close to the chest with the whole wheel chair thing as Angel is about to unleash unspeakable evil into this world.

Manhattan, 1996, Oh have the mighty fallen, resorting to rats for dinner. I didn't know demons can eat hot-dogs?  Off to LA same year and it seems there is Buffy pre-slayer days when she was the Cordilea of her old school. We get to see her clumsy first kill, like the bit where she misses the heart on the first strike, guess she wasn't paying attention in her biology class. So Angel finds his Myagi in 96 and planing to keep Buffy safe. (how is that working out for you mate?) Talk about getting a message across. Kendra has a luck Stake called Mr. Pointy!

Buffy vs Angel showdown and it seems that Kendra has slacked off since the last time we saw her as the Vamps really got the jump on them! With Buffy distracted we get to see Kendra Vs Drusilla with Dru getting the clear victory via throat slashing! Cue dramatic slow motion run to the library where things are too late! Kendra should never of given Mr. Pointy away. Don't you hate it when you find your friend murdered only to be confronted by the cops who obviously think you did this?

On to part 2 and without a beat we continue with Buffy resisting arrest and doing a bolt! (hey Snyder does look like a troll!) So we have gone from Buffy the vampire slayer to Buffy the fugitive. Oh boy, Willow is in trouble, and Angel has Giles for obvious reasons. It seems Whistler has not changed his dress sense.

Why would Spike help Buffy? Because he likes the world, his own all you can eat buffet if you will. Also he wants his girlfriend back! So it looks like we have an uneasy alliance between two enemies fighting for a mutual cause. Willow is Ok and Giles is in trouble but hanging thick! Evil Angel is one SICK S.O.B!

Surprise Mum, I kill vampires for a living! Her response is great, I think it is a metaphor when a child comes out of the closet. Unfortunately  tough decisions are made in a tough situation. It seems Giles will not crack! (maybe the Tu-tu is the real answer!) I really don't trust Snyder (what principle has the direct number for the mayor? and what is the good news?) Drusilla is an evil genius, the best way to break a man down is by attacking his heart!

Buffy comes in with a big impact to interrupt the ritual. It seems Spike is having a little too much fun with his beat down on Angel, and Drusilla just wants to see the world burn! Spike with the good old fashion sleeper hold but he gets the girl! Willow has gone in too deep and Buffy has finally found her inner strength! Just when we were about to get rid of Angel once and for all, he had to get his soul back! Um guy's do you think you can make out after you stop the world from being devoured by a demon?

Buffy makes a huge sacrifice by giving up her one true love and her ultimate happiness for the sake of others. She has left her family and friends behind and hit the open road. NEVER TO BE SEEN AGAIN!!!!! (until next season!) even the little mutant enemy guy is upset!

Lots of exposition in this double episode, I really enjoyed the flashbacks in the past, and also the uneasy alliance between Spike and Buffy was awesome. The Sword Fight was excellent, however it seemed to me once again they ended this season as if it was the last season. If the show ended with this episode I would be satisfied with where the Characters ended up, (Did they know they were back for season 3?) At the same time they left the door ajar to continue with plenty of questions that need to be answered, like, what was in the letter? Where did Buffy, Angel and Spike with Drusilla end up? How did a vampire learn how to drive so well? What is the real deal with the principle?

A strong finish for a reasonably good season, Some real gems in season 2 and some real stinkers! (bad eggs indeed!)

9/10 (the slow pacing in the middle of the second part stopped this from being perfect!)

See you next season.

Monday, July 21, 2008



A link to my flickr account.

Buffy Challenge Post 15: Season 2: Episode 19 - 20

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I only have eyes for you

Cue the lights and the band, here we go with another installment of the Buffy challenge! and to begin with . . . . .  AH not another sappy love song and Buffy moping!

UM if the dance is the Girls ask the boys then you can't ask the girl if she would ask you to the dance, that defeats the purpose. Also I wonder how long Buffy's self imposed "Never Dating" policy will last? Where does Willow get those wonderful Jumpers?

"Love can be nice!" If only!

Ok there is a guy who can't take rejection! "You just went OJ on your girlfriend!" I thought that guy didn't do it? Now principle Snyder is using the time honored tradition at schools of a presumption of guilt before being proven innocent! As they say in Transformers, There is more than meets the eye with that bloke! Is Willow getting paid for teaching the class? Oh Poor Giles, lost the love of his life and is trying to grasp at any memory.

"HELLO McFLY", it seems we're back to the 50's in Buffy's mind, and Welcome to Sunnydale High where SOMETHING WEIRD IS GOING ON! I can see the flyers and adds now, where do I enroll my little brother? Today the big bad is a poltergeist. Am I watching Buffy or Days of our lives? sometimes I can't tell with the dialog, Crazy Janitor and again with the mystery disappearing gun. What is it with killing teachers on this show? I heard the education system was bad in america but I never thought it was this dangerous.

Is it me or is Angel making a move on Spike's girl?

"you should never cower from authority, except in this instance where I'm clearly right and you are clearly wrong!" Love it! (I think I may have to borrow that line!) Really, Dog spit is cleaner than humans? I didn't know that. Once again Buffy is running on emotions not logic, a dangerous thing.

How dare they! How could they make the girls do all the work, Cordilea you never cease to amaze with how self centered you are.

How does Snyder know about the Hellmouth? and what does "you said you can handle it" mean? Meanwhile the gang is facing their own personal nightmares and that means the horror of "DRY SKIN CONDITION" for Cordilea. Buffy's power level is one point of contention for me, one episode she is kicking down doors with ease and in another instance she struggles to open the peanut butter jar. (alright maybe not to that extreme) Forgiveness is needed and is an act of compassion but Buffy is projecting her own anger and pain, this is clouding her Judgment.

HUH? HOLY ROLE REVERSAL BATMAN! Was this her plan from the start? That is brilliant, only one problem, there is no one to break the spell and the final act of this play does not end well for Buffy. Good thing you can't kill a Vampire with a gun (werewolf maybe, vampire no!) An interesting way of making things right for the poltergeist I see the correlation between the two. Angel feels dirty because he felt love, oh and enough with the wheelchair jokes, Mate! they will come back to haunt you! AHH how I wanted to kick my Wheel chair away in the same fashion!

Great Episode that puts a nice twist on the whole ghost story. Wonderful acting from Buffy and Angel in the possession scene!


Go Fish

(and the name of the only card game I'm good at!)

Beach party! (doesn't anyone ever study at this school?) Willow I'm not sure they give a pennant for the school with the highest mortality rate! Why can't school kids play nice? Dunk the dork is not a nice game to play (especially for the dork!) Good thing I decided to have a late midnight snack while watching this episode! nothing helps food go down than seeing the remains of someone who had his insides sucked out! (the skin is where the fat is!)

Great way leading from the front Snyder, the kid's good at sport so lets pass him! Doesn't need to do the work just needs to swim better! Also doing a great job intimidating a student that should not be teaching a class to begin with! WHO IS RUNNING THE EDUCATION SYSTEM? Snyder has a habit of popping up at the wrong time. It's ok for the guy to attempt to RAPE a female student as long as he swims well! Now I'm not one to revel in the misfortunes of others but that guy had it coming to him!

This is where the show struggles a little. If they didn't reveal the bad sea monster costume the drama (and my interest) would be stronger. Oh Cordilea you are a master at busing the male ego! Willow the bad cop! didn't get the result she wanted but she got a result! (ewww is right!) Worst job at following someone ever Buffy! Here comes Angel to get members to join the "I HATE BUFFY CLUB!" but didn't like the taste Big tough swimmer needs little old Buffy to walk him home! Is it me or are all the girls going Ga Ga of Xander in bathers? who would of thought?

And here is the point where it loses me and just gets silly, morphing fish teens please. Kids DON'T DO STEROIDS! you might become a horrible fish monster. The Steam room, of course and who would of thought that the gym coach was evil? The direct approach where the bad guy tells all, then tries to kill you, that has never been done before in the history of television. I just had a thought, why does the library have a holding cell? and why hasn't anyone noticed? Also I have a strange feeling that this episode was as uncomfortable to film for the actors as it is for me to watch. As all creators of evil, they are destroyed by their own creation.

UGH what a pointless episode. It seems to be a pattern now, one good followed by one mediocre. It was decent for the first half right up to the point the bad costumes showed up.


Saturday, July 19, 2008

Dr. Horrible's sing along blog act III


Fresh off the net, here we go for the big finale!

Captain Hammer gets more than just penny with the homeless shelter, he gets his dedication and statue "I want to be an example, you know, for children and stuff" really prophetic stuff there captain! So would your fans be known as hammerettes? I love the fact that they collect everything hammer related including his dry cleaning bill (4 sweaters). Penny is waiting in the dry cleaning with 2 yogurts and she is not waiting for hammer. I think that she is conflicted due to the fact that she sees him as the jerk he is but at the same time he was able to provide the thing she needed to make this world a better place. (he might sleep with the same girl twice is this guy a jerk or what?) The Bad Doctor is planning his revenge on the corporate tool! he has converted his stun ray into a death ray! A hero is not one who does something for the glory, he does it because it is right! Hammer is an arrogant self centered man. "I hate the homeless (pause) ness problem that plagues the city" priceless!

Did he just compare the homeless to a dog? He just told the world he slept with his girlfriend, I'm sure she will appreciate it! (it's not enough to bash in heads, you have to bash in minds!) He has the whole city eating out of his hand but it seems that Penny has seen what this jerk is really is and has walked out on him in the middle of his self centered speech! YES go DOCTOR! and you got the Laugh right! (those vocal lessons really pay off!) Harris is phenomenal in this scene, he got the freeze ray working now it is time to put us all out of our misery.

Whoa I didn't see that coming, WHAT A TWIST! not only has the true colour of hammer has been shown to the world. A sniveling and conniving little weasel. The evil league of evil is finally shown and even though Dr. Horrible got everything he wanted he lost everything he needed!

If you get a chance check out the names of the members of the evil league of evil. (fake thomas jefferson!)

A superb series that continued to build and build to a shocking conclusion you have one day to see it in it's entirety before it is gone. So go and see it at http://www.drhorrible.com

and when it comes out buy this little gem on DVD!


Thursday, July 17, 2008

Buffy Challenge Post 14: Season 2: Episodes 17 - 18

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firing up for another Buffy challenge, It seems that this is narrated by Angel which is a different spin on previous episodes. After a quick snack, Angel is stalking his real prey. See now he has a purpose in this show! I like the fact that he is a soulless freak. Does passion rule us all? I feel passion may be something that is a powerful force that if used incorrectly could do more harm then good!

Now that is creepy! Angel can come and go when he pleases, good point Xander since when was the school library used and oh boy Giles is bad at his job! I use the "Na na na na na" strategy to battle all the time. Angel is not going to invade your car Cordelia, give it up already. It seems her influence on Xander is starting to show as HE IS REALLY GETTING ANNOYING!!!

Since when can a teacher let a student cover the class? I thought that is what emergency teachers are for, and great choice in the one with the lowest self esteem (although se is the smartest) Is Giles going to forgive Jenny or is he just going to use her for the knowledge? Lying is never the right thing to do "A man never has to remember the truth, but a lie he can never forget." Giles is a good man.

Mum no matter how many parenting books you've read I think you will be surprised! another spin off that didn't go past the drawing board in "Giles the BOOKMAN!" Now talk about intimidating, the old dead pet fish in the envelope trick. What is it with vampires and tormenting puppies? is that the way they show absolute evil by how they can torment a puppy?

Good to see the New Agers are putting the local Occult store owner's kids through college. Jenny is walking with a purpose and Buffy is not going to let her forget, yet she still wants what is best for Giles. Angel is a really good artist, I mean he is a sick monster. Good to see that his welcome has been revoked at the Summers household, now we better get on to that Car.......

The good old dot matrix printer, and since when did computers burst into flames when dropped on the floor. Angel seems to have too much fun as a soulless freak! I'm amazed that Jenny was able to run so far in heals however it seems this is the last we will see of Jenny. He killed her because he wanted to not because he was hungry and that is cold! It seems that after Buffy's chat with her mum she has grown up a little.

Angel now has done something worse than kill Giles, he has killed his spirit, his hope and his love. When this happens to a man even the most rational is capable of irrational actions.

It seems to me that the narrative that Angel is giving us about passion is one that is expressing his choice for refusing the cure of the curse. Passion is a wonderful thing that when used correctly can be a great personal trait, however if you allow your passion to consume you then you run the risk of losing control. If you have lost control you may live to regret your actions in the future.

This was a turning point episode with an out clause (the lesson kids is back up your files all the time!) They removed all doubt about what side Angel plays for now however if they ever want to make him switch again, it seems that Jenny's last redeeming act of selflessness is hidden between her desks.

note here is the transcipt for the narrative by angel (thanks April):

"Passion. It lies in all of us.
Sleeping......waiting... And though unwanted......unbidden...
it will stir......open its jaws, and howl.
It speaks to us... guides us... Passion rules us all.
And we obey. What other choice do we have?

Passion is the source of our finest moments.
The joy of love... the clarity of hatred... and the ecstasy of grief.

If we could live without passion, maybe we'd know some kind of peace.
But we would be hollow. Empty rooms, shuttered and dank...Without passion,
we'd be truly dead."


Killed by Death

Before I start this has to be the best title to an episode I have seen so far! Classic!

Alright lets go, you'd think that by this stage of the series they could afford a reasonable looking crematory. Buffy is sick with a fever and Angel is just sick! we start where we left off from last episode a nice fight scene with the assist from her friends, however Buffy is not in good shape and it seems the stress has got to her.jsaclassified1

This is going to be a hard episode for me to watch as I have spend a many day in the hospital delusional and in a panic. (she must have good health insurance to get a single room!) Angel is back to play mind games I am enjoying evil Angel, (Another DC comics reference "Power Girl to the rescue" (DC 6 Marvel 3)

Buffy can't just rest she has to solve the mystery of death in a hospital! Why am I not surprise the Doctor has something to do with it. Well what ever he did Death is not happy and there is another kid traumatized for life!

Willow is so naive not knowing what the term playing Doctor means. It just came to me this thought, why don't the vampires in this show turn into bats? Willow and Buffy, on the snoop again. I think Giles would of rather of faced the invisible killer than work with Cordelia, (can't blame him!) (And the award for the worst piece of child acting in a flashback in Buffy goes to........ the kid playing Celia.) I should of really stated to take a tally of how many times Willow has saved Buffy's life! Also just when you thought it was safe to watch this show, they bring out the really bad make up! (a bit more effort needed into the look of this demon. it really does let the show down they got the look of the vampires better but it seems that demons they trying a little too hard to make them look scary but they just look hokey! with bad special effects to boot.) A little giggle in the end of the episode is not enough to save this one.

I will sum up this episode in one word:


It is one thing to hate an episode due to bad writing or acting but when it is so boring that you lose interest and the best thing about it is a reference to a little known DC Character (but a cool one with an interesting back story) it doesn't say much,

I have no feeling for this one so I'll break down the scoring as such

one for the powergirl reference, one for it keeping up with continuity, one for the giggle at the end with the kids picture.

so that is a total of


Dr. Horrible's sing-along blog act II


Only two short days ago I saw an original, funny and clever webisode and it is now time for act II

Poor Doc Horrible, how low does he feel at this stage? His one true love has been taken by the corporate tool! and the Evil inside of him is rising!!!

Hammer and Penny are hanging out at the homeless shelter and she can not be happier (although the captain is putting on a brave face!) The melody is wonderful how the conflicting emotions intertwined between Horrible and Penny it was wonderfully done!

Thanks to the running in to her and signing the petition "Billy" (Doc H) has been able to chat with penny, nice move with the yogurt mate! but what is the 3rd level all about? and how could you lead her to have another date with the Captain?

YES! The freeze ray is ready, it's getting to him the double edged sword. The power of the internet got him in trouble as he didn't figure that Captain Hammer was a regular viewer of his blog! he'll get into the league yet because he has a PHD in horrorbleness!

He is getting closer to penny without realizing it, just being himself there is a real connection there but, enter Mr. Cheesy on the outside, who is too vain to recognise the bad doctor or was he? He manipulated the mayor to sign over the building for penny and as she is celebrating he reveals his true colours. It is all about Hammer getting what he wants and he wants Horrible to suffer, he knows that he has affection for penny and as a typical chauvinistic pig (never thought I'd blog those words) he is smooth in front of the ladies and will do what he can to show her romance but his ultimate goal is to get into her pants!

This has woken up the beast inside of Dr. Horrible and now he has a drive to assassinate the Hammer and get his spot in the evil league of evil. (Why is it that every villain thinks they can hand over Australia as a gift once they take over the world?) Love the Rock Ballad! best song so far (in my humble opinion!) and an awesome setup for part 3!

another 10/10!

Make sure you catch this before it goes down on the 20th for comic con, miss it then unless they stuff up act III (which I don't think they will) then get it on DVD when it comes out!

Buffy Challenge Post 13: Season 2: Episodes 15 - 16

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Before I start this edition of the Buffy Challenge I highly recommend you go and read the comments made by April on the last Buffy post found here:


It's O.K I'll Wait!


Back? and ready to go? Coolness!

Ah Sunnydale High and Oz is being creeped out by the statue calling back from the Witch episode from season one, Oz has a valid point that many of today's movie are like popcorn that once you've seen it you forget about it like the popcorn (guess that is why they are called popcorn flicks) and this leads to the big reveal that he and Willow had a date between last episode and this one! AAHH Oz a girl is telling you she enjoyed your company, SAY SOMETHING YOU FOOL!

Kids can we say "Sexual Harassment?" Thigh master is not going to help in court buddy! Meanwhile Willow is over anxious for SMOOCHIES! and keen for Oz to get an A with a gold star, and then the old foot in mouth disease.

Is Xander starting to regret his choice in Cordelia? well hello, wake up and smell the humus! Yay, we're going to finally see a werewolf. Now in a previous post I made mention of the silver bullet being a method to kill a vampire, I was mistaken, that is just for the werewolves So lets grab your Guns!

NOT THE BUNNIES!!!!! Good thing they can take care of themselves. Great to see Giles still gets excited by research! Willow is there to keep buffy grounded which always helps. That guy needs to keep his hands to himself. Awe no bullets? what is the fun in that? What a better way to get over the fact your heart was broken than a stake out at the local make out point! (at least it's good for the gossip!)

The old net on the ground that get's them caught in the tree trick, (Chewy fell for it in return of the jedi) Another spin off not make the cut "KANE The Werewolf Hunter"

The evil angel is out for a late night snack. Is Cordelia confiding in Willow? what is the world coming to? The less they keep the camera on the werewolf the better it will be, the allusion of the monster is stronger than seeing a hokey costume.... well there it is!

Where do I sign up to the People for the Ethical Treatment of Werewolves? or (PETW for short)

Alrightie, didn't see that one coming! Nice red herring at the start with Mr. thigh master Larry. Another call back to episode in season 1 The Pack. (best of that season by a mile!)

Larry comes out of the closet after Xander tells him he has gone through the same thing! Nice writing there! The pieces are falling into place, Buffy is letting her emotions get the better of her and Xander gets his first Vampire Kill!

Not the best time to make the first move Willow, I don't think Oz is the Michael J. Fox basketball playing type of teen wolf. Say I wonder if Seth Green had to wear the suit? I think he should of! Looks more like Big foot than the werewolf.

It's good to help people Xander and make a positive change in peoples lives. Willow is a good soul and there is no reason for her to be turn Oz away (3 days out of the month I'm not fun to be around! they have something in common) and nice touch in the end!

good episode 6.5/10 (lost marks for the hokey costume and Oz in the buff!)

Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered

Why is Xander asking Buffy her opinion about his relationship with Cordelia and it seems that he is REALLY regretting not seeing that he had Willow in front of him all this time and never acted. The Valentines Episode, at last count our 4 main cast members are currently seeing:

Giles: No one after his break up with the hypocritical gypsy Jenny

Xander: Cordelia aka the most annoying recurring character on the show (although he is starting to join her there). And someone he clearly can't stand!

Willow: Oz the Werewolf

Buffy: No one as she has had her heart broken by Angel after he lost his soul to the curse.

This is why one Sunday the 13th of February when asked what tomorrow was in a youth meeting I responded with "MONDAY!"

Back to the Episode shall we, it seems that one of the students (Amy, who's mum was a witch is doing a fine job of handing nothing in with no issues from the teacher.) Tension in the staff room. (not a good idea to date colleges, never ends well!) Even Spike has got into the Valentines day spirit, (wonder if he got the necklace off ebay) and Angel is giving away his heart, well not his heart anyway. What does rhyme with lungs? nice little effect with the heart still beating.

Willow is a groupie because she notices Oz's cool hair! Roses for your Ex on Valentines Day, how heartless can Angel be? Oh wait he is dead so I guess alot. Xander hands over his heart to Cordelia (not his real one!) and she shatters it! and now the Whole SCHOOL knows! That will help with his self esteem! This pushes Xander into the dark area of revenge which is apparently pure of the living snow! Not sure if blackmailing a witch is the way to go about doing this. I really hate witchcraft by the way in all it's forms. Angel must really be Evil after he nailed a puppy on valentines day to something. It seems that the spell worked ON THE WRONG PERSON or people (I guess too much of a good thing huh fellows?) Be careful what you wish for buddy!


The Lunch lady! chasing and getting into the action, priceless!

Willow comes up with the line of the episode "I'd rather see you die than be with that B*tch" followed by another:


And to make matters worse here comes Angel It seems the spell works on vampires also (even male ones?!?) And Buffy faces her most dangerous obstacle, getting the cheese from the mouse trap!

Finally Cordelia finds a conscience, and a little bit of my respect!

A really fun episode! lots of laughs and a nice break from the doom and darkness of the previous few.

8/10 (one for the boys I think!)

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Dr. Horrible's sing-along blog act I


April has guided me towards this little side project that Mr. Whedon is working on in the new medium of Webisodes! (I'm glad that they have not region restricted this as so many other webisodes have done in the past, the most notable is the office: accountants which fell in between season 2 and 3, thankfully it was released on the season 2 dvd as extras!)

It is SO important for the Villain to have their laugh down pat!! Look at the greatest villains of our times have the greatest laughs, your level of evilness is measured by your evil laughs and as a treat here is Mr. Sidhom's top 5 all time evil laughs in the history of villainy:

5. Jim "the Anvil" Neighthart (WWF): This 350 pound behemoth was one half of the Hart Foundation and had a wicked laugh that would strike fear into the hearts of his opponents!

4. The Riddler played by the Late Frank Gorshin (Batman 1966): The original Riddler was cunning with his conundrums that would attempt to out wit the dynamic duo, but what made him truly dangerous was the fits of giggles that would bring you shivers down your spine!

3. The Joker voiced by Mark Hamill (Batman the Animated Series): The Joker has one of the greatest villain laughs in the history of all villainy, and everyone who has played the Joker has had their own interpretation of the famous laugh, none better than Mark Hamill (Yes Luke Skywalker Mark Hamill) he had the ultimate in Joker laughs and was thought to never to be topped. (until our Number 1)

2. The Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase (WWF): As soon as his music hits the familiar laugh of "BWAHAHAHAAA" hits you know that Everybody gotta pay The Million Dollar Man! His arrogant million dollar persona was matched by the greatest laugh in wrestling history! Many try to imitate it but all have failed! Check out what money buys! and His challenges are priceless (as his son would say!)

1. The Joker played by the Late Heath Ledger (The Dark Knight): It's not out yet (one more sleep) but not only does he look phenomenal but the laugh, oh the laugh it is the most evil and powerful depiction I have ever heard of any villain!!!! from now on when I read the Joker I will hear Heath's laugh ringing in my head!!!!!


Now Dr. Horrible (played by the always entertaining Neil Patrick Harris!)needs to learn from these 5 examples to make sure he gets it down pat, his is good but needs work! A letter of condemnation from the "Deputy Mayor" Gold, speaking of Gold I hate it when the molecules shift in transportation with my gold bars! He has a goal to destroy the status quo and he needs to rule the world like all great evil genius Can't wait to see the freeze ray that stops time!

Every evil genius has a nemesis his happens to be "Captain Hammer" (corporate tool! look out Booster Gold!!!!) Dr. Horrible is trying to be the change in the world that he wants to be!

Even mad scientists need to do the laundry! Now this is a catchy song (sounds great in surround sound). It articulates exactly how a man feels when he sees the beauty that steals his heart. (where do I get one of those freeze rays?) Hey it's Simon Helberg aka Howard from the very funny show "The big bang theory!!!" Love the villain names double dating with "bait and switch", classic! The bad horse has sent in a letter telling him know that an big evil plan to steal the wonderfludium he needs! where the league of evil people will let him know if he is in or not! (love the soggy hands power!)

Bad timing to run into the girl of his dreams in the middle of a heist! She is a good soul who is wanting to save a homeless shelter! (what to do? get into the league or use this opportunity to connect with the girl of his dreams?)  It's a wonderful feeling to have a connection with someone! but his work comes through! Here comes Captain Hammer collateral damage is ok I guess and he gets the girl even though he was the one who put her in danger to begin with! It's not right I tell you, He is a glory hound and also reckless as a superhero, a true hero doesn't do it to thump the villain or the adulation of the situation and definitely not to impress a girl! And what did he ultimately achieve? NOTHING as Dr. Horrible got away with what he needed anyway!!!!

This my friends is 13 minutes of brilliance! I can not wait for the second act!!!!!!!!

See it at http://drhorrible.com

then see it over again and again!!!!!!

10/10 (and I don't give tens out lightly!!!!)

Monday, July 14, 2008

Buffy Challenge Post 12: Season 2: Episodes 13 - 14

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Here we go the first of the two MUST SEE episodes from this season, hope it lives up to the hype April.

Buffy's nightmares are getting worse, and nothing is worse than dreaming about a loved one being harmed. especially if it is at the hands of someone who has attempted to kill them in the past. Dreams are a powerful thing in my opinion it is the subconscious projecting the most powerful emotions at the time and it always intrigues me why we remember some dreams vividly and others are forgotten as soon as we awake.

If Vampires are the undead, can they feel love? The scene with Buffy and Willow is wonderful as it shows how they are able to support each other through their conversation. WILLOW HAS A DATE!!!!! Cool (I love the line "I said Date!" giggling away.) I knew I shouldn't of eaten before watching Xander and Cordelia discuss their "relationship"

Xander has become an annoying character this season which is a shame as I feel his development has gone backwards from the first season. Poor Spike stuck in that wheelchair, I know how that feels. Dreams do come true! which is not always a good thing.

Isn't there any character on this show that doesn't have a hidden agenda or dark back story? Jenny is not what she seems. You should never trust a "techno-pagan" Interesting change in clothes for Jenny once the reveal has happen, darker look for a darker personality.

What a way to crash your own party. and it seems now Oz knows the secret. Also it seems that Jenny's plan is starting to work separate the target away from the group, and oh boy is Drusilla one scary vampire, she makes the Master from season 1 look like the entertainment at a kids birthday party.

Buffy and Angel are jumped and lose the box, the vampires are getting better at fighting I think.

At least Willow is calling it like the audience see's it with the line "What can only Xander make dumb jokes?" Unfortunately the answer is yes.

Does Drusilla know how to throw a party or what? and it seems that the special effects budget has been boosted by this point. (wish I could say the same for the make up department. The Judge looks corny) By the skin of their teeth do Buffy and Angel escape back to Angels hide out. The worst thing that a villain can do to the hero is to break them down not physically but mentally. It seems that this is what they are slowly doing to Buffy. Finally Buffy and Angel ...... UM ........ confess their love for each other. (what do you think I was going to type?) A nice cliffhanger that I didn't see coming I was so engrossed in the story that I hadn't realized that the episode had ran out of time.

So straight into...................................


Spike is wheeling around contemplating the situation and being a little impatient also, Something is wrong with Angel after he ...... UM ...... confessed his love. And it seems he is off the sauce and back onto the meat, nice touch with the smoke coming out of his mouth after the big bite.

You know there are things going wrong when Cordilea is the voice of reason and not wanting to run in guns a blazing. Is it me or is addidas a sponsor of this show? second product placement with Willow wearing a different addidas backpack (first with the old logo, then with the new logo!)

Angel is BACK! on the dark side. and I'm shocked the bad guys want to destroy the world. (When will there be an original evil plan?) Is Cordilea jealous of Buffy? and poor Willow, what is worst than seeing the boy you always loved kissing a person that you thought they despised. (You'd rather be with someone you hate than be with me.) What a hard line to hear, hard and well deserved.

What ever has got into Angel has really pushed a shift into his character that has made Buffy feel violated by the man she loves. Jenny or should I say YANNA has continued with the theme of betrayal in this episode and it looks like Willow will figure this out soon enough.

The breaking down of the heart of Buffy continues, It is the most vulnerable area of even the strongest person. So the truth comes out, Jenny spills the beans and I can't help but wonder what Giles is thinking at this moment (I personally would be shattered as I felt that Jenny brought out a human side to him that had not been seen, but this revelation would make it difficult to trust another woman again.)

Nice call back to Halloween, and props to OZ for not taking advantage of a vulnerable Willow! Well done Giles for sticking with Buffy!

As a Guy I have to say "ROCKET LAUNCHERS ARE COOL!" bye bye Judge we hardly knew thee. Nothing makes a fight scene better than one in the rain! or sprinklers. (FYI men really do fall that way when hit in the groin.) Giles speech to Buffy is a really fantastic, even when they are looking for it people do not need guilt, they need support and respect and I think that Buffy has earned both of those things.

These two episodes seem to be a real turning point in this series. It changed the face of the show and will go a long way to stopping this series from becoming stale. Great direction, Great acting, Great Script and the through line for me is one of the different levels of betrayal and how the appropriate way to deal with it.

9.5/10 (definitely the best 2 parter I've seen so far!)

Buffy Challenge Post 11: Season 2: Episodes 11 - 12

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Buffy has answered to the conversation that Xander and Willow were having exactly how I would of answered, Who are the Captain and Teneal? All seems calm in Sunnydale since the events of the last episodes and naively Xander thinks that Spike and his girl have been dealt with. I think he is in for a little surprise concerning that one!

Little hint Mum, when your daughter in her free time runs around killing monsters it's a good Idea to let her know that your back from vacation early! I was wondering why the episode is called Ted! I assume that there is more to Buffy's mum's new guy than the whole, daughter of a single mother hates her mum's new boyfriend instantaneously!

Well Ted is played by the Late great John Ritter, a fine actor in his day so I guess the only issue here will be a script one from his regards

What better way to take out your frustrations than by smacking a vampire over the head with a garbage can lid!!!!

Oh wow, 3 1/4 inch disks! those were the days, and Xander just doesn't get it you can't just replace a father figure, He can be a little thick at times. Good thing that Angel is already dead as I'm sure he would of killed himself if he had to listen to Buffy go on about Ted anymore. I know I would!

Ted is acting too much like Buffy's dad here, not a good thing! "RIGHT IS RIGHT AND WRONG IS WRONG!" I know the feeling that Buffy is going through where she sees the real problem with a person while everyone sees the act that they portrait. This can drive a person insane!!!!

John Ritter is playing this role to a tee, and I wonder how long Buffy will let him call her "little lady" before Ted gets a round house kick to the head? and the answer to that question is 2!

BUFFY KILLED TED? IN FRONT OF HER MOTHER? I didn't see that coming. Of course news travels fast and everyone at school knows what happened (didn't know high school students read the paper.) At this point I am fearing that Ted is a Robot............. well I'll find out in 10 minutes or so. (another DC reference "She's like a Superman" DC 5 Marvel 3) It looks like the secret ingredient in Teds cookies was not LOVE. (and of course Willow will be the one to figure it out!) and low and behold that was stated by Willow AFTER I typed this sentence! (Promise!!!)

Thankfully this is not Giles the vampire slayer! nice shot Jenny. I can't wait for them to explain this one (Doctor my Girlfriend here shot me with a crossbow, but it's OK she was aiming for a vampire.)

I knew it!!!!! he was a robot, I'm almost disappointed that I picked this. Thankfully Ritter is superb in this role. (episode saver). The plot was so ridiculous that they had to have Xander explain it to us in 30 seconds.


4/10 (Just for the fine job in the acting department, everything else was stupid!)

Bad Eggs

Shopping with Mum, will the horrors in Buffy's life ever end? She just can't get a break can she? Speaking of Horrors do we really have to see Cordelia and Xander making out? and it seems to me that Xander agrees with me when I said that Cordelia would be great if she kept her mouth shut! Sex ed class and everyone is given an egg to take care of. Now we have to sit through watching Buffy and Angel making out, is it me or were the writers had only one thing on their mind when they wrote this episode?

Don't you hate it when the school hand out demon eggs? and vampire cowboys, I'm in for a long episode I think! Nice work with the egg project Xander, and Cordelia using the word closet as code for ...... um closet. More making out from Buffy and Angel and then the baby talk. Who brought in the writers of the bold and the beautiful in for this episode?

I've found one good thing in this episode, the cut away scene where Buffy's mum was grounding her at night then moved into her continuing the scene in the car the next morning.

Where have I seen this story thread before? Of course STARRO the Conqueror:

Brave_bold_28Starro (a.k.a. Starro the Conqueror) is a fictional supervillain who appears in stories published by DC Comics. Starro, who comes from an alien race known as the Star Conquerors, is a starfish-like creature who first appeared in The Brave and the Bold #28 in 1960, which was also the first appearance of the Justice League of America. (taken from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starro) Starro would attach itself to the back of it's victim and take control of them. To do the bidding of the Leading Star fish.

What a waste of an interesting villains if this episode was just about the Vampire Cowboys it would of been an interesting story, they could of really expanded on their back story and made it a threat that could of been a short little arch. MORE MAKING OUT? didn't the grotesque creature under the school make us sick enough?

one word for this episode UGH!

3/10 (missed the boat, why take a corny story plot from a 1960's comic and ignore the possibility of Vampire Cowboys?)

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Buffy Challenge Post 10: Season 2 Episodes 9 - 10

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What's my Line pt 1 + 2

I will be blogging the next two episodes together as I feel that it is a 2 part tale so It deserves to be looked at as an extended episode.

And it is the career fair down at Sunnydale I wonder if there will be a booth for Buffy's line of work? What a fantastic observation by Xander by stating that you can not determine what your career would be by ticking a few boxes. Who knows what I would of turned out to be? Spike is breaking out the Tarot cards and I didn't even know that Druselia was even sick! I knew she was weak but this does add another interesting dimension to the saga and mystery that is Spike. I love his motivational techniques as well, beat them until they do what you want! Awwww, don't they make a cute couple, in a twisted vampiric sort of way. (is vampiric a word? word dictionary doesn't think so.)

It seems to me there is two types of vampires, the ones that Buffy can kill really easily and ones that she seems destined to never kill. And Angel waiting for Buffy in her room is a real invasion of privacy. (I'm glad that Buffy thinks Angel makes sense to her as he still makes no sense to me!) So are these two officially dating or what?

Buffy being assigned as a cop is not that much of a surprise, she is sort of a cop of the underworld so to speak. Spike is bringing in the bounty hunters (hoping for a Bobba Fett reference ..... star wars bounty hunter to the stars!) and it seems that bounty hunters come in all shapes and sizes.

And the Winner of the WORST PRINCIPAL EVER ON T.V. goes to ...... Synder. Nice way to officially introduce Oz to the mystery girl he has noticed on more than one occasion. It says a lot when a girl over looks the physical aspects of the guy they like, (Buffy not noticing Angel in Vamp mode was touching!)

Thank you Giles for shutting up Xander and his lame jokes as this was long overdue! He has put Buffy on the DTA (Don't trust anyone) track which makes her paranoid more than she ever has been so far in this show. (with every reason when you don't know who or what your enemy is or looks like.)

Nice way to finish part 1 by introducing Kendra the vampire slayer, watch out buffy someone is after your job and has all the moves to boot, On to part two post haste (the beauty of DVD! no waiting till next week here!)

We begin right where we left off, (did this episode air as a movie length on t.v?) And Angel is in some serious trouble, talk about a slow burn (no pun intended!) COOL call back to something that happened in the past. I like it! Buffy was technically dead so it brought about the New slayer.

Is Buffy jealous of Kendra?and how quickly Giles has taken a liking to her?

Oh boy did I see that coming from a mile away, the whole boy and girl argue to the point that they kiss passionately, it has been done way too many times in way too many shows.

Whoa did Oz just take a bullet for Willow? That was cool! what a way to get the attention of the girl you like! Really enjoyed the climax to this double episode, great fight scene where they all got into the action (Even Willow got to drive a stake into a vampire!) If the whole fighting then kissing joke wasn't bad enough once we had to be put through it again.

Nice way to end the episode with Kendra letting Buffy know that this life of her's is not a Job but who she is. Also finally it seems there is a switch of power on the evil side of the fence.

I really did find these episodes intriguing, It gave a nice mixture of action, suspense and a few funny moments thrown in, also it touched on a few small points from previous episodes which is always good. It moved the plot along nicely and the theme of "what if Buffy got what she wanted?" worked well, I hope this is not the last of Kendra we see as she is an interesting character and works well to highlight the strength in Buffy's human side outside of her life of the slayer.


Buffy Challenge Post 9: Season 2 Episodes 7 - 8

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Lie to me

And we're back with another installment of the Buffy challenge, we open up this episode with a child welfare case waiting to happen! Who forgets about their kid in the middle of the night and if he was able to run home why was he hanging around the park?

Did Angel have a little fling with Spikes girl? Man she is CREE-PY! Which leads to the "Old read more into what is happening from afar trick!" As if Buffy didn't have enough to worry about. Early contender for line of the episode.... Giles is worried about his date and where he is going so he asks "What am I going to wear?" Which was quickly replied by Jenny with a statement that I'm sure has gone through the minds of everyone who has watched this show to this point, "Do you OWN anything else?"

History according to Cordelia what could be worse? It seems even Buffy suffers from "FOOT IN MOUTH" disease, giving her friend has returned and she gives us a little bit too much information! (Right, like you didn't know what a certain  Devinyls  song was about, way to get out of that one!) Another guy for Xander to sulk over Buffy about. I think I've said this in every episode "GET OVER IT MAN DON'T YOU HAVE ANY SELF RESPECT?" Jealousy can be a nasty thing!

Angel must of attended the Batman school of disappearing mid sentence without people knowing. That was cool.

As always there is something more than meets the eye here with Ford knowing what Buffy does in her spare time. The Golden rule when it comes to people who use the words "trust me" Don't. Willow is two things, 1 the voice of reason and 2 a terrible liar.  It is the subtitle comedic timing that keeps me watching this show. (Why was the Giles anf Jenny at the Monster trucks date off camera, I could watched that for the whole episode!). Great friend Ford is, Man Spike is COOL! "I've known you for two minutes and I can't stand you, I don't really feature you living forever! Can I eat him now Luv?"

Buffy loves Angel ..... great, I don't care! So Angel was once a Bad vampire, who would of thought? Nice camera work in this episode, Whedon has a good eye for direction. What a nice little plot twist, didn't see that one coming. This episode brings up some great depictions of different cults and how the naive, lonely and weak in faith can be easily manipulated in finding their way to the "easy solution" to their problems.

Well you got what you wanted Ford, and how did that work out for you?

For a Vampire heavy episode I really enjoyed this one! It had a strong plot, a nice little twist and some really clever moments thrown in. It was a really good social commentary on facing our own mortality.


The Dark Age

I could be wrong but Giles must be really dedicated to his job as librarian at the school for someone to be looking for him this late at night. (or he doesn't have a home and is secretly living at the school)

Oh, boy not a minute in and we have our first tacky looking monster that must be a new record at this early stage in the shows life. I totally agree with Giles music does have notes and what Buffy was listening to is anything but music! The opening setup should get me interested in what is to follow, but if anything that 3 minute opening of this episode has done nothing for me. The girls are playing "anywhere but here" well lets play along (I'm not watching this poor excuse for an opening for an episode and I wish it is Wednesday and I'm watching THE DARK KNIGHT!!!!!!!) Giles is a Sexy Fuddy Duddy??? is there such a thing?

There are police in Sunnydale? (ignoring the useless scene with Cordelia that was forced in there! GRRRRRRR~) Really wise, trust the vampire that only lives off blood packets to return them to the hospital. Great miss quotes in history from Xander "When are we ever going to need computers in the future?" The return of the wacky costume guy! They are really trying to force a complication in this episode by getting Eyghon into Jenny. Note to post production if a female character jumps through a window, use a female stunt double! (no matter how dark the shot is you still can tell!) So Giles was the one who brought the demon Eyghon to life in his youth, an incredible high he called it, bet he wished he did drugs like all the other youth of the time! (never thought I would ever type such a sentence, KIDS, DON'T DO DRUGS!!!!)

I love it when Willow takes charge, they should do this more often. She also is the solution to the problem, clever way to fix the mess this episode is.

That is 45 minutes of my life I'm not getting back. What a boring episode that made no sense with plot holes you could drive a truck through and the only purpose it served was to take Jenny off the board for a while.

2/10 (If it wasn't for Willow's strong character development, this would of been a 1) Now I know I probably missed the point of this one so let me know.

I really hope there is a bit more consistency in the next few episodes.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Buffy Challenge Post 8: Season 2 Episodes 5 - 6

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Now before I even start this episode, the title it's self is telling me to switch my expectations down to "NONE" Oh boy I could be wrong and it could be great or this is going to be a LONG 45 minutes.

What better way to kill time with your two best friends than to watch a foreign movie with no subtitles! At least Willow knows what is going on to explain it to the others.

Is it me or did I see a tombstone in the cemetery where the name was simply "Mother" and a head stone titled "Dad"? Oh and teens dressed as Druids are never good. So far we have had bad bollywood, bad props, druids and Cordelia giving bad advice and we are not even 5 minutes into the show, Oh boy.

Buffy is swooning again over Angel again. It will never work he's a vampire, she's a slayer (oh wait that's the point!). Now Giles is one of my favorite characters but he is not working in the "Mr. Miyagi" role. It's hard to swallow when the student can kick the teachers butt constantly. But he had a valid point "The facts are we have to do things we don't like!" Great advice.

Wow this Tom fellow is smooth, I should take notes! Even though the training is a joke, I do enjoy watching them. "Buffy these men are Rich and I'm not being shallow" Cordelia you never cease to amaze me!

Now I never did understand the whole American Fraternity thing. Thank the Lord we don't have anything remotely like that here! XANDER GIVE UP MAN!!! She is not interested. (Another Comic reference from Cordelia, Bizarro World is the place that Bizarro the backwards Superman lives. Also the Hulk is referred to. The score right now is DC 3 to Marvel 3)

Didn't Cordelia tell Buffy not to wear black? Doesn't she ever listen to the advice of her mentors? First Giles who she lied to now Cordelia (who am I kidding no one listens to what she has to say anyway.) What a great question to Angel, Willow! The reflection thing, how do you shave? It's great to see her put both Angel and Giles in their place! YOU GO GIRL!

Well I was WRONG! This was a good episode! The Dialog was good, I liked the double meaning in the title and also it highlighted Willow's strength as the voice of reason in the group (even though the Monster was cheesy, but he wasn't on screen long enough for me to hate it!)



I can't believe it has taken this long to do a Halloween theme episode, although I guess everyday in Sunnydale is Halloween. Now I've seen it all Vampires with Video Camera's (good thing for Buffy that Youtube was not around in those days!)

Last time I checked, Teachers are NOT aloud to touch students let alone grab them by the arm forcefully. Well at first when Buffy was saying that Halloween was a quiet but when you think about it it would be like a holiday for them. Man I wish they would bring back Dr. Pepper to Australia. (Gotta try to find some!). If only Cordelia would not talk then she would be perfect, and I wonder why they didn't spin off this show with "Cordelia the Dating Slayer!"

Now this is why I like Spike as an Enemy, he is studying his enemy before he strikes!

Boy does Willow have some real self esteem issues what a shame. Now this is cool everyone is turning into what they dressed up as for Halloween. A concept that was "Borrowed" by the Simpsons years later! Come to think about it I guess it was a good thing Willow wore the the sheet because I don't think they could of aired the show if she turned into what she was dressed up as underneath. And why didn't Cordelia turn into some hideous cat woman? Why do good things always happen to annoying people! (Another Comic reference BTW "Catwoman" DC 4, Marvel 3).

Timing is everything, with Buffy returning back to her normal self just in time. Props to the real hero of this episode, Giles! (who would of thought he could lay a mean right cross when needed!) Does everyone in this show have some sort of Secret or hidden agenda?

Once again familiarity is the key to enjoying this Episode.


Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Olive Vs The YO-YO

The Yo-Yo. This up and down battle was fought at blistering pace. Finally Olive was able to the upper hand after taking a few leaps of faith.

Buffy Challenge Post 7: Season 2: Ep 3 - 4

Principal sourpuss is trying to work out who is the worst student at school, Sheila who stabbed a teacher or Buffy who only set the school on fire saving the world!
Thankyou Willow for pointing out that when someone on a tv show states that "nothing bad will happen" means that definatlly something bad will happen.
We have a new bad guy on the scene, finally a vampire with a british accent! Welcome Spike and his girl Drusilla. Man that little kid still creeps me out! Now if vampires are ment to be the undead how come they bleed? I guess it's ok if it is for character development reasons.
What is Willows obsession with Scooby Doo? (I do think her teacher looks cute though!)
I like Spike's strategy of know your enemy before you attack. He is popping up everywhere and making a real impact early. So much for Sheila appearing for a reoccurring role in this show.
I don't care how many vampires you have slayed, you will not survive after your Mum has had a chat with the principal from HELL! If only the last one wasn't eaten. The problem with this guy is that he thinks he is never wrong, and people who think they are never wrong always are! (what he said to Buffy's mum was very unprofessional!)
Nice work Mum! way to swing that Ax! It only took 13 episodes for her to find out and it is good to see that she supports her Daugherty as all good mothers should. Is it me or does Snyder know more than he is letting on? It seems that his little exchange with the police seemed really suss.
YES! The Creepy kid is gone! I think I'm going to like Spike as the main antagonist from this point! A Strong hero needs a strong villain, Batman has the Joker, Superman has Lex Luthor and now it seems Buffy has Spike to deal with!
Nice episode with some really interesting questions brought up about some of the existing characters (Snyder and Angel come into mind both now seem to have more of a purpose in this show).
Do like the introduction of a credible villain.
Let's begin the exchange student program. Why don't students ever listen when they are on excursion, if the museum guide said the plate is cursed then leave it alone!
Won't Xander ever let the idea that going out with Buffy will never happen? Willow has a real talent of walking in at the wrong time. Ampada looks great for someone who has been dead for 500 years, and it does not surprise me that Buffy relates to her seeing that they are both the only ones of their type.
Hey it's Seth Green, the creator of Robot Chicken!!!!! Cool!
I really feel for Willow, Xander has been acting like a real tool this whole season. Oh and Willow's costume is awesome!!!! Eskimo's RULE!
It is really interesting to see a villain that you really feel for and was not really a villain per say but a true victim of circumstance as Ampada was in this really only trying to survive. I enjoyed also the pacing of this episode it flowed very well as Giles and Buffy had to work out the mystery that surrounded the mummy and there was a real sense of feeling behind the characters and the choices that needed to be made. A different type of episode than what I have seen so far.