Where I'm at.....

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Buffy Challenge: Post 36: Season 4: Episodes 18 - 19

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Where the wild things are

I wonder if this episode has something to do with the famous children's novel? Don't think so, We start off with a tea party...........

Wait wrong show, we start off with Buffy and Riley fighting off monsters and Vampires, it seems that Buffy is getting some kind of perverse pleasure out of this battle, Vampires and Demons tagging up? that can't be good? right? Um guys? hello? there is a show to get on with and you two need to have a cold shower!

Spooky music up the stairs to Buffy and Riley in bed means there is going to be some sort of trouble happening around the corner. Oh the horror, Riley goes to the bathroom! Xander works as an Ice Cream truck driver! Anya is an Animal, she doesn't comprehend that a relationship is more than a physical thing. Oh that is not going to help business Xander!

Robo-Demon is rallying the demons and vampires together all hell is about to break loose so what's the best thing to do? Throw a party and sleep with your girlfriend. fireplace + evil music + love making = trouble!

Spike has digressed to scaring people for cash, oh have the mighty fallen! Will someone please wake Buffy up from her Riley trance. Spike and Anya are awesome, and even better drunk! Ok, I've figured it out the house is making everyone randy. Anya brought Spike to the initiative house party. Anya and Xander is breaking up really, really badly. I also don't get the american college lifestyle.

Julie has some real issues it seems and what is up with Terra? Willow enters the evil bathroom, gets a drink and sees a guy drowning and disappearing then reappearing. He must be the evil spirit of the house. A real dangerous game of spin the bottle as Buffy and Riley still go at it like rabbits! Terra feels the evil in the house. Spike was enjoying the earthquake until he gets strapped down. Oh the haunted house episode, great, did they run out of ideas?

You can't keep a bad vampire down Spike breaks out and puts his hand up to save Buffy until he convinces himself that he doesn't want to do it and walks off! Now that Rules! Giles plays guitar and he scares Xander more than the ghosts that have enslaved Buffy. The Chicks dig Giles on the guitar! The ear ring doesn't suit him though. Great, the villain is a religious zealot old lady who tormented children in an orphanage. "He who smelt it, Dealt it." Not sure how religious that quote is.

Terra buys Anya and Xander some time by calling out the spirits of the kids. They enter the house which has become a jungle. In the grand tradition of this show the kids are still creepy looking. Xander is saved from drowning by Anya who seems to be immune from the ghosts of the house.

When will this episode end?

Buffy and Riley snap out of their trance and the episode ends.........

To quote the last line of this episode from Buffy,

"Yeah Horrible!"

I am finding it really hard to like anything in this episode, other than Spike and Anya it was BAD!!! Ben Affleck and J-Lo in Gili Bad!


New Moon Rising

A nice easy start for once, Terra is a cat person and Willow is a dog person, but Terra wants to get a pet to share with Willow and they are holding hands...... is there more to this that Willow doesn't know? she is not the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to relationships. Anya has a new hair cut! and to Willow's horror, OZ HAS RETURNED! (Must of finished shooting Austin Powers!)

Terra is upset, Xander is thrilled to see him and Willow in shock! Another Demon tries to get the Jump on Buffy and Riley to no effect. Riley is Anti-Wolfiet, and it seems that has upset Buffy. Oz seems to be cured from his little full moon problem. Xander is right Willow doesn't have a new GUY in her life! Oz is trying to right a wrong. While Riley's army guys are being attacked by a gang of were-wolves. I wonder who he is going to blame?

Willow and Oz is reconnecting. Terra comes past and leaves embarrassed seeing Oz. Geez Buffy and Riley are still going at it, you'd think they would of got enough from last episode. To Riley everything is Black and White where as through Buffy's experience there are shades of gray.

So Willow has fallen for Terra? talk about throwing a wrench into things as Buffy is caught off guard. Buffy gives some solid advice to Willow by telling her that she needs to be honest before someone gets hurt. Spike wakes up to a surprise which happens to be Robo-Demon who has a proposition Spike can't turn down. Is Willow going to choose Terra over Oz? Really emotional scene. Terra and Oz run into each other which causes more friction. Oz has figured it out and has lost his control, love does do strange things to a person, even turn them into wolves. Riley took Oz down before he could cause any damage. However the guys in the coats have taken over.

Out comes Spike to help rescue Oz (BTW you'd think they'd give him pants.) Riley gets busted springing Oz from captivity and his reward is a night in the big house. It seems that Riley is about to be court marshaled for hanging out with a slayer. Spike leads them to the back way and it seems that Robo-demon has a hand in letting him in. I wonder why Buffy hasn't realized that this is too easy.

Anya got her first HI 5 from Giles no less! I guess this means this is the end of Riley's career in the military. Buffy is about to go over everything that has happened since season 1 seeing that we've seen it already were saved the agony. Oz is ready to leave again it seems. He knows that the thing he wants the most is the thing he has to live without.

A much better episode, some real emotion shown and Oz returning to end his story on a positive of sorts was nice. a little slow near the end though.


Well this challenge was a little disappointing to say the least. 3 episodes to go in this season so we will see where it will lead and how the loose ends will tie together.

See you all soon and stay away from haunted frat house parties because you may be bored to death!

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