Where I'm at.....

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Mt. Fuji

Well it was now time to make way to our group overnight stay at Mt. Fuji. This was a real experience as the bus ride was a good 3 hours long. The first stop was at a roadhouse, which looked like a huge shopping mall. We had lunch at the main restaurant at the hall, which had a huge glass cabinet at the front with every meal available encased in perplex. I pointed at a seafood and rice dish which when it arrived it looked like it also was covered in perplex. Thankfully the taste was superb as all the food here in Japan has been. The trip continued to wind up to a stop where we went and visited one of the spectacular waterfalls that are found here in Japan, 180 steps later and the view was one of true majesty.

Tired and weary when we first saw a glimpse of Mt. Fuji the excitement was palpable. We make our way to the hotel and get ready for dinner. The students were all excited about being on a sleepover and were a little too jumpy, however when they were asked to turn the lights out at 10 pm they did so. The staff had an opportunity to let off a little steam however I decided to get an early night. Getting up at 5:00 AM I was able to see Mt. Fuji Burst through the night in what can only be called awe-inspiring. After sitting there and watching the sun come up I went back to sleep. A quick breakfast later the Lakeside crew went on a walk around the town visiting all the little shops and stalls. We saw a serene Japanese garden, tasted the freshest spring water ever and returned to a hearty Japanese barbecue.

We made the long trip back up north to Inzai and experienced first hand the dread of peek hour traffic in Japan. Exhausted the students were dispersed to their host families ready for a day of school at Inzai Junior High School.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008



Red eyed and wet we arrive to Inzai to drop off our bags. Were taken out for lunch before the assembly and where would you take 14 people from Australia for their first meal in Japan? Why to the local Italian restaurant of course. The food in Japan has a real quality that is difficult to explain, oh and restaurants like to display their dishes in a glass cabinet. The restaurant had some of the most famous Italian masterpieces carefully wallpapered all over the place. Also Japan is one giant comic book with everything explained in little diagrams that anyone could understand.

Assembly at Inzai displayed a level of respect and courtesy from the students that would make any principle in Australia enviously. We proudly marched into the hall with the Australian national anthem played by the School band. The Harmony of the students singing the school song was phenomenal. I can safely say that I understood at least half of the Assembly, gifts were exchanged and greetings by the Lakeside crew were delivered in broken Japanese however the effort was commendable. The students were treated like rock stars where a simple thumbs up from one of the boys would get the girls at Inzai jumping up and down with excitement. After the assembly the students met their host students and went off to experience life as a Japanese student. The average class size at Inzai is about 32 students. Inzai is also the school that the Japanese pole-vaulting champion attended.

4 pm couldn’t of come quick enough, as it was now a good day and a half we have been up without getting any sleep. The students and teachers were distributed amongst their host families to get a little rest, have a long overdue shower or bath, unpack and get ready for the welcome dinner, which was the official opening to the Lakeside – Inzai Exchange.


The official opening of the exchange program, the students looked superb in their kimonos and the host families were beaming with pride as they showed off their guests to the others around. We called a COMPAI – which is a Japanese Cheers, and toasted the safe arrival and the beginning of the 20th year of thf]]e Inzai – Lakeside exchange. There were more speeches made and we shared a spread of tasty Japanese cuisine. Both schools represented the official gifts and the families with their guests were introduced to the crowd. The highlight was the English speech that was given by the two young boys in grade 2 and 5. The night was concluded by the Lakeside group wearily singing the national anthem of Australia, Waltzin Matilda and I am, you are Austalian, followed by the Inzai school song. To conclude the night I bought what has at this stag1e turned out to be the most important purchase to date. A Japanese phrase book. With an early start tomorrow for our trip to Mt. Fuji we all headed home for a well earned sleep.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Day 2: Narita Airport and Narita Temple

Surprise, Surprise I was able to get a good 2 hours of uncomfortable sleep on the flight, To wake up finding a majority of the Lakeside crew still dreaming of their upcoming adventure. The flight was extremely turbulent, however most of us were able to manage this well. (Not all were able to keep their food down, but that is not my story to tell.) I was fortunate enough to watch an amazing Korean film entitled “A man who was Superman” This was a true story of a man who spent the last years of his life thinking he was Superman who had a piece of kryptonite stuck in his brain making him powerless. That is all I will say about the film but the reveal brought a tear to my eye.

We land in the cleanest place on earth; I was stunned at how tidy the airport was. My previous experiences when it came to exiting an airport consisted of a mad scramble to collect your bag, which took at least 30 minutes. Not so here, we scan in our fingerprints and by the time we get to the carousel to collect our bags, amazingly they were all their neatly waiting for us. (I snuck in a photo not realising that pictures are not allowed in the customs area) Walking out we meet up with representatives of Inzai Junior High to greet us at the gates. Apparently no one told the Japanese that it is meant to be summer in this part of the world as the rain started to drizzle around us.

The courtesy of our Japanese hosts is one of true love, knowing that our first destination was the temple they stopped and bought each and everyone of us umbrellas, really nice umbrellas. (I think I might take it home and give it to my mother for her birthday.) We arrived at the temple and I was blown away by the majesty of the temple and it’s surrounding. The main temple was at the top of what felt like a thousand steps with the water trickling down gave it more of a regal feel. The sight of this ancient architectural masterpiece made me feel a sense of wanting to see the holy Coptic monasteries of Egypt. I took a time out while the students entered the temple; I have the upmost respect for the culture that was shown however I didn’t feel that I could enter a temple that worships another god.

Standing at the top of the steps peering down at what looked like a daunting decent in the humid rains, a victory for common sense prevailed, as I was able to take the lift down. (Also I learnt that when in doubt add an o sound to the word you are attempting to communicate to the locals.) At the base of the temple again we as a group were able to see the small souvenir stalls. This is where the Egyptian blood kicked in and the bartering began, in a mighty battle of wits and determination between the shopkeeper who only spoke Japanese and the Egyptian barging king from Craigieburn (who at this stage has mastered the phrase “Domi Arigato” or Thank you. (not something that needs to be said in the beginning of a negotiation) I was able to talk down the price of 4 traditional Japanese spinning drums from the asking price of 1600 yen to an impressive 1300-yen to celebrate my victory with a taste of my first Dr. Pepper in a long time. JAPAN HOME OF THE WORLD’S GREATEST SOFTDRINKS!

Well it's off to the reason why we came, TO INZAI JUNIOR HIGHSCHOOL WE GO!!!

Mr. Sidhom


Koniciwa……………! Mr. Sidhom in the land of the Rising Sun

Well it has finally arrived the day that I travel to a foreign land for the first time since returning from Fiji in those life-changing days back in the summer of 2005. Japan is a destination that I have always wanted to visit, it is a land of deep history and culture while also being at the forefront of the worlds future endeavours.

The opportunity arose when my school that I work at was organising the trip to their sister school which occurs every two years, it was an opportunity that I couldn’t let go.

Day 1: Melbourne Airport

Arriving at the Airport with a real feeling of apprehension however I was amazed at the efficiency of the good people working at Melbourne airport. We went through customs and onto the flight with little problems. The problems started as soon as we boarded the flight. An arrogant flight staff that were rude and constantly confronted the passengers with everything except a smile made the 7-hour flight difficult. (It doesn’t help when they talk to each other in their own tongue in front of the passengers) Occupying a seat near the back of the flight made up for this, as I was able to enjoy the really awesome in flight entertainment that was “On Demand!” I could watch what I wanted when I wanted. A few hours later I was joined by some of the boys where they showed me that my PSP skills have lapsed immensely over the years. (My revenge will come though!)

About to land in Malaysia, please turn off all electrical devices and put your tray tables up and have your seat in the upright position. Why is it that every time I land people constantly disregards the fact that the seat belt sign is still lit and get up to collect their bags before the plane had stopped moving?


I’m the last one off the flight and saw that the students and other staff had disappeared. I see that there is a line of people waiting to go through some gate so naturally I patently join the line. Slowly moving through the security area and I pass over my ticket to the confusion of the staff.
“Where are you going?” quires the airline staff,
I reply “Japan” which draws a blank stare, followed with a look of confusion.
“Ah, this is the flight to Sydney…….” Explained the really annoyed airline staff member.
“OH Ok, um how do I get to Japan then?” I asked.
He points me back through the security gate and I sheepishly made my way out to the emptiness of the airport terminal.

I move out and the first thing that goes though my mind is “Where is everyone?”
I decided to make my way to the terminal that our connecting flight to Japan was boarding at. This consisted of a train ride across the airport and 4 travelators down, only to find that there was no one there and that all the cool shops were back to where I was initially. So back on the train and a good walk around the majestic KL airport looking for the gang. I hear a bellow from above of “SIDHOM!” Where I finally found the group having a bite to eat and realising that they have changed way too much money into Malaysian currency for the hour and a half that we were at the airport.

Third times a charm on the train between terminals (I could of rode that thing all day!) and we board a half full flight to Japan which now consists of the polar opposite of cabin crew as they couldn’t be friendlier, a pink panther later (really Guava juice) and we were on our way to Japan.

Now I wish I had an amazing story to tell about the flight to Japan but at the time of writing this other than myself the whole Lakeside gang are fast asleep. I’ve never been one to sleep on flights and with such an array of shows and movies I doubt it that will change for this leg of the trip. (Although anything can happen)

Ja Mata ashita (See you tomorrow)

Mr. Sidhom.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Buffy Challenge Post 38: Season 4: Episode 22


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Ah what a fitting title to end this season as I'm sure that there was a many Buffy fan that would of been very restless throughout this season. Also considering I'm about to fly out to Japan for the first time I'm quite restless also.

What no cold opening? that is strange oh well straight into the credits we go. The end of all that happen seems to see Riley off Scott  free "Blackmailing the Government in a patriotic way!" Xander cooks........ Popcorn! Way to go Xander. And were watching an action show where the main characters are sitting around watching movies. They don't even last through the FBI warning.

First up Willow, into her mind and she is dreaming of Terra and her cat. She is writing a tale on her back in what looks to be Greek. If I had the time I could try to read it sort of (know some of the letters) Oz is still in her mind and it seems like Xander is also on her mind. (I don't wanna know what type of spell Xander will do by himself!) Harmony and Buffy are now in a play, With Giles as a director. Death of a Salesman with a cowboy and Willow has no idea what is going on. OH Creepy Cheese! that can't be good! "All the world is a stage......" I bet that the actors on this show must love getting dressed up and doing wacky overacting! I LOVE THE LION, WITCH AND THE WARDROBE!!!!!! although we don't get to hear her book report as willow is being attacked.

Now we move to Xander, who dreams about being seduced by JOYCE??? Well hello Mrs. Robinson. I find it hard to pee with an audience also, especially when they are taking notes! (I hate it when that happens!) Spike the Watcher, another spin-off that didn't work out huh? Buffy is playing in a sand box which looks like she is in a beach and the weirdness keeps happening. So Watcher 101 "How to go high on a swing" Nothing is worse than really bad blue screen effects but I guess that is what they are going for so it works! (UH, just a little distracted here with Xander's vision of Willow and Terra. Even though it is concidered placid in today's world but back then a lesbian kiss is too edgy to show on t.v) More creepy cheese. The colour is now gone wackey and Giles has gone all french. I can picture Whedon now putting this episode together with an evil grin and thinking how much it's going to trip everyone out. Now we've gone all Apocalypse now! The return of Synder in this dream is cool! I missed him. The creepy monster that haunted Willow is now chasing Xander and he is in a loop of some sort.

Giles turn! He is hypnotizing Buffy and sees her as the daughter that he always wanted. At the carnival and they are going nuts with the effects, heat vision and the black and white Spike poses are cool! More cheese! The continue seamless movement between scenes is awesome and Anya the comedian is so cool! "Silence or you'll miss the humorous conclusion!" Giles is now breaking out a rock beat that is trying to figure out what is going on, it has something to do with composite Buffy from that Awful double episode previously. Whoa he took Giles brain to add to the heart he took from Xander.

Buffy's turn. Close up shot and Buffy is all alone looking for her gang. She finds her Mother living in the wall is it a thing in her subconscious that she has shut out her mum? Now Riley is in charge and looking to take over the world. A bag full of mud and Buffy is all alone again. I wonder if Joss thought to himself I wonder how many different camera angles and effects I can get into this one episode? The constants are Terra, cheese and a demon woman. So it seems she was the first slayer.

That was without the shadow of a doubt the weirdest episode of any show I have ever seen! I have no Idea what was going on but all I know is I LOVED IT!!!!!! I could write a thesis on the different camera angles and effects that were used in each shot and the meaning behind them. This is the first time that it was the cinematography that has won me over as I still don't understand what the episode was about and I don't care it was just wonderful to watch! So quirky and fun!

10/10 - For the sheer pleasure of all the rules being broken and the first episode I want to watch back with the commentary on to see what was going through Joss' mind when he wrote and directed this little Gem! (thankfully this was a wonderful way to end a mediocre season!)

Well SIONARA CHALLENGERS! I'm off to Japan in the morning and I'll see you all in 3 weeks time where we move onto season 5 (where I hope there will be less secret army guys and more of a stronger storyline!)

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Buffy Challenge Post 37: Season 4: Episode 20 - 21


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The Yoko Factor and Primeval

General what's his name is giving feedback to what is happing to his boss.  Yeah who needs a soldier that thinks? Oh never underestimate Buffy as she is not jlust a girl. Spike knows this and lets Robo-demon know. (still think he is a dodgy villain.)

Is it me or does this Adam guy just talk a lot of Crap, the Tommy Robbins of demons! Why doesn't anyone like Xanders taste in clothes. Well Riley is giving us the 30 second wrap of the Buffy and Angel relationship. Riley feels emasculated about Angel. 

Where have you been hiding all this talent there Giles? Spike is right, for a watcher Giles doesn't do a very good job with his peripheral vision. Giles is right not to trust Spike. He is great when it comes to planting the seed of doubt in peoples minds. Is Willow getting a Cat such a good idea seeing she has Amy the rat also as a pet? Willow is starting to feel estranged from Buffy again. Hey I think I use to have a pair of parachute pants like that when I was a kid!

It seems we missed a bit of a plot point that was clearly covered in Angel but this is the Buffy challenge not the Buffy spin off challenge. (yes April, I know I promised I'll watch it.) Xander is joining the Army? Spike is playing everyone against each other really well!

Buffy gets knocked out by Robo-Demon who also kills Riley's buddy and Spike now gets into Willows mind. The initiative is struggling to get things under control and Riley meet Angel, I'm sure you too are going to get along like a house on fire. Angel meets up with Buffy and once again they are talking about something that we missed from Angel. Riley has the Gun pointed at Angel (nice camera angle btw) I thought Riley would know that a bullet won't kill him. Now I'm lost....... I guess I'll find out when I watch Angel season 1.

Spike gives us a history lesson about the Beatles and Yoko Ono. This episode is SLOW!!! So much talking, and nothing happening, Snooze feast '08. (Another DC reference Hanging out the Batcave with Crusty old Alfred!) Drunk Giles Rule! Spike's plan has finally come off. They are fighting against each other. It's official Terra is Willow's Girlfriend to the surprise of Xander. Buffy walks out on her friends and Riley meets up with ADAM? HUH? TO BE CONTINUED? HUH?

The old school house has seen better days. Adam has activated the chip that Walsh has implanted into Riley and has control over him. Chips all around and who ordered the party pack. Hung over Giles doesn't rule as much as drunk Giles.

Is it me or wasn't the scar on the other side of Buffy's forehead in the last episode. I really do love the innocence of Anya and how she keeps things really simple. Xander doesn't realize how lucky he is sometimes. Adam's master plan is coming to fruition and  I couldn't care less. Zombie Walsh and Frankenstein Forest are just creepy and not in a good way. They figure out that Spike has been the splinter between them and it still has a real stench of things. Big shock that Spike is working with the bad guys. Xander I miss the Mayor!

Xander finally came up with a great idea without knowing it. Buffy walks into an ambush and Spike doesn't get what he wants and runs. You know the Coronal has asked a question that we have wanted to know, "What kinds of freaks are you?" Robo-Demon lets the monsters out of the cage so he can start the harvest. We have a Demon Vs Soldier battle royal on our hands. 

Buffy gets ambushed and Riley does some "Do it yourself" surgery to remove the chip in him. Willow, Giles and Xander are envoking a spell to give Buffy their essences. Adam has now got a machine gun arm???? this is just getting wielded and weirder. Composite Buffy defeats Adam and everything is happy again. Oh wait there was the little matter of Spike to deal with. So the suits in Washington are giving the tale of the tape and terminates the project and we will never ever hear from it again. (Thankfully!)

THAT WAS CRAP!!!!!! Thankfully there is a prolog to save this season. I'll have to get to that tomorrow as this double episode fried my brain!!!!!


Thursday, September 11, 2008

Buffy Challenge: Post 36: Season 4: Episodes 18 - 19

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Where the wild things are

I wonder if this episode has something to do with the famous children's novel? Don't think so, We start off with a tea party...........

Wait wrong show, we start off with Buffy and Riley fighting off monsters and Vampires, it seems that Buffy is getting some kind of perverse pleasure out of this battle, Vampires and Demons tagging up? that can't be good? right? Um guys? hello? there is a show to get on with and you two need to have a cold shower!

Spooky music up the stairs to Buffy and Riley in bed means there is going to be some sort of trouble happening around the corner. Oh the horror, Riley goes to the bathroom! Xander works as an Ice Cream truck driver! Anya is an Animal, she doesn't comprehend that a relationship is more than a physical thing. Oh that is not going to help business Xander!

Robo-Demon is rallying the demons and vampires together all hell is about to break loose so what's the best thing to do? Throw a party and sleep with your girlfriend. fireplace + evil music + love making = trouble!

Spike has digressed to scaring people for cash, oh have the mighty fallen! Will someone please wake Buffy up from her Riley trance. Spike and Anya are awesome, and even better drunk! Ok, I've figured it out the house is making everyone randy. Anya brought Spike to the initiative house party. Anya and Xander is breaking up really, really badly. I also don't get the american college lifestyle.

Julie has some real issues it seems and what is up with Terra? Willow enters the evil bathroom, gets a drink and sees a guy drowning and disappearing then reappearing. He must be the evil spirit of the house. A real dangerous game of spin the bottle as Buffy and Riley still go at it like rabbits! Terra feels the evil in the house. Spike was enjoying the earthquake until he gets strapped down. Oh the haunted house episode, great, did they run out of ideas?

You can't keep a bad vampire down Spike breaks out and puts his hand up to save Buffy until he convinces himself that he doesn't want to do it and walks off! Now that Rules! Giles plays guitar and he scares Xander more than the ghosts that have enslaved Buffy. The Chicks dig Giles on the guitar! The ear ring doesn't suit him though. Great, the villain is a religious zealot old lady who tormented children in an orphanage. "He who smelt it, Dealt it." Not sure how religious that quote is.

Terra buys Anya and Xander some time by calling out the spirits of the kids. They enter the house which has become a jungle. In the grand tradition of this show the kids are still creepy looking. Xander is saved from drowning by Anya who seems to be immune from the ghosts of the house.

When will this episode end?

Buffy and Riley snap out of their trance and the episode ends.........

To quote the last line of this episode from Buffy,

"Yeah Horrible!"

I am finding it really hard to like anything in this episode, other than Spike and Anya it was BAD!!! Ben Affleck and J-Lo in Gili Bad!


New Moon Rising

A nice easy start for once, Terra is a cat person and Willow is a dog person, but Terra wants to get a pet to share with Willow and they are holding hands...... is there more to this that Willow doesn't know? she is not the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to relationships. Anya has a new hair cut! and to Willow's horror, OZ HAS RETURNED! (Must of finished shooting Austin Powers!)

Terra is upset, Xander is thrilled to see him and Willow in shock! Another Demon tries to get the Jump on Buffy and Riley to no effect. Riley is Anti-Wolfiet, and it seems that has upset Buffy. Oz seems to be cured from his little full moon problem. Xander is right Willow doesn't have a new GUY in her life! Oz is trying to right a wrong. While Riley's army guys are being attacked by a gang of were-wolves. I wonder who he is going to blame?

Willow and Oz is reconnecting. Terra comes past and leaves embarrassed seeing Oz. Geez Buffy and Riley are still going at it, you'd think they would of got enough from last episode. To Riley everything is Black and White where as through Buffy's experience there are shades of gray.

So Willow has fallen for Terra? talk about throwing a wrench into things as Buffy is caught off guard. Buffy gives some solid advice to Willow by telling her that she needs to be honest before someone gets hurt. Spike wakes up to a surprise which happens to be Robo-Demon who has a proposition Spike can't turn down. Is Willow going to choose Terra over Oz? Really emotional scene. Terra and Oz run into each other which causes more friction. Oz has figured it out and has lost his control, love does do strange things to a person, even turn them into wolves. Riley took Oz down before he could cause any damage. However the guys in the coats have taken over.

Out comes Spike to help rescue Oz (BTW you'd think they'd give him pants.) Riley gets busted springing Oz from captivity and his reward is a night in the big house. It seems that Riley is about to be court marshaled for hanging out with a slayer. Spike leads them to the back way and it seems that Robo-demon has a hand in letting him in. I wonder why Buffy hasn't realized that this is too easy.

Anya got her first HI 5 from Giles no less! I guess this means this is the end of Riley's career in the military. Buffy is about to go over everything that has happened since season 1 seeing that we've seen it already were saved the agony. Oz is ready to leave again it seems. He knows that the thing he wants the most is the thing he has to live without.

A much better episode, some real emotion shown and Oz returning to end his story on a positive of sorts was nice. a little slow near the end though.


Well this challenge was a little disappointing to say the least. 3 episodes to go in this season so we will see where it will lead and how the loose ends will tie together.

See you all soon and stay away from haunted frat house parties because you may be bored to death!

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Buffy Challenge: Post 35: Season 4: Episodes 16 - 17


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Who Are You

Previously on the Challenge........

(I always wanted to say that!) What a cliff hanger from last episode, I didn't see that coming one bit. I love the whole mind swapping thing and it has breathed new life into this season of Buffy! How is she going to get out of this one? and what kind of mischief will Faith get  up to? Well let me hit play and well see.

We start right where we left off with Faith being loaded into the ambulance but it's really Buffy in Faith's body and Faith is now in Buffy's body, confused? yeah me too, it seems the Mayor is playing a big part from beyond the grave.

I'm not sure that Faith will be able to fool Joyce for too long a mother knows their child and it won't be too long before she sees through the charade. Faith is practicing her best Buffy impersonation, while Buffy is being drugged as Faith. Faith is really going to have fun with this one. While Buffy as Faith is being abducted by the council of watchers, things can't get any worse can they.

How much longer will Faith be able to listen to Buffy friends give her the bad word. She has run into Spike and that was just awkward. Faith likes what she sees in Spike, just when the episode was getting good out comes Robo-Demon. I wonder how many rouge slayers have tried the whole "It's not me, someone has switched bodies with me." (I'm sure that's what they all say.)

Oh Faith can see that Terra has a thing for Willow, and has let her know about it in the worst way. Buffy is having no luck what so ever trying to escape from the council, and Faith is going to have some fun with Riley. Terra has got a feeling that things are not right (and there are no Hyenas Willow, that is so first season!) It seems that Faith may of got more than she bargained for, Faith has never been loved and is experiencing it in a real harsh way.

What can be more deadlier than Buffy in Faiths body? well Buffy in Faiths body behind the wheel. Faith is making her away out of the country and Buffy is trying to convince Giles that she is not Faith. I think she has done enough to convince him that she is her. Thanks to Terra they have found a way to get things back to order. Is there still good in Faith? And a Vampire goes to Church. Don't tempt God vamp boy as it will come back to haunt you. Believe it or not Faith is first on the scene. Now that was a cool Vamp kill with the whole spin dust. Oh boy, Buffy Vs Faith but in reverse. The switch worked but it seemed that when Faith was wailing on her body she was really taking out her frustrations of what she has become. Faith is box carting out of Sunnydale with only her thoughts to haunt her.

I have to say this was a brilliant piece of television the Faith Character really works so well in this show as a foil for Buffy, And the acting was brilliant by both the girls.

9/10 (loses one for the Adam stuff! he is just boring as a villain!) 


Ninja Vampires are cool! Good thing Buffy has back up. This show really doesn't like to start slowly. Who is that? and why is the gang begging for help from him? (I do like the chair though!) Jonathan is taking charge and this is so a dream sequence with the whole James Bond music happening. Didn't know that Vampire slayers were stalked by paparazzi? Oh Jonathan is the nerdy guy that Cordelia kept giving him a hard time.

He is really a big man around town. Sports star, Author, and Chick Magnet! Yeah I know how that feels having everyone wanting a piece of me it can be really annoying at times. Jonathon is taking charge of the Army.

Out comes the man of the hour Jonathan is doing a little bit of couple counseling, is this some alternative world where the nerds rule? Is there a point to this episode? So Jonathan is also a huge recording star? and an aphrodisiac for Anya.

Back to Robo-Demon watching Jonathan, and he is seeing that things are not what it is meant to be. So Jonathan, your new found stardom is just a (sorry distracted by the Swedish twins) what was I saying? Oh yeah, his new found stardom is a work of some sort of magic gone wrong. Also Shaking the camera doesn't hide the really bad monster suit, just makes me dizzy. The mark on the monste is the same as the scare on Jonathan's back.

Anya is AWESOME! I love the way she says exactly what she thinks! (Jonathan has his own comic series! I'd pick that book up!) Jonathan invented the Internet! Get off the shrimp Anya. It seems that Buffy is waking up to the spell that Jonathan has put on the world. (although he is the coach of the woman's soccer team!) Jonathan's swim suit calendar *shudder* and why would Giles have a copy of it? (another DC reference with Kryptonite!)

Xander should not speak Latin full stop. The Jig is up Jonathan athey figured out what has happen with the spell and it seems Jonathan is not going to lose his grip on the world. Once again a really great story is ruined by a really crummy looking monster. Poor Jonathan back to being the dork that he is. It seems that some good however has come out of this as Jonathan has given Buffy some really good advice about her relationship with Riley.

A really good message behind this episode, kind of out of place in the series but I like the fact that we should not strive to be who we are not but be ourselves. Is it me or does there seem to be a light hearted episode thrown in near the end of every season for good measure? This one was not too bad but in the grand scheme of things I think it is just a filler episode that has no real purpose to move the story along.


Well a bit of a mixed bag here, maybe the second best episode of the season with "Who are you" and a so so comedy based one with Superstar.

Well 5 more episodes to go in the next 2 weeks ....... See ya soon Guys and Girls! Remember to be like Mr. Pointy and stay sharp!

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Buffy Challenge Post 34: Season 4: Episodes 14 - 15

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Goodbye Iowa

Were back with another thrilling installment of the CHALLENGE! well considering the lackluster episode I just saw I'm not sure how thrilling this installment will be...............

What a quick start, straight into Buffy letting everyone know about the set up of the last episode. Which Spike plays devils advocate and implies that Riley had something to do with it.

And out comes ROBO-DEMON!!! This was the initiatives big goal? Create a super monster put together of the parts of the monsters they have captures. Even Spike can't come to the terms that he's not bad anymore. SPIKE IS SINGLE HANDEDLY KEEPING THIS SHOW WATCHABLE!

Riley is in denial that his boss has evil intentions. Even innocent kids look creepy on this show. A real meeting of the minds in that scene. Walsh's body has been discovered as Giles is living a totally different type of nightmare. Isn't it rich that Buffy is questioning the realism of the roadrunner cartoons, as everything in her life is realistic! Anya again comes up with another gem of a line! "You should get a boring boyfriend like Xander!, but you can't have Xander!"

So much for that kid's chances for a recurring role. Yummy Sushi PJ's could work during a motivational speech. It's got me all ready to go hunt demons in my Superman PJ's! Walsh is found dead and Buffy is the suspect seeing that she was impaled. I bet you a dollar that Riley won't follow orders from Washington. They've wondered into a crypt with a television. Spike is not going to be happy that they smashed his TV!

Willy's Bar has now been changed to Willy's Place. He is trying to go on the straight and narrow. (I wonder if any demons would be under 25 BTW) Riley needs to put a sock in it. He has gone nuts. Pulls a gun on a little old lady, it seems he is suffering from shock of the loss of his mentor or is it his world is crumbling around him.

(Brain switching off from the witch craft talk) What's up with Willows "Friend" pulling the fast one. Rental scan is a totally different thing than what you were thinking Xander. Pieces are being put together by Giles and Willow, but Riley is losing his mind and the music sounds like something bad is about to happen. How can he push Willow that way? OH the old drug your soldiers through their food routine. I think that excuse is used at the Olympics now and then.

Hey the demon has a floppy disk drive! That is funny! All the secrets of Walsh have been reveled, Robo demon is on a rampage stabs a few people and makes his escape. Spikes little speech to Willow and Xander about killing demons has got out and the demons are not happy about it.

Riley is locked up in a military hospital and we end the episode with more questions than answers.

A real transition episode which was saved by some really witty dialog.


This Year's Girl

And that is how we make a bed!

FAITH? what is going on? Oh she is still in a coma and it's not looking good for everyone's favorite evil slayer! Buffy is not in a good mood and snapping at Willow is not going to help. Riley looks to be doing ok after his little run in. We've got a bit of a problem with the initiative as they are arguing with each other. Faith is haunted by Buffy (can you blame her?) Robo-demon is opening up monsters now.

Oh I was looking forward to Buffy's plan to rescue Riley but oh well, I guess it's cheaper this way to film. Back to Faith and her haunting nightmare that is Buffy and the knife. Good morning Faith, welcome back to the world of the living. (nice touch pulling out the drip line. it does hurt.) It seems that Faith has been out of it for a long time, and her walking out of the hospital in that girls clothes means big trouble for Buffy (also a good thing that she happens to be the same size).

Right now the Faith scenes are keeping me interested, but this whole Buffy and Riley chat is losing me. (too sappy for my liking) Talk about a great activity for couples, Demon hunting! The hospital is noticing Faith missing. She makes her way to Giles house and sees a warm and fuzzy scene where they are planning the takedown of robo-demon (I'm not calling it Adam). Buffy just got the call and now they have another problem on her hand. Maybe Faith is stalking Buffy to get her revenge.

Faith and Buffy finally meet up. Look at the fear on Willow's face, priceless. CAT FIGHT, CAT FIGHT! been a while since I've been able to say that, faith is off like a rocket as soon as the cops arrive. What does 5 x 5 mean? I hear you Xander I also can't be held responsible for the effect I have on women also. (Usually they run the other way.) What just happen there? Why can't they remember that Spike hates them. Oh black helicopters are never a good sign. It seems Faith still has the kill first ask questions later attitude that got her so far.

A message from beyond the grave from the mayor for faith has her ready for a final assault on Buffy and her gang. Joyce makes a cameo just to get punched in the head. Faith is now playing mind games with Buffy's mum. Thankfully Buffy comes crashing in to stop the agony that was Faith's evil speech. A huge fight and an AWESOME ENDING!!!!!

Whoa I can't wait to see the continuation of this one!

So much happening in this episode and a cliff hanger that I didn't see coming! That is more like it. (Also half way through they forgot about robo-demon, which is not a bad thing)

8/10 - Will have to get to the next challenge sooner rather than later as I really want to see where this one goes!

Till then............  

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Buffy Challenge Post 33: Season 4: Episode 12 - 13

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A New Man

What an odd title for an episode? Could it mean there is a new character being introduced or a new focus for one of the characters that already exists?

The whole "I can't be with you Riley" thing didn't last too long did it? Little action to start with only to be awkwardly be interrupted by Willow who puts her life in danger by throwing a surprise party for Buffy. Oh Giles with the chainsaw cracks me up as much as Willow with the monkey last season.

Anya is learning slowly but it seems that Giles is not fitting in to a College party, what a shock there! I think that Giles is the focus of this episode which can't be a bad thing. Nothing is more evil than someone stating that they are EVIL! Spike is moving out or being kicked out?

Riley has let Professor Walsh in on the big secret about Buffy. She is recruiting Buffy into the initiative. Wow 17 that's impressive, Buffy has done that in the first 2 episodes. Riley is feeling a little emasculated by Buffy's slaying resume. (And so he should! 17 that is sad.) Giles and Walsh meet for the first time and I don't like the where this is headed. Did Walsh just take a shot at Giles? He is a strong male role model and has been a real father figure for her, Walsh has misdiagnosed the situation. Are there such a thing as a clean demon?

Giles is now seeing that he has been kept out of the loop, and quite upset that Spike knows more than he does! Oh no it is the Anti-Giles, Ethan is back for his annual butt kicking! So the demons are scared are they Ethan? Wonder if it has anything to do with the Commando's?

Boyfriend hint #17 "Always let the Girlfriend win when sparring with each other."

Drunk Giles is not a pretty sight! At least he acknowledges he gets hit in the head a lot. Willow and her new witch friend are practicing their dark arts. While Giles is getting over one heck of a hang over that has turned him into a really ugly demon who doesn't know his own strength. Hope he learns never to go drinking with his arch enemy! "Bloody Humans indeed!" How is Giles going to find himself out of this one? Isn't Aniya so positive at times.

Spike can understand Giles, and he needs to offer a little more than $100 for him to help. Wow Spike is cheap labor at 200 bucks. Spike drives a manual as well as I do. Take that Walsh! Buffy puts her foot down and seeing that she kicked Riley half way across the room he has no choice but to follow along. Everybody has a price and Spike is a hundred bucks. Does Giles need an interpreter right now or what? Never thought I'd see Buffy Vs Giles, however desperate times..... Somehow Giles was able to speak English and luckily he can't afford a real silver letter opener. A spell later and everything is back to normal (Marvel reference i've lost count to be honest "Spider-man strong")

Giles has updated his phone after crushing his classical piece. "But face!" A very timely warning from Giles about Riley and a very timely warning from Walsh about Buffy. I don't trust her and I think room 314 has a lot to do with it!

An interesting episode to move forward with the whole Buffy and the initiative.

6/10 - Giles and Spike steal the show once again.

The I in Team

Someone flunked spelling I see!

More Occult prayers from Willow in playing poker. Xander is starting up a get rich quick scheme! Boost bars, the latest craze. Anya once again is still not getting the "what happens between couples stays between couples" thing.

It seems that Buffy is getting a tryout and doing really well at it. Although the wierd look on Walsh's face can't be a good sign for her. Buffy is head over heals for Riley. Poor Willow not getting spanked can be hard.

Here is the thing that bugs me? What would Spike have any need with money seeing that all the stores would be open during the day?

At what point did this show change from being Buffy the Vampire slayer to Men in Black? The one time that Walsh cracks a joke it's not even funny. What is funny is that all this money spent by the government on weapons to fight demons and vampires could be replaced by a piece of sharpen wood!

Is it me or does this new witch friend have a bit of crush on Willow? The mystery of room 314 is finally reveled and once again its a Frankenstein's monster. (Didn't we see this before?)

(another Marvel reference with Xander wearing a Captain America Shield tee shirt!)

Buffy is losing touch with her real friends and this is now getting out of hand. Buffy has sold out to the Government without doing her research. Great questions Willow, what is their ultimate agenda? Buffy has not done her homework and when you don't do your homework then most likely you will fail.

Spike has wondered in at the wrong time and now has been tagged.

Now this is just a little too weird for my liking the whole dispersing Buffy and Riley fighting with them sleeping together is really a distracting way to get the point across and Walsh is really creepy watching them! Oh and that Grin is just disturbing.

Spike seeks help from the Good guys and they are less than thrilled with helping. Still don't understand why vampires feel pain from things that are not stuff that can kill them? The rules kind of change a bit at times.

Willow and Buffy are drifting apart and I see now why Jess and April don't like Riley. (Although I don't think it's his fault. He is just a tool being used.) Great work with the hair after the spell! Oh and for all you doctors out there when operating on a vampire make sure you get them drunk on Brandy first!

Buffy has fallen for Walsh's trap and it seems she is enjoying the show way too much. (I have a feeling that Buffy is not dead like the tech says.) A cheap way to save on costly monster makeup is to get the actors to wear a really big cloak. Walsh's acting is so bad that even Riley couldn't believe this? Now he definitely doesn't believe it with Buffy giving Walsh a warning that she shouldn't mess with the Slayer.

Buffy has come around and we get a monologue from Walsh! Thankfully we are put out of our misery of hearing anymore of this tripe with Walsh getting impaled by the creature she created!

Ugh! What a crappy episode. The direction was as bad as I have seen and the story made little to no sense with the twists very formulaic. It seems it may be down hill from here. As I really couldn't care less about a SUPER DEMON Created by the government running loose. (It seems it is old ground that is being covered again.)


Well a bit of a mixed bag this time. The big reveal for the season is a bit of a fizzler at best. At least I don't have to see Walsh again.

Anyway, we'll catch you next time for Goodbye Iowa hopefully something can be salvaged from the last act of this season.